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Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:56 pm
by Mrballs48
I have some great suggestions on how to make wow vanilla great again:
1. Account wide perks for reaching max lvl on different hardcore class characters. Abilities can share cds across the account.
Mage - teleport to Undercity/Darnassus. 60 min CD
Hunter - "Treasure Hunter's Mark". If npc gets killed while marked, gives extra loot worth ~1-3g, maybe even a unique loottable with some unique items can be dropped. 15 min CD.
Shaman - talking to elementals scattered across the world will give you buffs for 2h. Movement speed, dmg, more the good stuff.
Paladin - Instant hearthstone.
Warrior - "Warrior's Reserve" - Expand bagspace by 8
Druid - ability to turn yourself into a small squirrel. When in squirrel form, only beasts attack you. 60s duration. 15 min CD.
Warlock - allows you to speak demonic and enter areas occupied by demons where you can get access to vendors which sell stuff. Demonic runes, unique trinkets, some special unique stuff.
Priest - ressurect
If all classes reached 60: can summon special bosses with some special loot.

2.I know it, you know it, lack of tanks sucks hard so just make more of them
Warlock demonology and enhancement shamans seem like a great opportunity for some op tanking action, make it happen.

3. Dungeoneering is near worthless in vanilla, ZG,AQ20 comes out, why even bother.
Don't know how, but the loot system needs some kind of overhaul on max levels to keep dungeons still viable. Otherwise what's even the point of most of this content.

4.Drop talent respec to 0g.
You know it, i know it, your mama know it, it needs to happen. Creating any friction to play both PvE and PvP even 5gs is worthless. Pay 5g? how about i alt tab to my league of cancer and skip the fee?

5.Make queueing to BGs available in the open world and upon exiting bg, port the player where he was when he accepted the port to bg.

Who's gonna implement all these changes? Mexico of course.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:18 pm
by Sinrek
Dr Disrespect please log back in properly, we know it's you.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:00 pm
by Wrathweaver
Most things on this list is just to buff everything it seems, some good ideas on warlock, shaman and perhaps mage.
These things is something that should be for all levels, for some players much of the game ends at max lvl.
But buffing or making things easier is what every other servers does and some players dont like "super op up to 60 in 2 hours, max gold looting" and other cheap stuff like that.

This is a vanilla server.
Turtle wow has gone too far and needs to take a step back and not forward.
Make things harder and slower like a metal shell painted green tied to ones legs to drag you down into the murky depths.

1:"If all classes reached 60: can summon special bosses with some special loot" Too powerful and too much focus on 60.

4:Inflation is a problem, respec costing money is good.

Instant HS for Paladin without even mentioning no cooldown crusader strike and removal of Jotc holy damage debuff which changes everything about the class?
Are you kidding me now? [mad_turtle_head
Crusader strike without cooldown and holy debuff(only option) is a nightmare from a vanilla gameplay point of view, heretical and everything that should not be mentioned.
Boring to play if you are the type who came here to play vanilla classes.
Every other class but Paladin is Great and Feels Great to Play and level, added new things but not removed the core gameplay.

Paladins need a nerf, not a buff.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:09 pm
by Mac
Warlocks being able to speak Demonic and Shamans being able to speak Kalimag (the language of elementals) would be great.

Druids at one point had a Scout form that let them turn into a critter that other NPCs wouldn't harm. One of their many scrapped forms.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:57 pm
by Undeadtlr
Personally I don't like the idea of anything being account wide. I like the fact that each character is it's own being. I get it I'm the player but I play wow to escape reality for a little while each week and for that time I get to be not me. It's refreshing.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:00 pm
by Xerilin
Undeadtlr wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:57 pm
Personally I don't like the idea of anything being account wide. I like the fact that each character is it's own being. I get it I'm the player but I play wow to escape reality for a little while each week and for that time I get to be not me. It's refreshing.
I agree. This is a role playing game. Character's achievements should be kept seperate.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:16 pm
by Andromath
Mac wrote:
Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:09 pm
Warlocks being able to speak Demonic and Shamans being able to speak Kalimag (the language of elementals) would be great.

Druids at one point had a Scout form that let them turn into a critter that other NPCs wouldn't harm. One of their many scrapped forms.
The suggestion for mages seems odd. We already have a teleport spell for Darnassus/Undercity. Why another one, with a long cooldown?

Honestly I'd rather mages got some kind of equivalent to travel form, either as a levitation effect (WC3 sorceress units levitated, I have no idea why Blizzard gave that spells to priests), or even a Raven form (although this feels like it heavily infringes not only on the Druid thematic of flight form, but also this was something almost exclusive to Medhiv).

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:11 am
by Zirek
This thread perfect example of why game designers should always listen players but they should rarely do what they say.
Because most of the players wants to turn Vanilla into retail WoW . Especialy things like account wide stuff is literaly antithesis of what Vanilla WoW is .

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:13 am
by Vitali
I believe the Mage perk was supposed to be sort of the account wide perks listed.
All characters would receive a port to undercity and/or darnassus once you get a mage to 60 on your account.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:42 am
by Szachmatsky
Zirek wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:11 am
This thread perfect example of why game designers should always listen players but they should rarely do what they say.
Because most of the players wants to turn Vanilla into retail WoW . Especialy things like account wide stuff is literaly antithesis of what Vanilla WoW is .
Changes on this server are currently a blessing, but I hope they do not become a curse....
I myself have started playing here for a short time, but browsing through the forums I see a lot of topics set up by users with a few posts (I assume there are newbies here too) with proposed changes that, while they look great at first glance, won't lead to anything good. People want huge buffs for the classes they themselves play.
I also don't understand why, after so many years, players still care so much about being TOP. Getting to 60 as fast as possible, who will do the most damage on a raid, whether they will finish a raid in half an hour or 45 minutes or in 47.... It's all been done, everything has been conquered, tested, finished.
Let's enjoy the game. If things are really that bad, then change the game/server/patch, maybe WOW is just not for you anymore. You're burnt out, bored with it.
Maybe I sound a bit like I want to tell someone how to play the game, but that's not my intention. It's more like relationship advice. If a partner doesn't suit you, don't try to change him or her entirely.

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:00 am
by Illyane
Zirek wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:11 am
This thread perfect example of why game designers should always listen players but they should rarely do what they say.
Because most of the players wants to turn Vanilla into retail WoW . Especialy things like account wide stuff is literaly antithesis of what Vanilla WoW is .
If only there were like buttons on the forum...

Re: Make vanilla great again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:37 pm
by Wrathweaver
Illyane wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:00 am
Zirek wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:11 am
This thread perfect example of why game designers should always listen players but they should rarely do what they say.
Because most of the players wants to turn Vanilla into retail WoW . Especialy things like account wide stuff is literaly antithesis of what Vanilla WoW is .
If only there were like buttons on the forum...