A small change could make a difference

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Posts: 29

A small change could make a difference

Post by Hauntingsforum » Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:04 pm

Hello Folks,

first of thanks for the awesome project u have running here. Classic + is what i wished for so long now i found it! <3

Im trying to make a melee hunter viable. There are tons of changes needed i think to make this happen BUT a small one could help.

Aspekt of the Wolf

very interesting but i dont think the downside is needed here. A allready poor specc getting more limited is always a bad idea. But i get the vision behind it and i like it now my suggestion:

Make Stings usable with throwing weapons. This way u have one more dot to use and since survival and beastmaster have alot of cc and slows it could create a fun playstyle where u make use of it to place ur dot.

Edit: Also maybe make throwing weapons be useable while running. Always felt sad there is no usage of throw weapons when the range unit in wc3 was a Troll with a throwing spear.

Ofc this wont give ur melee hunter a raid spot but it would fit the theme of a hunter and stays in the vision of the talent. No bows, xbows, guns but u can use ur stings with throwing weapons. Since u specc into survival for melee hunter where u got the talents for vipernsting and an xtra cc sting this would make alot of sense in my eyes.

Dont wanna go to far into this but i think u get the picture. Enter battle with dot --> go into melee range fight cc --> get some distance and dot again. So the class would fit another role between mid range and melee.

Have a good one! ;)

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