Griefing hardcore players by ganking them when they get unknowingly pvp enabled

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Griefing hardcore players by ganking them when they get unknowingly pvp enabled

Post by Tehsun » Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:19 pm

Greetings, Developers of Turtle WoW,

In this forum topic I would like to:
- Report serial hardcore player griefing at the quest [The Attack!]
- Report an undocumented case of pvp enabling from a quest
- Propose an additional modification of hardcore players

Report serial hardcore player griefing at the quest [The Attack!]
This is not a case of casting a helpful spell on a pvp enabled fellow faction member and the bad luck of running into enemy gank. This is thought out serial griefing of hardcore players. The quest is in Stormwind Keep, an enemy capitol city, in a room literally next to the throne chambers. People have go a long way and sneak into an enemy city.

There were at least 7+ tombstones in the quest area, at the time of writing. This player knows what he is doing. He did not and likely will not stop at the current 7+ players he has killed. This would likely continue on until he is banned. As I have heard is the resolution of such cases. But even then he would have wasted the time of many dedicated hardcore players. Because the target levels for that quest are levels 20 - 30. Time and effort have been spent, friendships were forged.

I plead that the players, victims of this targeted griefing – including myself and my friends, be revived. This griefing is a byproduct of how pvp enabling has worked before hardcore WoW was a thing.

Report an undocumented case of pvp enabling from a quest
You get flagged for pvp when you cast - at least helpful - spells on the [Defias Traitor], spawned from [The Defias Brotherhood]. I post this finding here and not in [Quests That FLAG You on Hardcore], as I do not want it literally listed for griefers to exploit. This would mean an even more convenient way of killing unwittingly pvp enabled hardcore players, as they will be in the open fields and not within Stormwind.

Propose an additional modification of hardcore players.
Similar to reduced fall damage, make hardcore players unable to interact with other pvp enabled players and vice versa. Or at the very least remove pvp enabling on hardcore players when doing quests like the ones in [Quests That FLAG You on Hardcore]. Basically treat hardcore players as special needs people.

As this has and continues to be a source of griefing hardcore players.

On a personal note.
I have failed at this challange many times over. All mistakes within my control, I did not complain or even think of appealing and simply started anew. But such griefing - any lethal griefing - is unacceptable.

Kind regards,
A humble Turtle Wow player

Posts: 11

Re: Griefing hardcore players by ganking them when they get unknowingly pvp enabled

Post by Jarrick » Sun Apr 09, 2023 2:34 am

Dang this is a cool thing for papers. Thanks for explaining!

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Re: Griefing hardcore players by ganking them when they get unknowingly pvp enabled

Post by Paw » Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:33 pm

This issue is under revisement atm afaik.

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