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Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:33 pm
by Infhib
I think the bs/lw/tailoring crafting professions would be way more attractive if they had a few BoP items throughout the leveling that people couldn't just buy. Right now there really isn't any reason not to pick engineering/alchemy over the others since you can just buy the stuff other crafters make.

Thanks for reading smiling_turtle_head

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 1:55 am
by Broxas
Quest lines would be fun too for those things :)

Or even just dumb stuff like crafting "costumes"

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:15 am
by B3tabob
I think there are some quests for professions, but I'm not entirely sure.

But I support the idea of profession quests. Just like class quests, they are very fun, and running around the world to gather rare quest specific mats would be very thematic.

If you're a miner, there is always joy in getting some quests at mines, because you know that there will be ore. Well, if you're getting sent to a remote mineshaft where there aren't any reasons to go otherwise, it would feel special as well. Same could go for other professions. Skinners sent to skin exotic animals, herbalist to an overgrown grove, tailors to a gnoll village where they've learned the beauty of different fabrics (kind of a joke this one).

These are my 2 cents, would love to hear other ideas.

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:10 am
by Infhib
Personally I would just be happy if I felt like the other professions weren't suboptimal and basically just for fun/RP.

Quests would be a fun addition at some point though, they already exist for the specialisations and I love that stuff. A leatherworking example is when you get a chain of quests that reward recipes that you then need to learn and craft to become a tribal leatherworker.
For gathering professions you could maybe have a quest when you want to learn expert skinning or something. I don't see much fun in gathering quests beyond that though, but that's probably just personal preference.

And again, I mostly just want to feel like choosing bs/lw/tailoring is more justified, doesn't need to be as good or make as much money but I would really appreciate something more.

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:27 am
by Markuis
I agree. For leatherworking/skinning it should be about killing and skinning certain creatures whose skin binds when looted and that is a mat for certain item you can craft after yo u finish the quest.

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:49 am
by F41lz0rs
I would like to see an over haul on the entire crafting system, fix illogical things like skinning monsters for already salted, dried, tanned, and stretched leather with a chance of getting raw whole hide.......... i would have them skin the hide every time then tan them as a skinner, then LW can opt to break them down into multiple leather each.

then tweak teh recipes to have better stats instead of making 2 things for one class or spec. more chance on hit or being hit effects to have fun quirks.

give the recipes smaller mat costs for the crap stats on the gear, more mats that interconnect professions for like the BS belt buckle.... there should be a buckle for every belt. so have BS make a buckle for each metal type. almost all armor save cloth needs straps and stuff so lets have LW'ers make straps for each leather type, etc.

Re: Improved blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:46 pm
by Infhib
That sounds like you're adding a lot of more work for the same results though, not sure most players would appreciate more grind in their professions. As someone who loves survival games I do see the immersive appeal of it, even though I think it might be very hard to implement in a good way into wow.