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merge all local trade chats and make it one global channel

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:02 am
by Geojak
the standard game offers local

/1 general usefull to find local groups for local quests
/2 local trade chat which noobodies uses like ever
/3 loca defense, maybe would be usefull on a pvp server

also we get
/4 LFG which i think is global but also nobody uses becuase you need to opt in

currently everything is done in world chat, that is finding groups, trading, discussions.
the higher the pop the harder this becomes to read and less enjoable

LFT already heped alot to lower the amount of LFM LFG post for 5 man dungeons atleast.

I think this can be firther improved.

merge all local trade cahts into one global trade chat that players are automatically opted into
now /2 can be used for global selling, buying looking for crafter and enchanter
it would only work if gms would actively tell ppl to use /2 for trading when they do so in world chat until it eventaully becomes the norm

Re: merge all local trade chats and make it one global channel

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:03 pm
by Dasenel
true and also a separate LFG chat, maybe we should make characters join it by default like general, trade etc

Re: merge all local trade chats and make it one global channel

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:25 pm
by Rhynera
A separate trade chat specifically for hardcore though. We have our guild chat spammed when a world channel for people trading items to other hardcore people within +/- 5 levels of them would be ideal.

Re: merge all local trade chats and make it one global channel

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:49 pm
by Ugoboom
did you even check this yourself before making this post? come on man
trade chat is a global channel to all 6 main cities. this is blizzlike and also the case on this server. what you are asking for is already a thing

Re: merge all local trade chats and make it one global channel

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:46 pm
by Geojak
I did not know it connects all city. That's cool. Thought most pply aren't inside cities,while almost everyone is in world chat.

IF you rly want trade chat to be an altesntove to world, it needs to be real global, not just all major cities connected. You want to advertise to people out questing too.