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Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:05 pm
by Oolaatris
Apologies if this has been suggested before.
Currently guards are very quick to aggro and attack my character despite holding out her diplomatic papers to show that she is not an enemy.
I purpose something along the lines of a glyph of neutrality/diplomacy that makes you neutral with opposite faction NPC's for the sake of RP and not being attacked when in an opposite faction area. There would have to be some restrictions, like you cannot engage in or flag for PVP while it is active and it can only be turned on or off at a specific NPC in your faction's capital (to prevent using this to get close to a faction leader and than flagging for a kill). This would allow people to attend RP events regardless of faction (unless the event specifies that the opposite faction is not allowed) as diplomats or as individuals who do not swear allegiance to any one faction.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:12 pm
by Oonadruidqueen
I joined Turtle because of the shot at a great Vanilla RP experience, while there are still RPers out there the recent surge in population has diluted the pool with non-rpers. Everyone deserves to enjoy this awesome server but I think this would be a great thing to implement so long as it is done in such a way that people cant use it.
I know that there are probably people that say 'Horde characters have no place in Stormwind' and thats perfectly fine, but as we've seen Horde RP is extremely sparse so it would be good if we could at least more easily access the venues that Alliance commonly uses without having to sneak or corpse drag in.

I have sincere doubts that we will get this strictly on 'lore reasons' but truthfully I just want more ways for RPers to interact with each other. We're already incredibly outnumbered, the logistics issue of just makes it more difficult.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:20 pm
by Notawen

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:35 pm
by Imonobor
+1 Sounds like a really nice RP feature!

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:02 pm
by Olgert
And Glyph for FFA also pls, for PvP RP

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:09 pm
by Raukodor

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:42 pm
by Jaswinder
Maybe we should make a chain of quests for the "emissary of the horde" to get such a glyph, so that the phenomenon was not super frequent. but the proposal is good.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 6:17 pm
by Ugoboom
big +1 totally agree. I'm not a lore guy, but aren't horde and alliance not at war in this point in time? Racial exclusion from eachothers' cities wouldn't be in the cards I believe. Could also let you do opposite factions' quests this way, and quest up from lv 1 with your dwarf buddy while I'm on my orc, for example. Right now, only dungeons are viable for leveling with your xfaction buddies, and this is quite limiting.

So yeah, make it possible for non-pvpers to gain this benefit of being able to see the other factions, get rep rewards with them, basically double the citystate content for a pretty simple dev change. Would be very much a fresh new take on what the world of azeroth can feel like.

(You could also change WCB to apply to alliance players in orgrimar for less nonsense in this department. this would kill another reason that alliance players feel the need to roll horde for raiding minmaxing)

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:31 pm
by Bayanni
Sort of like an anti-warmode glyph that breaks if you enter pvp mode or otherwise invalidates itself and you can't get it back?

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:40 am
by Markuis
Bayanni wrote:
Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:31 pm
Sort of like an anti-warmode glyph that breaks if you enter pvp mode or otherwise invalidates itself and you can't get it back?
The invalidation part is the one that would work. If you can break it by yourself (i.e. activating pvp) then you could exploit the glyph to get past the guards and strike somewhere else.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 3:11 pm
by Thol
I don't really understand what some people mean by roleplay tbh, since Orcs and Forsaken chilling in Stormwind would make no sense lorewise.
Retail players are used to peace between Horde and Alliance, but during vanilla, Orc invasions happened just a few decades ago. First War 25 years ago, Second War, 20 years ago and third war (Arthas), 5 years ago.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:54 pm
by Geojak
How about a "can not be pvp flagged, can not engage or be engaged into pvp outside of bgs" glyth as a starter

Also - 5% exp as a price

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:47 am
by Mac
No PVP at all (including battlegrounds), and if you flag PVP in any way, you lose your neutrality status and can't get it back.

They'd also have to go through and check all the custom quests because I'm pretty sure some are flagged for both horde and alliance when they should be horde only or alliance only.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:24 am
by Infhib
While I don't RP I do like feeling immersed in the game. I already dislike how much you can cooperate with the opposite faction and I feel it lessens the experience I play for. So -1

BUT it is already a rppve realm so I do think this suggestion would fit well into that server description.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:38 pm
by Charcoal
Maybe for glyphs of neutrality, you have to put in the work to get to, at most, unfriendly reputation with the opposing faction perhaps? That way you still don't get benefits of having the opposite faction's quests, flight paths, and rewards and doesn't break the game.
And glyph of free for all could be you are hated by both factions (so no alliance and horde quests available but you can still do faction neutral quests), but you get some benefits specific to that glyph as you level up.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:17 pm
by Mimmy
the pvp situation is already messy, right now warmode is like a disease, if you buff someone or party with someone who is pvp flagged then you also get pvp flagged, with this behavior still in this state if you were to be "neutral" then accidentally touching anyone with pvp on would screw you over. But right now it seems like a lot of people are pvp flagging themselves more than usual, it would be nice to see some anti-pvp stuff like this

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:50 am
by Thol
PvP flagging always worked like that in retail before War Mode, even on PvE realms. You get flagged when you heal or buff someone because otherwise it would be broken as you could heal someone engaging in PvP while being unattackable yourself. From what I've seen most people currently flag themselves with War Mode for the +30% bonus and that's why we see a lot of complaints about ganking.

A possible solution imo, apart from removing the XP bonus altogether, would be to make War Mode players only able to engage each others in PvP. Most gankers currently do not even use War Mode themselves, they use /pvp and unflag if a 60 comes protect the leveling lowbies.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:27 pm
by Littlebirdd
and also for FFA too please

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:41 pm
by Tortugaaaaa
This sounds like an interesting idea, but for it to work, I think that it should completely turn off all exp gains (except for quest turn ins maybe) until disabled back in a capital.
It is a roleplaying glyph after all, and a distinct adventage in certain areas (like swamp of sorrows alliance).

I also agree with Charcoal, that having to work for it sounds very cool.

I think it should probably carry some limitations like "If you pvp, you lose reputation" or other "stick to neutrality" kind of stuff that you have to pay back otherwise.

Re: Glyph of Neutrality

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:30 am
by Markuis
Could also work by limiting the places you can visit. Maybe you can access some cities but not all. And not every part of the city. It wouldn't make sense to let the neutrals visit the leader chambers, maybe certain key locations such as flight masters or docks/air docks. Those places could be guarded by NPCs that would still be hostile towards intruders.

And the quest part should be a must. Not every new player should be able to get it right away or with a minium effort. Its a roleplay thing after all.