How to make Tents better and more immersive

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How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Valste » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:48 am

Although many will crucify me for the very notion of suggesting this, here goes!

1. Make it so that tents require you to be in a party, and cannot be stacked.

This will actually give reason for people to group up and interact with one another. It will also feed into the RP aspect of a group of adventurers setting up camp and breaking bread with one another in the wilderness. Stacking tents is also just kind of silly. It looks weird, and is immersion breaking - even as someone who doesn't RP or anything.

2. Make it so that Inns aren't useless so people don't just build tents right outside them.

Inns seem kind of pointless with how tents are set up, there's no incentive to be in one when there are tents outside that give way more rested bonus. A potential fix there would be to make it so that you can pay the innkeeper to "rent a room" or something which will give you rested bonus or even a buff. This makes it so that Inns aren't completely sidelined.

Anyway, these are just some ideas for the TurtleWoW devs. Curious to see if anyone has other ideas as well.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Akalix » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:55 am

I think the core idea behind this of increasing the immersion by requiring a group to form and huddle together, resting and relaxing together is great.

My two concerns are that this will primarily effect low level HC's who are unable to group with higher level tent-makers, and that the inns do still serve a purpose--if you log out under a tent, you do not gain any rested experience, while you do in an inn. I would love to hear more about the idea of renting a room in an inn.
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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Valste » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:30 am

As to it affecting low level HCs, I can maybe see that as an issue, however, there may also be a way of solving their lack of access to tents with Inns.

As to the renting of rooms at an Inn, that one would be simple enough. There's also an opportunity to differentiate it with how tents work. While tents are more "chill and relax", and sit around the campfire. Inns can provide players with a way to get instant rested experience for a cost.

Tier 1 Peasant Room: For 10 silver you get 6 Bars rested XP
Tier 2 Adventurer's Room: 50 Silver you half-full rested XP
Tier 3 Nobleman's Room: 1 gold, you get full rested XP
etc etc

Of course a lot can be done with that as a whole. I think the notion of going to an Innkeeper and renting a room is pretty cool - also because you're actually paying to sleep in a bed, the effect should be quicker or even instant.

Just some spitball ideas tho.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Karrados » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:41 am

There is no reason to force people to do EVERYTHING together and the same goes for Tents.

While the idea is neat I don't want to be constantly forced to group with others to achieve things. Before someone says "This is a MMO, you have to group with others" that doesn't automatically mean you need to do it for EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

Leave Tents as they are, if people want to group up for that and talk with one another then they can do that, no need to force people into that role.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Valste » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:52 am

You think you don't...but you do!

But for real. Retail has already become a majorly solo experience, replicating it in Classic where social interaction was key to even progressing is kind of counter-intuitive. Nothing would be stopping someone from going out and learning survival profession and using it on themselves. What I am suggesting is that people that want to share the tent benefits with others will need to be grouped. Just having a bunch of stacked tents in goldshire with a bunch of people AFK isn't exactly a fun experience.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Pilgrimanime » Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:37 am

I support that you should not force interaction on people in any situation.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Valste » Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:55 am

Pilgrimanime wrote:
Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:37 am
I support that you should not force interaction on people in any situation.
I don't understand where the notion that anyone is forcing anything. No one forces me to do dungeons, but I will group up to do them to get some level of progression. But in the case of tents it's not even that. Nothing prevents anyone from learning how to build a tent themselves.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Gantulga » Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:17 am

I really don't understand why stacking tents is a thing.

Stumbling upon a dozen of people inside of a bunch of overlapping tents is as ridiculous and immersion-breaking as it gets. You walk through Goldshire and see a whole clown party outside, merging together instead of resting in the inn right next.

I think they should give something other than rested EXP. That's what inns are for.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Bnana » Sun Aug 21, 2022 1:26 pm

I like the idea of inns being more useful, perhaps it could be communal too? Instead of having people stick themselves into rooms, having them all hang around anywhere in the inn because someone paid for a boost to the rested exp in the inn would be really cool. Perhaps you pay for a feast at the inn, or adding logs to the fireplace, or a happy hour, something that goes on outside the rooms.

As a roleplayer, I could see it adding to the leveling experience having some casual RP with people (if they're not just afk) while waiting for our rested exp to go up.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Reploidrocsa » Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:47 am

Like... Repeatable quests at inns requiring different kinds of trade goods to give everyone who enters a stackable exp resting buff? And people asking the current level the inn is atm?

Something like: every inn has 5 repeatable quests, each ones gives players who enter the inn quicker rested xp, so in order to get all those 5 buffs we need to:

Improve the fireplace: requiring wood, cloth and maybe some gold

Set up a feast: requiring some meat, fish and gold

Sponsor a bard stories: requiring some pages of green hills of stranglethorn or some kind of book and gold

Drinks for everyone: requiring some alcohol, potions and gold

Buying local explorers information: requiring gems and gold

Capital inns cannot be upgraded

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Bnana » Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:41 am

I like that idea, gathering mats like how tents need mats. I think the drinking one should have hops as a mat, like the repeatable quest in Westfall for that one alcoholic dwarf. People returning to the inn with bags full of meat they don't use can just be put into the inn before they run out again with rested exp, would feel like a good cycle.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Citizenkane » Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:58 pm

With the way tents currently work, it is exceedingly easy for anyone to be in rested XP through the entire leveling process. For most, it might as well be a 2x XP server. The tent buff needs to be limited in scope, both in the amount of players that it benefits, and the extent to which it stacks. I support limiting it to party members for a start.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Linas » Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:14 pm

thanks for recommendations

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Zulnam » Fri Sep 02, 2022 4:55 pm

Sorry but i don't see how tents being party only would help RP, and i've been RPing for quite a while in twow.

If anything, RP tents should be actual tents (with a door and four walls) that give no rested bonus so as to not attract unwanted attention (a common issue for roleplayers). they could be a different item altogether in the Survival profession so as to not affect the existing gameplay. This way roleplaying expeditions will have tools to use in the Survival proffession that will actually be useful and also not matter except for the ones involved.

Making tents for your RP group only just screams asking for trouble as non-rpers will spot the tent, come by, and ask for group invite. now we can speculate wheter or not that request will be in character, but i think we all know the answer to that one...

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Friendz001 » Sat Sep 03, 2022 2:23 am

Akalix wrote:
Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:55 am
I think the core idea behind this of increasing the immersion by requiring a group to form and huddle together, resting and relaxing together is great.

My two concerns are that this will primarily effect low level HC's who are unable to group with higher level tent-makers, and that the inns do still serve a purpose--if you log out under a tent, you do not gain any rested experience, while you do in an inn. I would love to hear more about the idea of renting a room in an inn.
This would be terrible for lone wolves like me.

I love resting in the middle of Mulgore, after a hard grind, under my own little tent, its even part of my RP ruleset
that Im currently playing out, wich forbids me to use anybodys tent other then my own, except im in a group with them. This change would ruin that for me.

Only thing I wish is that I could learn how to make tents earlier, not at level 30.
Low level players use their mains or other peoples tents in Crossroads/Goldshire anyways,
so why not let them make a tent by themselves earlier, and reduce the stacking or XP gain.

Im pretty sure people wouldnt use tent-hubs anymore, instead they would plant their tents out in the world
and you would come across people sitting under a tent out in the world, if stacking wouldnt exist, and
people could build tents earlier.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Lasershadow » Sat Sep 03, 2022 12:29 pm

1: If you want "Party Required" tents then here's and idea: Make "Party Required" tents be the bigger tents. I have seen bigger tents from Dark Moon Faire and Centaur camps and Bloodhoof Village. Be nice to not see 30 people crammed into a small spot to get the Rested XP.
2: Inns are fine the way they are. They give passive Rested XP and allow instant logout safely and permanently while your not there. If anything Inns might need more features like maybe a dancing party for Rested XP bonus in Inns you can buy instead of tiny tent parked outside Goldshire and 30 people whining when one isn't up. Cost for dance party might be 50 copper or scale with zone.
Another thing I want is more variety of tents than just the little tarp on a stick. Maybe Yurts or DMF tents to build as you level up Survival.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Kyzen » Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:34 pm

I like the renting a room idea

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Velmerk » Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:16 pm

[quote=Valste post_id=22685 time=1660728609 user_id=110689]
As to it affecting low level HCs, I can maybe see that as an issue, however, there may also be a way of solving their lack of access to tents with Inns.

As to the renting of rooms at an Inn, that one would be simple enough. There's also an opportunity to differentiate it with how tents work. While tents are more "chill and relax", and sit around the campfire. Inns can provide players with a way to get instant rested experience for a cost.

Tier 1 Peasant Room: For 10 silver you get 6 Bars rested XP
Tier 2 Adventurer's Room: 50 Silver you half-full rested XP
Tier 3 Nobleman's Room: 1 gold, you get full rested XP
etc etc

Of course a lot can be done with that as a whole. I think the notion of going to an Innkeeper and renting a room is pretty cool
I like this but rather than getting instant rested, you pay 5 silver for a room and you have to log out in the inn and stay logged off for 8 hours and then when you return the the game. (Wake from a comfortable night in the inn) you get one whole or half a level in rested exp.
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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Thol » Thu Oct 06, 2022 3:39 am

I think it makes no sense for inns to be worse than makeshift tents, Inns should provide the maximum rested bonus so players can socialize in them, use the chairs dedicated for this and share stories around the fireplace.
Why are players sitting in the mud when there's a cosy inn 6 feet from them? satisfied_turtle_head

Imo Inns should passively provide maximum rested bonus and tents a fraction of it and stacking should not be possible.

Like Citizenkane pointed out it's a x2 server at this point, which seems to contradict Turtle WoW original concept. sad_turtle_head

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Markuis » Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:11 am

I agree that tents could be learned earlier, but having a bunch of people stacking under 5 tents next to the inns is ridiculous. If people is going to complain about it, well, maybe they want a glyph or some other easy way to have x2 exp. No need to also break immersion while gaining rested exp.

I'd rather boost a bit the passive rested exp the inns give, but I really like the ideas suggested here:
1 (Suggested by Valste) Pay money for a room and get extra rested exp, and
2 (suggested by Reploidrocsa) Do daily quests for an inn's exp increase that would ALSO affect other players. IE: the innkeeper ask you to kill 10 mobs (that are near the inn) or to collect logs for the fire, magic artifacts to activate a magic shield... whatever that fits the theme of the zone. And when one of these quest is done, the inn gets its rested exp bonus increased one level for an amount of time (half a day, one day, depends on the quest) then if someone else finishes the same quest, that quest's buff resets, if they do finish one of the other quests, the inn's rested exp bonus increases another level, up to 5 (like actual tents). So you can get it fast on crowded inns. Those quest could also give a little money back and some reputation. The innkeeper should tell you which buffs are active and the remaining time, in case you want to do one of the quests. Bonus if there are dungeon related quests, whose bonuses should last a bit longer. There is no need for those quest to be about collecting mats, as reducing the dangerousness of the zone should be beneficial for the inn and its safety.
(And the more immersive the world is, the less people will hurry to reach higher levels and the more they enjoy the leveling experience.)

Lastly, about the tents: the problem we have is that they aren't compatible with what they are based on: the buildings/areas that net us rested exp. We can't have them inside cities/inns but they are right outside, not in the wilderness, where they should be. It's hard to solve. I feel like there are many bonuses people could get from them that aren't rested exp. What about a stat increase? A damage increase? Something that still allows inns to be a source of rested exp yet keeps tents being useful. Here a few examples:
-Stay under a poorly built tent for 5/10/15 minutes and gain:
--2/4/6% damage and healing increase for 40 minutes.
-Stay under a decently built tent for 5/10/15 minutes and gain:
--2/4/6% stat increase and previous bonus for 40 minutes.
-Stay under a (next level) tent for 5/10/15 minutes and gain:
--4/8/12% Haste and Attack Speed and previous bonus for 40 minutes. You can rest on this tent.
Could be limited so that some of the buffs only affect people in a group with the tent maker.

I'd remove stacking, so higher level players won't go to Xroads/Goldshire for the stacking, and thus preventing the tent spam next to the inn. People could go to the inn for the rested exp, go to the tent (in case they do affect more players) and get the bonus (not necessarily next to the inn) then go their way.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Shamma » Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:24 am

So many good suggestions here. The post by Markuis just above is filled with good and interesting things. Maybe the only bad thing about it - some of these things might be quite difficult to implement as there is no current mechanic to base it on.

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Re: How to make Tents better and more immersive

Post by Markuis » Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:56 am

Shamma wrote:
Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:24 am
So many good suggestions here. The post by Markuis just above is filled with good and interesting things. Maybe the only bad thing about it - some of these things might be quite difficult to implement as there is no current mechanic to base it on.
For the tents' part there is a mechanic, the eating one. Let's say you drop a tent. You click it (like that launch table from later versions (don't know if it's also in this one)) and your char sits/lies down, then you get the "resting" buff, and just like eating, after the required amount of time has passed, you get your "well fed" equivalent, "well rested". Like when eating, if you stand up you stop "resting".

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