by Noce » Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:50 am
Ghost Wolf
completely change or remove from game. i never understud why it was given to shamans to morph into wolf. and why only to wolf? snake, eagle and wolf are animals that came to my mind related to shamans. it would be cool to add somekind of aspects like hunts have to increase speed. but u dont get dazed and u cant att while u r in this aspect or smtn like that. call it ANIMAL INSTICT or w/e. it could also work as SHAMANISTIC RAGE but just give speed burst and some avoidance/absorb (Cyclone)shield/reduced dmg taken. OR make it baseline spell and remove it from talents. bcoz 2 talents spent and not get instant cast is stupid. why only druids to have all fun?
we need clense. would be nice to have it as base spell, or just give it to resto. there are alot of space to get it into talent tree.
shamans need some kind of CC. all shamans not just trolls. make it same as poly. and give trolls some kind of shadow spell as class-race specific. alot to choose from. shadow dot like glave throw, poison dart, snake totem, shadow shock..
give us CASTER totems. increse cast speed, add spell dmg or smtn like that. i could see it as base spell or give it to ELE in talents.
Wpn Imbue
also a possibility here. casters need somekind of imbues. could also mimic paladins seals to give mana back and/or mini stuns. mbe in form of chance on crit, or to use up active shield.
enha need it in some way and form. to give instant cast chance on crit mele or spell.
if u wish to go on this path to give shamans to tank, and be proper tank we need taunt. and make fire totems add up to shamans threat.
Earth Shock
Earth Shock - it rly should be devided. it could get that reduced melee attack. if not, then make only a dmg spell w/o high threat.
Wind Shear - if ES get devided then we need a WS as result of that. id say only in form of intterupt w/o lowering threat
Make each spec desired in it own unique way
having sed that it would be so nice that when u make raids when deciding why u want specificaly each spec of shamans in raids.
- so give ELE a unique totem to boost casters, id give them also that thunderhead thing its nice concept (or keep it in enha since its wc3 thing and id keep this thing).
- give RESTO ability to cast EARTH SHIELD on ppl and clense(if we dont get it as base spell). also MANA TIDE could be redone to give a mana+hp regen.
- ENHA could get a FERAL Wolves. BLOODLUST can be only enha thing but then it must be a PARTY buff. id rather have it as BASE spell and keep it as SINGLE target cast as is atm. not sure if we need 2nd mele spell, it wont hurt but mbe op. as for dual wield, cant hurt to have it.
General changes:
make totemic mastery a base thing
give us some custom quest to combine all of ours totems. 4 bag slots used is rly too much.
make totems last untill EXPIRE or DESTROYED. not to dissapear after you die
make that talent swap of totemic focus and tidal focus (as it was intended)
Water Shield and Earth Shield would be nice to get while lvling not only at 60
Stormstrike COULD possibly be a elemental dmg increase, not just nature. so we can use frost and fire shocks also
talents such as [Restorative Totems] [Ancestral Knowledge] [Reverberation] are somewhat useles, weak and mostly always skipped. those could be remade or removed in favour of some new talents.
all those changes only add up to the each spec uniqueness and playability, not insane numbers and op. all can be perfectly balanced.