Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

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Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hebheephep » Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:39 am

I was playing the game when I saw mods being discussed in the newbies guild chat. Someone was saying: "shhh mods are here" and I jokingly said: "fuck mods".

A single sentence, two damn words and for that I earned a 24h mute.

So I went offline and when I tried to log back in I was given the "too many log in attempts" prompt despite this being MY FIRST LOG IN ATTEMPT. It's been 30 + hours now and I still can't log in.

Now this could just be a coincidence but I doubt it. Or maybe my account seriously just got restricted for saying this.

Seriously what the fuck is going on? This is the worst mod experience in my entire life. Who the fuck is given this ultimate power to just mute people for a whole day on a whim and then possibly even ban their accounts?

I am at a point where i am 90% sure that I won't even play anymore. I am just making this post to warn anyone.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Nilay » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:01 am

Well, it's hard, but for the past three weeks and more with the influx of new players, there has been a wave of really bad spirited players trying their best to play with mod tolerance, or discussing the rules 24/7 (with insulting messages and really rude words and insinuations everywhere). I've noticed that now the response is basically a harsh punishment since discussion doesn't work with them. I guess that's the only remotely effective way when you have to deal with so many players. My answer is obviously not the official one and I have nothing to do with moderation, I've just been observing the /world, discord and forums for a few months.

I think it's likely that you've been thrown into the meat grinder because no exceptions can be made with so many players, also your message is not sympathetic either, and it seems to me that rather than a question, you have already decided that it is unfair. But just know that "Fuck the mods" is already a violation of Turtlewow's charter rules towards the Staff (viewtopic.php?p=12795#p12795 and eventually viewtopic.php?p=12806#p12806).
I used to play eagerly here.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Redmagejoe » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:07 am

Take the L like a man and maybe don't make unfunny "jokes".

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Jarrick » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:12 am

Hebheephep wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:39 am
I was playing the game when I saw mods being discussed in the newbies guild chat. Someone was saying: "shhh mods are here" and I jokingly said: "fuck mods".

A single sentence, two damn words and for that I earned a 24h mute.

So I went offline and when I tried to log back in I was given the "too many log in attempts" prompt despite this being MY FIRST LOG IN ATTEMPT. It's been 30 + hours now and I still can't log in.

Now this could just be a coincidence but I doubt it. Or maybe my account seriously just got restricted for saying this.

Seriously what the fuck is going on? This is the worst mod experience in my entire life. Who the fuck is given this ultimate power to just mute people for a whole day on a whim and then possibly even ban their accounts?

I am at a point where i am 90% sure that I won't even play anymore. I am just making this post to warn anyone.
So behave next time instead of attacking staff like a child. You had no reason to say that to the mods.

Posts: 8

Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hebheephep » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:17 am

Nilay wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:01 am
Well, it's hard, but for the past three weeks and more with the influx of new players, there has been a wave of really bad spirited players
Mean spirited players. I literally spend my time making low lv gear to give out to newbie players for free. And if I find an item of another class or something that I can't use I give it to someone.

When I am mining and someone else wants to do that I either let them get 1 hit on the node or give it up entirely.

I admit that I sometimes trash talk, troll etc but I wasn't even doing any talking on that day. I literally got possibly banned for 2 words.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hebheephep » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:22 am

Jarrick wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:12 am

So behave next time instead of attacking staff like a child. You had no reason to say that to the mods.
I can't log into my account man. I barely did anything worth mentioning and I am being punished like I did something extremely horrible.

This is some serious power tripping.

Posts: 8

Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hebheephep » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:23 am

Redmagejoe wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:07 am
Take the L like a man and maybe don't make unfunny "jokes".
I ll take the "L" if I fail at logging in again right now. I ll just delete the client and find a game where I am not banned for several days over a simple fuck mods.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hebheephep » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:26 am

I failed to log in again. I am now 100% that my account was banned for saying "fuck mods".

At this point the only way for me to even play would be to go and beg whoever has the power to let me play.

But I can't do that. I am sorry for wasting your time guys.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Xerilin » Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:23 am

Hebheephep wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:26 am
I failed to log in again. I am now 100% that my account was banned for saying "fuck mods".

At this point the only way for me to even play would be to go and beg whoever has the power to let me play.

But I can't do that. I am sorry for wasting your time guys.
You can check whether your account is banned by logging in to the website and checking there. Then you know.
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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Geojak » Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:15 am

kinda harsh to hand out a bann for that. 24h mute would have been good enough as a warning imo.

i am hopefull OP would have taken the L, leaned, and knew to be carefull what to say in /world in the future. but like this, unnecessary drama was started by unnecessary harsh punishment.

on different severs nothing would have happened after his words. dont misuderstand, i dont advocate for allowing all kind of toxic talk, but people need havea chance to learn and change. they arent perfect. they make mistakes and they need to get used to what is not tolerated behaviour on twow. they arent all knowing and instantlz know that this server acutally cares unlike the toxic places they have been before. and for that a warning would have served the purpose much better

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Shroudedsoul » Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:10 pm

That's your reaction when you think Mods are around? Then you want to think you're the victim?

Well, that's one way to work towards a perma.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Maesus » Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:29 pm

Agree, this does not warrant a ban nor the 24h mute.

From what I gather, the player in question was not talking directly to mods. He spat out a stupid meme that's present literally everywhere, from reddit to 4chan.

If a moderator gets upset because someone indirectly said "fuck mods" then they are the issue, not the player. Mods need thicker skin than that, actually look into the person's behaviour and determine whether he deserves a ban or not.

Granted, I only know about one side of this conflict, but if it's an honest description of what happened, this feels like unfair abuse of power.

A stupid offhanded comment does not deserve the same treatment as actually bringing up forbidden topics, verbal abuse and targeted insults.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Bittermens » Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:12 pm

He behaved like a 4channer teenage tourist and got what he deserved.
Now he is crying there or at the other subtreddit, on which he was obviously busted because someone picked him saying the "gamer word" on chat.

Same ol history from a year ago.


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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Heine » Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:28 pm

Mods did good, cleared some toxic boy.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Wrathweaver » Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:46 pm

Well i dont know what happened at all.
But i am more in favour of warning and temporary ban for perhaps a day or a week or longer before perma ban.

If a month of ban has not changed them, then maybe another month ext before perma.
Everyone cheering permabands should remember that they themselves may be one day perma banned as well for clumsy in the spur of the moment stuff.
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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Akalix » Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:31 pm

Could you PM me your account name or the name of a character on it?

I hesitate to think you were banned for "fuck mods" -- I'd believe a mute, but not a ban.

I would be happy to provide further context.
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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Rat2156 » Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:09 pm

These stories almost always include more than what the poster is willing to say, so it's quite suspicious as per usual

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Kwayver » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:40 pm

Hebheephep wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:26 am
I failed to log in again. I am now 100% that my account was banned for saying "fuck mods".

At this point the only way for me to even play would be to go and beg whoever has the power to let me play.

But I can't do that. I am sorry for wasting your time guys.
You waited less than an hour, and jumped to this conclusion.
Regardless of the reason for your mute or ban, this tantrum won't win you any sympathy

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Draky » Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:57 am

Maesus wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:29 pm
Agree, this does not warrant a ban nor the 24h mute.

From what I gather, the player in question was not talking directly to mods. He spat out a stupid meme that's present literally everywhere, from reddit to 4chan.

If a moderator gets upset because someone indirectly said "fuck mods" then they are the issue, not the player. Mods need thicker skin than that, actually look into the person's behaviour and determine whether he deserves a ban or not.

Granted, I only know about one side of this conflict, but if it's an honest description of what happened, this feels like unfair abuse of power.

A stupid offhanded comment does not deserve the same treatment as actually bringing up forbidden topics, verbal abuse and targeted insults.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Draky » Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:58 am

Kwayver wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:40 pm
Hebheephep wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:26 am
I failed to log in again. I am now 100% that my account was banned for saying "fuck mods".

At this point the only way for me to even play would be to go and beg whoever has the power to let me play.

But I can't do that. I am sorry for wasting your time guys.
You waited less than an hour, and jumped to this conclusion.
Regardless of the reason for your mute or ban, this tantrum won't win you any sympathy
It has won my sympathy. If this is true then I'm 100% on his side and he doesn't deserve the ban. or the mute.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Hamidlol1 » Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:49 pm

I got banned for 5 hours for spamming a bugged (1 line) macro in the newcomer guild chat for 3 seconds. I can understand the GMs heavily moderating public chats to keep them clean but.. come on.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Kwayver » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:50 am

Draky wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:58 am
Kwayver wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:40 pm
Hebheephep wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:26 am
I failed to log in again. I am now 100% that my account was banned for saying "fuck mods".

At this point the only way for me to even play would be to go and beg whoever has the power to let me play.

But I can't do that. I am sorry for wasting your time guys.
You waited less than an hour, and jumped to this conclusion.
Regardless of the reason for your mute or ban, this tantrum won't win you any sympathy
It has won my sympathy. If this is true then I'm 100% on his side and he doesn't deserve the ban. or the mute.
"If it is true"
They've won your conditional sympathy. Fantastic.

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Razzz » Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:25 pm

Hamidlol1 wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:49 pm
I got banned for 5 hours for spamming a bugged (1 line) macro in the newcomer guild chat for 3 seconds. I can understand the GMs heavily moderating public chats to keep them clean but.. come on.
I think I might have been looking at Newcomer's chat when that macro spam happened actually.

The OP sounds overly dramatic, but I'm also saying that as someone that wasn't there or whatever.

As for the macro spam incident....the spammer apologized immediately, and everybody who responded to it knew it was a mistake and joked about it in a friendly manner.
So for that specific incident then yeah, that was a bit unfair to ban even for a short amount of time.
NOPE. dead_turtle_head

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Re: Muted for 24h by power tripping mods

Post by Oggrassbone » Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:24 am

You fucked around and found out

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