It leads to situation where, you need to spend insane time outside of battleground to be ready to play that battleground. You can level farming character to get gold or you can farm gold as your twink.
While you prepare character for battleground, you don't actually play battleground.
My proposal is to fix that situation somehow.
There are two grand directions:
- Allow to get powerful enchants by playing low level battlergound.
- Nerf high level enchants on low level gear.
For example add quest to exchange X marks to 110 hp head/leg enchants and Y marks for 170 hp shoulder enchant. They should be available on lvl 1, because current Arcanum of Constitution and Fortitude of the Scourge can be enchanted without level restriction.
It is totally possible now to farm gold for enchants by fishing or mining. But you don't pvp meanwhile. I see it as one of the reasons of why there are so few people in battlegrounds.
It will also add long-term goal for every participant. The longer each player will play, the more players will be simultaneously.
Those enchants should be slightly better than current to make them best option. If they will be slightly better, then all existing twinks will upgrade their current enchants. Nothing will be taken from them. All existing twinks will get a reason to return and play battlegrounds.
Main minus of this solution compared to nerfing is powercreep. More stamina for everyone. But I think more health for PvP is fine. It also help to reduce amount of bursty fights.
Ideally, those enchants should be not earned by winning/losing battleground. They should be earned by carrying flag to mid or killing flag carrier outside of your base. General idea is not to punish players for long warsong matches. If fight is long, then reward should scale linearly with time spent in active fight.
Nerfing high-level enchants
Main minus of all those options is that players lose something valuable from them.
It can be implemented in different ways:
1. Add level restrictions to enchants in TBC way. Add "Only usable on items level 35 and above" requirement. Like Rugged Armor Kit has now.
It is probably simplest solution. It works for already applied enchants and for any new one.
Though it might be unintuitive to see no error message. If people don't know about this, they will write countless bugreports.
5. Disable any enchants when you stop xp or pick Turtle glyph. Grant xp on PvP kills.
In this solution, PvE twinks are still able to use enchants for fast leveling. Turtle levelers have additional restriction which slow their leveling. It will also not be possible to allow xp and do suicide runs to remove xp by death with turtle glyph.
Downside is that even weak enchants can't be used.
Without level restrictions we have twinks with 19 lvl enchanted like they are 60 lvl. I like playing battlegrounds on low levels. I am absolutely understand the rules "get your best gear, enchant it to max and go play". It is a bit hard to get good enchants playing only low level and I accept that challenge.
But I think that using high level enchants on a low level characters is a flaw in design.
My reasons:
1. This change fits a concept of using consumables and buffs of appropriate level. All potions require specific player level. Low level players can't drink high level potions. All grenades require specific engineering skill. Low level players can't use high level grenades. If you buff player with high-level Power word: Shield, he gets buff of appropriate level.
2. This change will reduce the gap between twinks and non-twinks. It will lead to more fair play.
3. This change will improve market of low level enchantment reagents and services. Currently noone is offering low level enchants. Noone needs that enchants either. People level enchanting by enchanting single item over and over.
4. Blizz tried to change that flaw in Burning Crusade with item level requirement. You could not enchant Mongoose on weapon with item level lower than 35. Though they have added this requirement only to BC enchants.
P.S. Librams should apply level requirement too
P.S.2 Possible exceptions
P.S.3 More low level enchants