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[Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:28 pm
by Widogast
Ama noral'belore
Saved by the sun

Written on the inside cover of the journal:
I really overdid it last night, celebrating the small victory that I was able to grab for some of the townsfolk here in Goldshire. I don't even remember crawling into my bed last night, so I must have had way too much to drink of this watery swill. The letter that they left me told me that if I was going to go on adventures worth experiencing, they'd need to be written down. I think I agree, but only to a point. I will write for the sake of bridging the gap - to speak to you again. We were supposed to start training together and I was going to become strong enough so that you could retire, rest easy, and enjoy the beautiful meadows of Quel'thalas to their full measure. The pain runs thick through my veins, the nauseating feeling of always feeling empty, but I think of you and how much you must have had to endure for the sake of all of us, and I will not let this hunger consume me. I swear upon our promise that I will remain steadfast and one day I will stand before you as a swordsman you can be proud of and grant you the hero's burial you deserve. I will live for the both of us and honor your memory, my inspiration - the guiding hand behind my sword. Please, wherever you are: watch over me and I hope I make you proud. Make no mistake, I will live up to your legacy and surpass you. One day.

Entry 1: A Town of Beginnings, Elwynn Forest, 623KC:
For the last few days I've remained in Lion's Pride Inn, waiting for someone to reply to the listing I had sent to Stormwind with one of the traders passing through. I see the time given to me as a blessing, as I'm finding it a little more difficult to recover on my own. It pains me to think in such a way, but our reliance was turned against us so easily by an adversary of overwhelming force and power - truly no one in the world could have responded to such a threat and yet it still lingers just beyond our vision. A terrible thought. Rather than try my hand at any of the local job listings that were put up throughout Goldshire, I instead tried to get to know the locals and understand their way of life. The quaint calmness of the small town was refreshing. I was surprised by the lack of guardsmen from Stormwind, and could tell that it made the locals uncomfortable. I tried to look as competent and reliable as possible with my sword, but I believe the scraps of chain that I call armor might not do much for me in that regard. What was most embarrassing was the blacksmith noticing chains falling off of my mail vest, offering to do some slight repairs in exchange for my lending a hand with moving things around his shop. When your life consists of these simple pleasures and problems, it's so hard to imagine the world ablaze.

Andrew Krighton, the armorsmith, has quite the ear for information. With all the traffic that passes through Goldshire, he's keen to leaving the smith open to as many travelers as possible that want to stop in so long as they don't cause a problem. He's said he learned of all sorts of different tales and interesting bits of information that way. He spoke of a traveler that had come through recently from Duskwood, saying that he had encountered a beautiful elven woman with the body of a doe - while I've heard of dryads in stories and tales, I never thought I'd get to see one without traveling back to the untamed lands of Kalimdor. Just the same, he spoke of the legendary Stormwind Knights and their masterful ability on horseback and how they were capable of routing entire bands of orcs without pause. The perspectives of these humans are fascinating and they have made me begin to think of the world differently. In Quel'thalas, I would have never had this opportunity - to work and speak with a human as if we are kin. In the melting pot of Stormwind's kingdom, all of us - no matter our background - can be family. Perhaps the elves can learn a thing or two from our human allies, as too many of my own House-gatherings have turned into a comedy of squabbling. I recall some of the mountaineers from Ironforge that aided our arrival in Loch Modan to mention their own families being the same way, but looking forward to it. Rowdy and hearty, the Bronzebeard Dwarves have truly surprised my kin with their good nature and warm hearths.

If only their good nature and empathy were enough to remove the rot in my kinsmen's hearts. The hearthfolk of Ironforge have been nothing but kind and endearing, but too many of my people are locked in the horrors of the fall. Some days I struggle to find the strength to crawl out of bed, as I think of what more I could have done - what all we could have done more. King Anasterian Sunstrider and the Convocation of SIlvermoon stood at the Sunwell awaiting the arrival of that devil. My own blood greeted him before royalty, my pride swells knowing that he did not falter to fear while so many of us are still buckling under its weight. If I'm not careful, I can still feel that impossible cold that swept through the forests like a mist and gripped hold of my heart. Indescribable agony, my inspiration, is what you were spared from feeling in the wake of the Sunwell. I pray to all that is good in the world that you did not suffer, that you do not still suffer under that creature's thrall. Were that the case, it would not be enough to simply seek your sword and see it returned to elven hands but so too would I embark on a crusade to free you from your torment. The spark of life, the happiness of a blissful day are gifts that you, that we will leave for the next generation of elves. While I'm not like you, I'll never be a hero, I will lead my life under the guidance you left behind. Maybe once all of my labors are seen through I can retire and do as you wished to do, roam the Thalassian glades and savor all the beauty that our home had to offer. I have time: I will see it done, have faith in me.

Since it's just you and I, I have to confess that you were wrong in regards to humans. From your adventures to the human lands, before I have begun to understand them, you spoke of them as ugly little apes that are graceless in stride and incapable of properly stringing a bow. While I won't argue that they've lumbering feet and act with all the grace of a drunk troll, they are the furthest thing from ugly little apes. Too often I have caught myself needing an excuse to look over my shoulder or check the horizon, as they are just as wonderful leaving my view as they are entering it. While quel'dorei women are a refined beauty honed through aesthetic choice and whatever else it is that they prattle on about, human women are a beautiful mistake. There are still beautiful things to behold in this world, fortunately for all of us.

Your sacrifice may have left the world less bright, but I will do what I can to ensure that light doesn't completely go out. At least not until a hero comes along to truly carry your torch.
You should sharpen your sword after stabbing four murlocs or as soon as you can. Their flesh is wet, viscous, and will coat your blade in their mucous. I watched a young paladin lose his hand today.
Entry 2: A New Ally, Stoke the Fires of Resolve, Elwynn Forest, 623KC:
After a good night's rest in Lion's Pride Inn, I was informed that someone had come into town seeking me in response to the party request I sent on to Stormwind. I was honestly shocked to hear that someone had replied, having heard that quel'dorei were developing something of a reputation for being unreliable in their weakness. Many of us are starting to struggle more and more as we over-exert ourselves, trying to do things as we did when under the full blessing of the Sunwell and it just doesn't work. Our stamina gives out before our spirits do, leaving a frustrating imbalance of passion and drive but the physical incapability to continue. It's been hard staying in such a big town and trying to ignore the whispers and the townsfolk all chattering about the most recent rumors, especially that of dying elves. It seems that every few days there's word of another elf that fell victim to some danger out in Elwynn, either due to their own recklessness or some other unfortunate circumstance. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been nervous about setting out into the forest and seeking to take care of some of the posted bounties and requests throughout town. There is some justice to the world, however, as my prayers were answered in the form of the one that answered my request: Areia Silverlock.

She did not speak much about herself, only that she came from Lordaeron and understood the pain of the quel'dorei unlike the humans of Stormwind. I could see the pain in her eyes and how she must have endured equally horrible experiences in the aftermath of that bastard's attacks, just as we had. Some of my kind has taken to thinking the Lordaeron people are patronizing with their attempts at empathy, as how could a human understand the emotional depth of an elf? Our art spans centuries and the allegories of our dramas recount millennia-ancient events to impart wisdom in ways that will never be lost, so how could they? I have seen it, firsthand. Humans, dwarves, and all others I have spoken to have had their hearts break listening to the tales of the elves and they shatter further upon the grief-stricken aggression from some of my kin. I can see clearly that Areia is someone that feels deep compassion and has an air of tenacity that would put many of my own people to shame. It's inspiring in ways that only you have been able to do. She seems undaunted, incapable of even beginning to fathom a day that she doesn't pick herself up off the ground and really, truly try.

If she is to be my new adventuring companion, I am blessed to have been granted a muse.

Before I forget to recount it, I had the dream again last night. You were there, standing before a crowd of people wearing your decorated armor. It's almost impossible to put into words how you looked before the crowd, sword in hand. It made me feel something that I had nearly forgotten and now I can truly put into words: safety. It reminded me of the safety I felt when I first learned of the elfgates and their protective power. With that sword in hand, you were basically a living elfgate for the people of Quel'thalas, and that is something that our people will likely not feel for a long time to come. Shortly after you spoke words of praise to the Sunstriders, present to watch your showcase of course, the swordsman Belath Sunrunner walked into the faire grounds. You both clashed with nothing but pure swordplay and technique, responding with his feints with gambits of your own. For a moment, he was almost certain of his victory over you, but he underestimated how good of a swordsman you are... you were.

I struggle to remember how you moved, exactly. I've been trying to replicate the movements every time I have had the dream and each and every time I end up making a fool out of myself, tripping over myself or losing the grip on my sword due to getting an imbalanced grip. In my frustration, I want to blame the craftsman of the sword - a human - but I know better than that. There's nothing wrong with this sword, it's balanced and perfectly capable of doing everything I need it to do. I'm the problem. While I've got a long way to go before I can truly stand up and say that I have joined you as an equal, I will continue to work at it. In fact, I will make sure to train after finishing here to ensure that I get a little bit of extra in. I'm feeling better than I was earlier, so I might as well get things done while I feel up to it.
Scribbled in the margins beside the blend of Common and Thalassian writing was a phrase of archaic elven origin and a word, minn'da.

Entry 3: Investigations of Trouble, Enhancing Magic, Elwynn Forest, 623KC:
Admittedly when I said that I had the energy to train after a long day of running around Goldshire, I should have known that I would be paying the price the next day. Even I am not immune to overestimating my stamina and what I'm capable of doing on my own. It was the first day that we truly began to work together, and I did not want to start things off by confirming the rumors that she no doubt heard of elves. If she abandons our partnership already, there's no way that someone else will wish to get stuck with someone that lost their ally after a single day. I made sure to eat a hardy breakfast, hoping that would carry me through the day, and made the excuse of visiting the smith before we left to find time to meditate. Unlike our kin, I struggle to truly find the headspace to meditate and center myself. I barely felt the trickle of magic flowing within the world itself, where others are said to be able to sustain themselves just doing that once a day. In fact, I almost felt weaker having done it and actually acknowledging the hunger inside of myself. Regardless of the lethargy, I returned to Areia who must have noticed something was amiss by my complexion being paler. Any concern she might have had was unnecessary as we set off to investigate rumors of a member of the now mostly-defunct Defias that continued to operate in Elwynn, almost as if he were a bandit lord of sorts.

The dangers of Elwynn are deep and it seems that Stormwind is too busy with other issues to take care of what is happening on their doorstep, but at least there's those like us running about actively trying to take care of these issues. The townsfolk seem to have a positive opinion of most adventurers, but some of them think of us as living off the suffering of others. It's hard to agree with them, but I try my best to move on and pay them no mind. We went south through the more dense woods, sneaking by packs of wolves and entire groups of bears that were ravaging the lakes and rivers for fish. I was surprised to find Elwynn so full of life when I had always heard that humans were tireless in their conquest of the land. So much of the region was left unspoiled and untamed. Approaching the estate, tucked away within the glades, we were immediately keen to see the number of gnolls that were standing guard. Inside the barriers, a group of humans went about busywork and trying to tend to the needs of the estate while I could see into one of the meeting rooms from atop a tree: the bandit we sought, Siward Keats, was inside. From my vantage point, I could see why he did not care to be seen or spied upon, as there were four groups of impaled corpses littering the outskirts of the property. I was warned that other adventurers had tried to claim the bounty some time before, but I did not expect to see the evils that those bandits were capable of immediately.

The disgusting creatures guarding the outskirts of the property were beginning to get suspicious of my snooping, and so we decided to fall back. Retreating deeper into the woods, Areia and I recapped on the information we gathered and were interrupted by small group of the gnolls investigating the noises they overheard. Feeling the magic that Areia was capable of for the first time, I have truly come to appreciate the powers of healing magic. The glancing blows that they made barely felt like scratches against her magic, but I could feel my stamina dropping faster each time she had to mend an injury that was more than just a nick. I fought harder than ever before and after the blur of moment came to an end, we stood surrounded by five gnoll corpses. My head was spinning and my heart threatened to burst from my chest as clumps of fur stuck to my sword. I've fought before and had to kill a creature, but this was somehow different - we both desperately fought for our lives. There was a weight to its body on my sword. This is what it truly means to take a life, to be a swordsman. I understand the gravity of some of your words better now, a weapon for war no matter how you pretty it up or dress it up in the trappings of a hero.

After catching our breath, we scouted the other angles of the property and were similarly attacked by two more groups of gnolls. I recalled talk from the marshal of Goldshire offering a small reward for gnoll ears, so we made sure to take every pair we could. As we tried to make our way back through the woods after completing our scouting, we saw some of the gnolls from inside the estate come to clean up the mess of their brethren's corpses. It made me sick to my stomach to watch them eat their fallen like that but what was even more gut-wrenching was seeing the expression on one of their faces, it almost looked sad. Today there was no choice, but perhaps in the future there will be the chance to discover if there is more to them than what we all think - humans were more than what you thought, after all.

Over dinner, Areia explained to me how some of her spellcraft works and the concept of her magic, specifically something called a Power Word. Showcasing the ability, I could feel my willpower come back to me, almost as if I had only worked half a day rather than the full amount. It was a mistake to show me this power, as I immediately stopped listening to everything else she had to say while my mind swam with the need to go and train right then and there. I did my best to interrupt her, gently, before making the excuse to go and see to my training. I left before she could truly finish explaining to me the way it works, and as I was working through my sets I could feel my energy leave all at once as the magic left me. It was the same sensation as the Sunwell, but more personal and now left me feeling the pangs of that hunger even worse. I felt so strong in that moment, you have to understand. It was intoxicating and now I have to be mindful of that, just the same. I cannot allow myself to be taken in by false means of power - I can rely on Areia as a partner, not a crutch. I must not become too comfortable in her magic. That's what you did, isn't it? Where all others would have rather taken to magic over might, you took to might and honed your sword arm to peerless ability.

That's what I'll do, as well.
Source: ... 73/photo/1
A traveling mage stopped by Goldshire last night and used their magic to make an etching of how they remembered Quel'thalas. I will treasure this dearly.

Entry 4: Of Drool and Deeper Understanding, Elwynn Forest 623 KC:
After yesterday's successful scouting run was reported to the local marshal, Dughan, we decided to try and look into the rampaging gnoll problem. I was told that the Redpaw gnolls were always a problem in Elwynn, but never like this. The Defias supposedly taught the leaders of the Redpaw the means to using magic and tactics to add to their brutal combat expertise. Southwest of Goldshire, the farmsteads were reporting several instances of their crops being raided by the gnolls - curiously, they did not report any casualties or abducted livestock. I will not slay a creature simply for being hungry and taking food, but I will investigate the issue regardless and see if there's not something we can do to prevent this from happening in the future. There are those that nothing can be done for, and then there's those that are causing conflict because of a greater pain to them than the threat of response from those they hurt. It's important to try and see the difference between those two and act accordingly, something that the Farstriders of Quel'thalas always strove to embody. When King Anasterian recalled the legendary Alleria from the front-lines, her honor dictated that she remain. When death itself approached the Sunwell and blotted out all hope, you did not buckle.

So long as I can hold onto these things, your legacy lives on in me.

When we attempted to sneak toward the Redpaw encampments, we stumbled into more than we expected in seeing a group of bandits meeting with the gnolls. They were conversing in Common, not a broken language of growls and barks, but actual language without issue and responding to the insight of the bandits. After our encounters yesterday, I asked some of the older guardsmen in town if they had ever heard of a "good" gnoll, and several outright laughed at me, but one of them told me that there used to be a mercenary that came through with a gnoll ally. He said the rowdy beastman was rough around the edges, but fiercely loyal to his companions. That only further proved my thought: there's more to them than what most of Stormwind thinks, just like there's more to Stormwind than most of Quel'thalas thinks. We did not get to snoop as long as I would have liked, they were beginning to talk of a Redpaw den somewhere to the north where they were intending on moving something. I've been thinking of potentially checking that out in the next few days, definitely once I recover from the battles today.

They overheard my attempt to get a little closer, to better overhear them. These gnolls were stronger than those that I fought yesterday, definitely taking to the lessons they were being given. I was nearly disarmed by one of the gnolls and while I recovered my balance, he went in to try and take off my entire arm. Due to Areia's quick thinking, her spellcraft conjured a shield of magic around me that prevented its attack. I did not want to engage them head on, but there was very little chance we could fall back to any meaningful ground and so I held my footing and did everything I could to fight like hell. When one of the gnolls did manage to bite me, a really good one on the chest, I felt Areia's magic dampened while its gush of saliva coated my wound, stinging like hell. I later came to find out that they have toxic spit, that acts corrosively to healing magic, preventing it from taking effect as much as it normally would. After managing to fight off the group of gnolls while the bandits fled, I was too angry to see reason. Flush with adrenaline and wanting to prove... SOMETHING... we made a direct course across the forest and didn't arrive to our destination until the sun was already beginning to set.

Stubborn as I was and emboldened by Areia's own tenacity, we made an attempt to fight our way into the Redpaw Den on a crusade for something we didn't know. It sounds silly, but we knew they were up to something and any small headway we could make would be all the difference. Packed to the brim with gnolls, the den was not the place I wanted to be and it nearly cost us our lives. As I'm writing this now, I can only really use my right arm for this and nothing more. Even holding the pen hurts and I've had to take two breaks to finish this, but I wanted to make sure you knew about everything that happened before I forget. We fought our way into the cave and found nothing that the farmers were describing, but instead found crates of weapons that were being brought to the Redpaw. Something that was always said about the gnolls' attacks were that they are uncoordinated and lacking in equipment. With both of those things and the leadership of a shrewd, evil mind at their head I actually fear for what could happen. While fighting off the gnolls, we did our best to gather as much of the equipment as possible, only to see that it was of Stormwind make.

In the middle of all the chaos, we found a gnoll that was taken prisoner by the Redpaw. He explained that he was fleeing the enslavement his tribe faced in Redridge and didn't want to take part in whatever the Redpaw were doing. He even offered to aid us in our endeavors against them. This was my chance to prove whether or not they were creatures or they were people, if I was right about them - that they are just as humans were to me. Releasing the gnoll known as Grimcackle, he aided us in gathering up more of the equipment and fleeing from the den before night completely fell on Elwynn. We managed to return to Goldshire just as the guardsmen were getting ready to do a shift change and explained everything to their captain, as well as handing over Grimcackle to their care since he promised to help their investigation.

Exhausted, injured, and my equipment in shambles, here I am now writing to you. Areia has already treated most of my injuries once and told me that she will return throughout the night to do more.

I will live up to your name, just wait.

Entry 5: Rest and Realizations, Elwynn Forest 623KC:
It's been three days since I've had the chance to write, but so much has happened while I recovered. Yes, I did take the time to recover, but that doesn't mean that nothing went on.

During the first day of recovery, Areia came to visit my room several times to take care of my injuries with her magic, treat them with various potions and elixirs, and to ensure that I was actually doing well. She told me she could tell I was overdoing it, and struggling with something but she wasn't able to tell quite what it was through the use of her magic. She speculated that it might be something to do with the elves' magic, but she didn't speak certainly. Shrewd. It appears I am just as good at subtlety as you are. We had the chance to really get to know one another and talk. I listened to her attempts to empathize about her home, Lordaeron, and how our experiences truly did mirror one another closely, including the desperate flight from the undead-infested hells they became. Unlike me, however, she didn't think twice about joining up with what is known the Scarlet Crusade to help as many people as she could. There she learned from some of the brightest clerics in the seven kingdoms and has since had the opportunity to study in Northshire Abbey, the home of the brave heroes that strode into battle to sustain pyrrhic losses again and again but remained undaunted. This is the measure of her mettle: not a human girl, but a brave cleric unshackled by the grief of loss. I see why the humans turn to the Holy Light in droves looking upon her, she's as inspiring as you were to me.

She explained to me the story of the Scarlet Crusade growing dark and the splinter that became known as the Argent Dawn. She was later sent here to Stormwind to help seek out potential recruits to send north to Lordaeron, to stem the tide against the Scourge. She told me that when she saw my flyer posted up, she knew that she had to come and seek me out and that ever since doing so, her suspicions have only been confirmed. She went on to say that she left a letter for the liasion and didn't wait a response before leaving Stormwind and traveling to Goldshire. Throughout the course of the day, we got to know one another beyond just the trust necessary to fight side-by-side and truly talked with each other. I hope that I managed to make her feel listened to, the same way that she made me feel.

Over the course of the two days after that, I made every excuse to spend time in the forge again, and I'm sure that Andrew and the Steeles were overjoyed to have the company. I had to take several breaks as I am still recovering, but I did what I could to repair what was left of my armor. Working in these forges and watching all of them get on well with one another makes me miss home in a different way, I haven't even thought of the Dawnseeker Forges since I was on that cart. I must have truly not been paying attention, as when I next went back to work on my chainmail, Andrew came up to me laughing. They all started making fun of the pathetic piece of metal I was working on and yanked it from my hands, telling me to hobble back to my room. They said that by the time I was fully recovered, they'd have a breastplate made for me for all the good work I've done around the town. Unexpected, but I accepted their offer and started to make my way back to Lion's Pride before getting distracted by thoughts of Grimcackle.

Making the excuse to stop by the guard house, I found that the gnoll hadn't been overly compliant with helping their investigation. Obviously, I think he means to ensure his own safety before doing so. In speaking with him alone while the guards continued to bicker, I told Grimcackle that I would see what I could do for him but that he would have to help me. Bringing the information to the guardsmen only infuriated them further, as they fully expected Grimcackle to give up everything he had and expect nothing after they threw him in a cell. It appears there's no love lost between the two and even though there are more to gnolls, I don't know that humans would be able to try. Let alone the difficulty of figuring out what plagues them so much. Perhaps it is as simple as the problems that they brought to the farmsteads south - a lack of food. This speculation, though, is going to help no one.

I intend to go and visit Grim again in the next couple days. Perhaps there will be a new development soon.
In the margins between the two entries, Firion has crudely drawn several images of Grimcackle and Areia. The images of Grimcackle showcase his jovial nature, quickness to laugh, and an outrageously large grin that bordered on cartoonish - this was a result of Firion's very poor skills as an artist. As for Areia, she was no less atrocious by his own artistic abilities but he spent an awful long time doodling her bust in great detail.

Entry 6: A Hunger Made Manifest, Freedom from Capture, Elwynn Forest 623KC:
My recovery with the help of Areia's magic has been going smoothly. It's been four days since we delved into the Redpaw Den in northern Elwynn and I can barely feel the bruises that cover my body anymore. I hope that was believable. What strength I have, I've been trying to spend in the forge with Andrew and the Steeles, while Areia works on stocking up on brewing potions and has journeyed to Stormwind briefly to speak with the Argent Dawn liaison. She has gone to quit the Dawn, should they have an issue with her choices, but I get the feeling that there is more to the story between her and the liaison. She has never spoken of anyone else with so much poison in her voice, other than the few times she speaks of specific members of the Scarlet Crusade or the traitor. While working away in the forge, my mind drifted to my father. It's been a while since I thought of him. He was on the path to becoming one of the greatest weaponsmiths Quel'thalas has ever known, perhaps even on par with those that forged your sword. When we spent hours refining mithril bars, he would talk about how he's spent hours studying the process of weaving magic and metal together as a cohesive unit. Not an enchantment, he'd always say, but a marriage between the two components. He claimed that he would one day either find a way to improve upon the design of the Sunstrider's mighty Flamestrike, or forge a blade to rival it.

Unfortunately things are not always so simple. It seems there are more things that I should try my hand at, than just swordplay - could I be as good of a smith as my father? I owe it to him to try, since his dream was stolen from him.

While working on helping Corina with an order of sharpening stones for the guard house, I felt the rush that I've heard other elves talk about before they pass out. I didn't even consciously realize what had happened at first, but once my senses stopped buzzing I knew exactly what had happened. My throat went tight, dry, and scratchy all at the same time as my vision narrowed in on a crystal that was being showed to Andrew across the forge. It was so loud, staring at it. I could hear the magic inside of it buzzing, thrumming, taunting me. Every fiber of my being wanted to lunge for the small crystal and drain it of every ounce of power it contained, rush off into the forest and hide my shame from them. The sound, you wouldn't believe it, but it sounded like the waves of Quel'danas. Do you remember when you taught me how to swim and told me that I could go on to become a peerless navy captain for as strong of a swimmer as I was? I've never even been on a boat before, we never got the chance to do that. Come to think of it. There's a lot of things like that, that I'll have to do without you.

Letting go, thinking of the past is what did me in. I felt my grief swallow me up and everything went black, but that was a blessing in disguise. I could feel my willpower breaking and if I hadn't passed out, I don't know if I would have been able to control myself. I was grateful for this weakness, for once. I really hit my head on the ground when I passed out, and they offered to escort me back to Lion's Pride, but I had made enough of an embarrassment of myself for one day with all of them. Dizzy as I was, I did not go straight back to the tavern but instead made a small stop by the guard house. I really must have hit my head, because I marched straight up to the guard captain and bargained for Grim's freedom. I explained that we would take him into our care and use the information he had to root out Siward Keats and put an end to the problem once and for all. Under threat of joining Grim in the cells, the guard captain warned me not to make him forget his decision to trust me.

Heading back to Lion's Pride with Grim, we waited for Areia to return from her work and let our new companion explain everything he knew. He spoke of a meeting that was going to be taking place soon, in the next two days. Siward keeps a punctual meeting with the gnolls to keep them in a routine and under better control and more focused specifically upon his own goals. Since the death of Hogger, several Redpaw Gnoll chieftains had arisen and were wreaking havoc within their own ranks to which Siward intended to solve by appointing a new over-chieftain and enforcing their rule. Grim was right, this would be a perfect opportunity to take care of everything at once and prevent them from getting any further along in their goals. Shocked as I am to say it, gnolls appear to have the depth of craftiness innately within them.

Entry 7: Dawnseekers v. Wannabe Bandit Lord, Elwynn Forest 623KC:
With Areia's help, I was able to recover from my injuries after the fifth night of rest. On the start of the fifth day, I began doing everything in my power to hone my skills with those that either passed through Goldshire, worked with Grim to develop a sense of camaraderie in combat, and tried once again to mimic some of your moves. I'm still too clumsy and off-balance whenever I try. Feeling back up to full capacity again, I know that I overdid it the first day but there was so little time to prepare for the battle against Siward Keats that it meant now was the time to push through and try to break whatever was holding me back. By midday on the fifth day, Andrew had finished work on my breastplate and brought it to me. It was good, because the weight of the metal was heavier than I was used to and it gave me the opportunity to get used to the feel. I needed to wear additional padding, but it didn't take me long to get used to it. Just the same, he provided me with a new shield to go along with the breastplate. Larger but somehow less cumbersome, the heater shield would serve me well in the upcoming fight. To test the strength of the shield, I worked with Grim - outfitted with a crossbow - to test my reflexes. It didn't matter if he actually ended up shooting me, if I can't block something from my ally not trying to kill me, then how can I block something that is? We stayed out there for hours working and it wasn't until later on in the afternoon that he started to open up more and speak more casually with me. Grim let me know of a secret about the gnolls' toxic spit: it worked on each other and was necessary for inter-clan warfare. Knowing this, while I still think it's absolutely disgusting, I allowed him to coat my sword in his saliva before we engaged Siward. While I don't know exactly how effective it was in the long run, I think it did the job.

Outfitted with a new breastplate and shield, carrying a small inventory of potions, and now with the addition of our new ally Grimcackle - we were as ready for the battle as we ever would be. On the morning of the meeting, I made sure to eat as good of a meal as I possibly could. Perhaps it shows a bit of cowardice, but knowing that it could've been my last meal made me appreciate it a whole lot more. It truly was the best pancakes, eggs, and sausage I've ever had in my life. With Grim having to stay in my room, Areia and I unfortunately didn't have the chance to enjoy one another's company as we have started, but she did make the excuse to join me in the bath. I think we both had the same idea that if this was to be our final chance at respite, we might as well enjoy it to the fullest.

Heading out into the forests, Grim led the way and showed us all manner of ways to track and discern information about gnolls based on their tracks. He explained the way we could even discern information from the footprints of humans and other "city people." I listened intently to everything that he had to say and tried to absorb what he knew, and I'm sure it won't be long before I find myself grateful for what he had to impart. As we approached the meeting spot, Grim showed us how to properly camouflage ourselves in the brush, as opposed to what we previously had been doing: stomping around out in the open in clanking, broken chainmail. We waited for a while and saw the approach of the Redpaw Gnolls first, including the soon-to-be chieftain, Riverspear. His guardians fanned out around the area and investigated their surroundings, but Grim's ability at camouflaging us proved to be superior to their skills of perception. They dropped their guard and awaited for Siward Keats' arrival.

After some time, the human and his entourage arrived carrying crates of supplies while he carried several ornate books with ripped bindings. When we later investigated them, they turned out to be spell tomes with what looked to be the most useful spells that could have possibly been turned against him ripped from their bindings. Coward. After they transferred the goods to the gnolls, it appeared that Riverspear sent several of his own group away to take the resources to safety. Lowering their guards and beginning to speak of future endeavors - whispers of a mage that was holed up in the Deadmines? - and their next meeting, I figured that it was going to be the best time to strike. With a small nod to Areia and Grim, I leapt from our hiding place and rushed down Siward with a fury that overtook me like no other. I felt angry at all the pain and suffering he was inflicting on the people of Elwynn. It burned in my veins like a poison and I gave into it. My sword started to feel like an extension of my own arm and each strike with my weapon felt good, and it frightened me. I stepped back from what felt like an edge I could have walked off of and centered myself. In the middle of battle with two of his guardsmen already fallen, I refocused myself on winning. There is no way that I could live up to your legacy, to become one of the greatest swordsmen in Azeroth if I fell to these bandits.

The fight was long and bloody, requiring us to chase them down and fall back several times, but we accomplished our goal. Even with the preparation work done by Grim, we wouldn't have been able to take them down without Areia's magic. In a bout of desperation, I tried to use your technique against them and failed miserably. Siward was able to disarm me in that moment and I thought my life was over before once again being saved by Areia's shielding magic. I've done my house shame, but I cannot let that stop me. This shame that I will endure, the failures that I will struggle through are nothing compared to the pain that you went through. As the fight went on, I could feel my strength beginning to fade as the lethargy set back in. I have been neglecting meditation in the past days and I paid the price for it. Pushing through the fog that was closing in around me, I remember thinking of how far away I was from my goal. Here in Elwynn, so very far from the Sunwell - so far from where I need to fight my way to. Dying here was not an option for me, you know that. I rolled toward my sword and made a reckless attack at the bandit that put him on his back. I saw the conviction burning in his eyes when he grabbed hold of my blade and cursed Stormwind through his teeth. I wished to bring him in alive, so he could answer for his crimes to the people he hurt, so they could get some kind of closure. He impaled himself upon my sword, refusing to surrender. Those of his men that remained and saw his so-called honorable sacrifice surrendered to us and allowed themselves to be taken back to Goldshire.

When we returned to Marshal Dughan with nearly a dozen bandits shackled with ropes, he provided the reward for all that we accomplished: claiming Siward Keats' bounty and the bounty for several lesser crooks under him. We did not manage to engage with Riverspear, fleeing from the battle once the opportunity presented itself. That's a concern for another time, or perhaps another someone. We've all earned our rest this evening, and I'm going to have to make time more often to meditate than just focusing on training. Some of the townsfolk have begun to recognize Grim as his own person, and not just a gnoll, so I haven't had to keep such a close of an eye on him as I did before but I think we're already starting to wear out our welcome with some of the locals.

I'm still curious about what they had been muttering about before we engaged them. A mage in the abandoned Deadmines.

Re: [Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:01 am
by Widogast
Belono sil'aru
Shoulder your burdens well

Entry 8: New Horizons, A Bleak Frontier, Westfall 623KC:
Making camp on the outskirts of Sentinel Hill feels as if the elements themselves are going to turn against me at any given moment. The flat plains let's the wind rip through like a blade and rips at our tent at all hours of the evening. The dust flying around makes it impossible to really keep a good watch, but we do what we need to do to make sure we make it through the night safely. Grim doesn't seem the least bit bothered by our current circumstances, and we've at least taken to giving him a large hood to obscure most of features so people don't react immediately. If you're far enough away from him, he even sort of look like a dwarf. We had a couple of encounters with Redpaw gnolls that remained in Westfall once the Defias had run their course and it seems like the bandit problems are just as bad here, if not worse. In response to the encounter with the Redpaw, Areia had become familiar enough with the toxins in their saliva to be able to rid us of their effects with her healing magic. As she continues to grow in strength of magical ability, I can't let myself fall too far behind otherwise I'll be dead weight to my friends.

When the Defias fell, it doesn't look like the People's Militia had the resources or means to really go in and round up everyone that was also taking part. Unlike in Elwynn, there wasn't even a guard presence from Stormwind to be had out here. All that they had to rely upon was Gryan Stoutmantle and the militia he created. He's nothing like you in terms of swordplay, but he eclipses what I'm capable of. I watched him training with recruits of the People's Militia and fell into ranks with them when we first arrived in Sentinel Hill. He seemed to be grateful for the appearance of travelers that looked like they could handle themselves, and possibly even handle some of the problems still plaguing Westfall.

After the training ran its course, I had the chance to briefly speak with Stoutmantle and he clued me in on information about an up-and-coming bandit that was looking to amass his own group of followers and highwaymen. That sounded as if it was something in our wheelhouse, so without taking any time to rest we went out to handle it. Finding the location was easy enough and there weren't even many guards posted around it: Grim was able to shoot a few with a net that we can bring back to Sentinel Hill. I could see him in the small cottage, the door was open and he taunted me with a grin. It was a trap and I took the bait, completely. I didn't see anyone else in the view of the cottage I had and when I stepped into the doorway, I was immediately greeted with several mages. Panicking, I tried to swing my sword at their magic and - I'm not entirely sure -but I thought I reflected one of their blasts, but it must've been Areia's magic. I could feel the impact of the blasts on my body, their scorching heat but combined with the soothing coolness of Areia's magic, I was able to perservere. Those within the cottage wouldn't surrender to be brought in and we unfortunately had to put them down.

Returning to Westfall, Stoutmantle was surprised that we were able to make quick work of the problem he gave us and I could see that he was already beginning to view us as reliable and trustworthy people. He told us to return tomorrow and that he would have additional things for us to help out with, if we're still interested. We got paid less than what we were making in Elwynn, but I understand. It isn't as if they have the means to afford much more and they can barely outfit themselves.

I think we can make an impact here.
Entry 9: Dustdevils and Guardwork, Westfall 623KC:
Much to both Areia and Grim's combined annoyance, I made sure to rise early this morning because of a suspicion. You used to wake up before everyone else under your command to get in time to train, where you didn't have to worry about tending to too many others. My plan was to catch Gryan Stoutmantle in his training routine and to compare it to yours, at least how I remember it. When I observed his movements, there was absolutely nothing similar between the two of you. Where you moved with discipline, he struck with the crazed might only a human could conjure. That massive hammer in his hands waved through the air and shattered a boulder after several slams against it. Once again, I must remind you I'm not the best at hiding and it didn't take long for him to notice me from my perch. Calling me over, he offered to spar with me - he said it was refreshing to have someone arrive that could handle themselves and didn't need his supervision. We sparred and I am embarrassed to admit that once we finished, he longer spoke with the same confidence. He asked to clarify where we had struck down the bandit, as if he suddenly doubted my abilities. I couldn't help but confront him and his words pierced me deeper than any blade. He said that my sword carries a fear to it, that my movements are hesitant, and that the way I hold my shield engenders passivity.

I left in a huff and exclaimed that I would see to protecting the caravans to the border with Elwynn. At the very least he didn't pull me from that, and I got the chance to clear my head. When I met up with the group of farmers planning to take their goods to Stormwind, they explained that they've been taken for the last two times they made the trip. I just don't understand how Stormwind allows this to happen - I could make the trip and tell them myself! But it wouldn't do anything, I'm sure. I guarantee that the People's Militia tried, and I know that Goldshire has called for aid as well. The trip was mostly quiet and without issue, other than a few scouts of gnolls that were trying to size up how the guard of the caravan was. Having been with Grim and listened to him, I made myself seem bigger and yelled at them in as deep of a growling voice as I possibly could. After a few moments of trying to see if I was serious, the demoralized gnolls ran off and that was that. Or it should have been.

Further along in our journey, the wind was beginning to pick up strangely, with all of the members of the caravan beginning to panic. Instinctively I drew my sword and readied myself for battle, but did not expect to be bludgeoned by the wind itself. Terrible, angry storms of dust and wind pummeled against me and left me breathless. At one point, I swore the wind was ripping the breath from my lungs, before my sword collided with the bracer it wore. It blinked in that moment, and revealed to me its weakness. These magical bracers were what made the wind so angry and made it into a creature. Rather than lashing out at the wind itself, I struck at the bracers and soon enough they dispersed. While she might not have been with me, her potions were definitely coming in handy. I'd need to watch how many I drink for the rest of the day, I can already feel the taste in my mouth.

When I saw the caravan off into Elwynn and began to head back down the roads to Sentinel Hill, knowing I wouldn't make it before night set in, I didn't expect to run into those gnolls again. They had waited for me and planned an ambush. The Defias had truly done wonders on the Redpaw, teaching them all manner of guerrilla tactics. Six of them fell upon me from the hills overlooking the road, and I was on my own. I could have tried to run, but I held my ground like an idiot. I was still burning from the insult that Stoutmantle sent at me and I lashed out against the gnolls. It's all mostly a blur, but I swear I recall nearly doing your technique. It felt like a hundred blows, but I must have been able to parry back six or seven of their attacks. I was the victor of the ambush, but fell unconscious in the aftermath - I couldn't stop the bleeding. When I fell, I could have sworn I saw you and figured if this was going to be my death, then that's the death I deserved.

Areia and Grim said I was smiling when they found me. They were suspicious when I never returned from training with Stoutmantle and were worried that I might have been in over my head. When we got back to our camp outside of Sentinel Hill, Areia went to work with her magic but was impressed that I was far less worse for wear than she thought. I'm still able to write this, after all. Maybe a day or so off my feet and I should be back to full strength again.

Passivity. What else is a shield for but blocking? You expect me to block that mallet? Ridiculous.
In ink done with a different pen and clearly of a different age than the passage beside it reads, "How wrong I was. I wasn't ready to listen and learn, too much pride and not enough self-reflecting. Ineffectual against the strength of great beasts and foes, they may be, but a clever foe can be aggressive with their shield and open up opportunities that otherwise wouldn't exist."
Entry 10, Exploring the Dustbowl, Westfall 623KC:
It's been three days since I last wrote and this was the first day back on my feet. Grim has been out and about scouting the region and getting an idea for what Westfall is like. So long as he keeps his cloak on, I'm not too worried about him. Areia has really gotten close with me over the past two weeks and I am grateful for her company. I'm certain that magical healing has the ability to restore scarred flesh, but I think she might have either assumed I would take offense to their removal or has a thing for them. When she has thought me asleep before, when tending to me, I've felt her tracing over the grooves left behind in my torso.

She once commented on the few marks that I had on my back by comparison and I proudly felt you possess me for a moment and say, "Scars on the back are shameful, it's always better to face death head on and with a smile." She was stunned for a moment and started laughing so hard, I've never heard her do that before. It was genuine and nice, she kept going until she had tears in her eyes and snorted from embarrassment, trying to stop herself. I couldn't help but start laughing too, it was infectious. I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt and it felt like things were beginning to look up for me, for the three of us. I might not be in Quel'thalas, but I truly feel as if I am beginning to find myself in a new family: a family of misfits and outcasts.

After spending time alone with Areia, we met up with Grim to scout out two areas that we heard were worth looking into - the center of Westfall and Moonbrook. One thing I was curious to look into, the wind creatures that had attacked the caravan. Typically the potions that Areia gives me don't work that well, and I heard a rumor that something about them might be inherently magical or that they could be carrying magic with them. It turns out that the dust swirling within the creature somehow gets charged with magic, I could nearly taste it on the air as I clashed with several of them. After all that I had done today already, I didn't even feel the lethargy beginning to set in, further confirming some of my suspicions. We scattered the remaining creatures and I tried to meditate around where they were all gathering and could feel magic lurking beneath the ground. It felt like a swimming ocean, perhaps one of the magic rivers that runs the planet? Regardless, I submersed myself in the warmth of its presence and felt my senses slip away to better times, and I could see you again. We were clashing wooden swords against one another and laughing but I don't recall having a wooden shield with me there. No, I fought you with a wooden two-handed sword. It was most likely a frivolous detail, but when I opened my eyes the world seemed so much brighter.

Refreshed as I was and my senses working overtime, we advanced to see Moonbrook. Before we could even get close to it, a group of bandits came from the town to block our path threatening us with drawn weapons while one of them wore a bloody pair of gauntlets. I made the mistake of challenging the one with the gauntlets to a duel to let us pass, to which he accepted. Frustrating as it was to admit, I couldn't land a single blow on him. My weapon felt like it slid off of water and at one point the bastard closed his eyes to taunt me. In his arrogance, I managed to nick him with just the tip of my sword but that must have been enough to either frighten him away or something. It was strange, but the three of them turned tail and ran into the mines. We weren't going to follow them there.

Instead, refreshed as I was, we returned to our camp outside of Sentinel Hill and started to think about what our next move could be. We'll check with Stoutmantle tomorrow and get his recommendation.
I think you were trying to tell me something, teach me something that I wasn't ready to learn. As I'm writing this, maybe I already knew the truth to it all, but I was lying to myself the entire time. At least I eventually figured it out.
Entry 11, Disaster, Westfall 623KC:
One step forward, ten steps backwards. I'm not going to be able to keep up with you, and I probably never will be able to close the gap. It's defeating to come so far and think that progress has been made, but now I am ordered to leave - to abandon my friend, to abandon Grim - rather than help with the effort to rescue him. They're not going to truly care about him, he's a gnoll. He's expendable and worthless to them. Why did this have to - I'm so fucking angry. We weren't biting off more than we could chew and we were victims of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even Stoutmantle didn't know that was all going to happen - he had no clue that Emolenar was going to show up there.

If he did know, what? Did the bastard serve us up to die as sacrifices to appease the mage?

The pen strokes linger and scratch over the parchment in a frenzy, clearly losing his cool in the midst of recalling the events.

No. As angry as I am, as much as this venom burns in my veins - it isn't Stoutmantle's fault, it isn't our fault. It's that fucking mage's fault. I was curious of his identity, but I had no plans to seek him out. Yet. He froze us with his magic and made a show of stealing Grim from us. He told us that so long as Grim didn't resist, we would be spared and he didn't do anything. He hung his head and left while I screamed for him not to - I know he could have broken out of the ice. He could have escaped and left us to die. I thought gnolls were meant to be cowardly savages! What the hell were you thinking, Grim...

In response to the failure, Stoutmantle has ordered us out of Westfall. He claims that we have only made matters worse than they were when we got there and that my recklessness will only bring disaster for his militia. I've done everything that I can and more, yet we're running from this fight. I have no delusions that I could save him alone, that even with Areia's help could I save him as we are. But I won't abandon you, Grim. I swear that I will come back for you. If the People's Militia doesn't care, I will get strong enough to help you. Please just hold on.

We're on a cart bound for Lakeshire at the moment. Areia is sleeping next to me. The magic she used to heal the damage done by that mage seems to have drained her, and I barely have the energy to keep writing. I just don't want to fall asleep with these other travelers on the cart with us. Perhaps I am being unfair, but Westfall has been nothing but cruel and her people turn on you the moment you cannot solve all of their problems. I have to watch out for us. There's no more time for setbacks.
Source: ... 2-full.jpg
Entry 12, Ready to Work, Getting the Job Done, Redridge Mountains 623KC:
There's no time to spare, and we have to work harder than ever if we're going to get some sort of letter of recommendation from the mayor to take back to Sentinel Hill. I just don't see another way that Stoutmantle will change his mind. Bandits, gnolls, and strange winds were one thing but here in Redridge it seems like everything wants to wipe Lakeshire off the map. My body is screaming from the pain from today's battles. For the first time in my life, I have seen an orc in person and they are every bit of intimidating as they have been described. Their strength is daunting, and I was a fool to try and block the whole weight of his axe with my new refurbished shield. Now I have a gaping hole in the middle of it. Is this what Stoutmantle was talking about when he said that I was too passive? It's harder than ever, and I see the gap between Areia and I expanding at an ever increasing rate, where I don't know that I'll be able to keep up. She finds new ways to get more amazing. Not only has she taken to tending to my wounds while on the battlefield, but her accuracy with a wand has become deadly. I feel as if I am becoming more of a hindrance to her than an equal partner. That settles it, after I make time to meditate tonight I will go behind the tavern and make time for training. There's no excuse.

Were the orcs the only things shocking to find in Redridge, that would be enough. Up and down the shoreline of Everstill, murlocs the size of ME collected in several tight-knit units. I don't understand their culture, but it isn't like they were giving me much of an opportunity to. Their poisons are potent, but once again Areia finds ways to impress. Somewhere she found the time to make anti-venoms that counteract any of the poisons that the murlocs were making use of. No good with magic and it's starting to seem like I'm no good with a sword either.

Why did you choose me for your squire? What did you see in me that no one else does?

We've made a positive impact on the locals so far, and it seems like they're all in high spirits. Recently it seems like adventurers passed through that managed to rescue a local hero from Render's Rock and that's made all the difference for morale. While the Stormwind Army still doesn't bother to get involved to help, it seems like the people are finding the way to step up and fix their problems to the best of their abilities. They described the adventurers that came through as peerless, impossible of strength and will. Am I really cut from that different of a cloth?

Just hold on Grim. I'm doing everything I can.

Entry 13, Bites and Brawls, Redridge Mountains 623KC:
I know that I shouldn't feel as elated as I do, but I can't help myself. The numbness in my arms, the wobbly feeling in my legs. The guardsmen and Corporal Keeshan organized a sort of off the books brawl this evening and for all the work I had been doing in the region, I was invited to take part. I joked that they would have a leg up on me, as we still had our work to do outside of the city.

Though the mage had been slain, several of his hound-like servants were loosed after Morganth's defeat and we had the mind to track them down and claim the bounty on as many as we could. We were warned that the mage might have been doing experiments on wolves and the gnolls of the Shadowhide, and that only made the reality of what the gnolls' existence more clear. They see the world as everyone sees them: a resource to be bullied, used up, and manipulated for their own ends. I know that perhaps Grim is unique, but I imagine he is not that special in terms of perspective.

The hounds were not that difficult to track, using some of the skills that Grim had taught us. Their bites dripped arcane, I could smell it on the air but there was a corrosive element to it. My body instinctually knew it was bad, but the hunger inside of me didn't care. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and what I wouldn't have done to just lap at the venom like a beast, but there was a warmth to Areia's magic that fended off those sensations. The Light, her ability to wield it - it is astonishing. I think back to stories of humanity's kindness and their strange powers when my people first arrived on the shores of Lordaeron, I think there's some truth to those bed time fables. Especially now that I can see what she is capable of.

Subdued of my hunger, we managed to hunt down seven of the creatures and still have some time to rest before the brawl. Areia and I stayed in our room and enjoyed one another, letting ourselves forget the guillotine that hung overhead for a brief moment.

Hours later, I took part in the brawl and didn't make it very far, but I had a great time. The people of Lakeshire are warm and welcoming, their spirits are hard but they're happy almost despite that. Once the brawling was calming down, I managed to get a few moments alone with John J. Keeshan. At least that's what it felt like. In truth, he and I spent two hours discussing swordplay and his experiences in service to Stormwind in the 12th Sabre Regiment. Eventually some of the other guardsmen got involved and it turned into impromptu sparring and sword training. While they have absolutely no chance of ever being as good as you, I did learn something from them. There's a grit to humanity's swordplay that is improvised, it's an underhanded desire to win - I think, to make the most of what little time they have left in the world and not to let someone else snuff it out.

I could learn something from them, to think less and trust in my instincts.
I'm sorry for writing in your journal, Firion. I don't want to lose the words before they unfreeze from my mind. "Excitement like this I haven't felt in years, little mouse. Survive this wound and perhaps you might have the spirit of a warrior worth my respect." I was in shock at what came next and amazed at the words that left the creature's lips. You're stable and asleep - I don't know how to heal your wounds, but I'm going to try. I've never seen someone have the strength of will to take to my healing and keep going with so little rest. You're inspiring and I see the pain you're going through. This will take everything we can give, Firion. - Areia Silverlock
Entry 14, Awakening to the Truth, Redridge Mountains 623KC:
It took four days for me to regain consciousness. It took two days for me to able to sit up. Now, a day later I am feeling strong enough to write. Areia has been flawless help in my recovery, I almost feel like I don't deserve it. Looking back to the passage she wrote, I know that I don't deserve it. I struggle to see what she's seeing, but I'll continue to push myself to the absolute limit. This will take everything we can give, she said. I'll give that much, at least.

I'm going to have to buy a new binding for the journal. It got ripped in the chaos.

We were investigating rumors of gnolls beginning to spread back out away from the Tower of Ilgalar since the death of the mage, Morganth. We were especially curious to look into these for the sake of Lakeshire, because we figured we might be able to glean some additional info about Grim's culture and where he came from. Unfortunately, we were able to completely confirm the reports and the Tower of Ilgalar was barren of gnolls at the time, but we came face-to-face with an advance party of Blackrock Orcs. I had been proud of myself, for a moment, that day. Something was beginning to click between their movements and mine, I could see the opening and the way that their axes cut through the wind didn't always have a technique to it. Some definitely fought with a unique shrewdness, but others flailed their weapons like fools. Like I had been known to do.

The leader among them was the hardest to deal with, but something overcame me. It felt as if I tapped into the arcane energies running beneath my feet as I slammed my foot on the ground and shattered rock and earth. The rocks made a barrier between Areia and I, keeping the orcs locked in battle with me. With my back against the wall, I felt as if I could truly shine. It was much more difficult to hurt their leader, wearing hard black scale armor, which I later realized must have been dragon scale. I need to keep that in mind, or get a weapon capable of piercing even that. Could your sword slice steel? I've heard rumors of such things being possible while on the road.

While we recovered from the battle with the orcs, I realized our mistake. Overhead the sky darkened and the terrible sound of wind and wings descended upon us. A large dragon - I had never even seen a small dragon - landed before my eyes, my back was still against the rubble arena that I had created. He spoke of mice and interruptions, of preparations being wasted, and that I would be responsible for making up for the enjoyment I cost him. Before my eyes, the winged creature became a man at least two heads taller than the orcs I had been fighting. He explained that he would give me the honor of dying by his hand, but in order to make it a fair fight it would have to be literally. He claimed not to possess a sword fit for killing mice.

I used every skill that you taught me. I relied on every tactic that I've studied and nothing seemed to do anything to him, as if my sword bounced off of his flesh. Then he struck back at me, and it was everything I could do to hold onto my blade. Again and again he struck, purposely attacking my weapon - I could feel it in my arms. Then he went in for the death blow, and something happened. I don't know how long it lasted, but I held him off confidently for a time. I could see his expression change to surprise when it happened. I could've died happy knowing that and I remember smiling wide. It was exciting and I had never felt my heart pump so freely before in my life. It was like something changed in my brain and I stepped forward, knocking his hand away once. Just once. I was able to counterattack him, I saw his blood smear my sword. Before I could strike again, he snatched my blade from the air and asked for my name. I can't even remember what he said next or what I responded with as everything went dark.

Areia let me know the rest of what happened: I was run through and given the chance to survive as gratitude for my performance. I'll long remember this, dragon. I'll never mistake the chunk missing in your horn, the blue-veined rips in your wings.

I can only hope that my friend is ok. I can only hope that my weakness and bad luck hasn't cost me an irreplaceable friend. The moment I can stand back on my feet and grip my sword, I'll begin preparations to return to Westfall. I don't need Stoutmantle's permission to rescue Grim. I'm an adventurer, not a hero, not a soldier. That was you, and while I might be carrying the torch of your legacy that doesn't mean that I have to do as you did. There's no more room in this world for comparisons of me to you: I must surpass you. Childishly I once said I would prove to be the greatest swordsman Quel'thalas has ever known - I will keep that oath.

My resolve stands firm. I will retrieve your sword and make it mine, and I will do it with my friends beside me.
Source: ... -393955294
Entry 15, A Successful Rescue and Fresh Victories, The Deadmines in Westfall, Redridge Mountains 623KC:
If nothing else of my words reaches you, know that we were victorious. Grim is still himself, and the plans of that bastard did not come to fruition.

We rented a pair of horses from the stables in Lakeshire, promising to return them within a day or so and rode like hell toward Moonbrook. We took the road straight through Duskwood and did not stop for all of the horrifying scenes and sights that we passed by, nor did we look back at the howling that seemed to follow us through the dark forests. Once again Areia's magic makes for a powerful ally, reinforcing the horses' stamina to ensure that they could gallop far longer than they otherwise would've been capable of. With only needing to stop for a brief rest three times, we made it to Moonbrook in no time at all.

From afar, I recognized the creatures that littered the area were similar to those that we hunted in Redridge. This Emolenar was cut from the same cloth as the executed Morganth. Remembering our time in Westfall from before, I let my mind drift to the sea of arcane that ran below the surface of the region and pulled from it gently. It felt like I was coaxing a river to break away from the greater current and pass through my spirit before rejoining the stream. What fatigue I had from the ride and still carried from my injuries at the hands of the dragon were quickly put out of mind, the bruises and weak skin on my torso were an afterthought. We were there to rescue our friend.

Once we began our descent into the Deadmines, as they were called by the locals, we discovered several other arcane constructs and creations. Some of them, we noticed, were especially weak to Areia's magic and so we methodically made our way into the depths of the winding tunnels of the mines. There were several times where we were lured into a false corner or tunnel that the mage had trapped to collapse, but I managed to keep us out of danger. When a tunnel would collapse, I did everything I could to hold the boulders up just long enough for Areia to get out and then I followed. The strength I felt when truly invigorated with arcane magic is indescribable, it is a difference that I would not have known were it not for the Sunwell's destruction.

As we battled deeper into the pits of the Deadmines, we discovered that the mage was doing experiments on the Redpaw gnolls that lingered in the region, attempting to use their "simple biology", as his notes said, to the benefit of his magic. He wished to create obedient gnoll arcane-slaves and use them in his endeavors to uncover "Frostwhisper's Grimoire". The mad fool wrote of achieving a perfected ascendance of human and undead, likening it to some "Magna Forge" that was used by a secret order of wizards. I only note this so that perhaps someone who knows more than I can make sense of it later. The majority of the gnolls we encountered were misshapen brutes of pulsing arcane fluid, their bodies looking like they were ripped open and sewn back together several times. I spare those that I can, when I can - I do not enjoy the taking of a life, no matter who or what it is. There was no mercy for these gnolls other than death. It made my blood run cold. Areia and I did not speak again until we managed to rescue Grim, too afraid that we might find him in a similar state.

When we got deep into the mines, we discovered a forge that had been transformed into a mage's workshop. There, we could see Grim chained to a table of sorts and propped up against the wall. It hurt when we first saw him, seeing the damage the bastard had done. Most of his fur had been shaven done, there was a vicious set of scars that followed his body and down his limbs, and around his neck was a collar of magical runes etched into his flesh. It took everything in my power not to launch into a rage and find the mage right then, but we waited and crept into the room.

We were rewarded for our patience. Emolenar returned to the workshop, seemingly having dropped his guard. There was no further commotion and it was not as if he were omnipotent. Once he moved into position, I leapt from the ledge we laid beside and brought my sword down upon him. I was a fool to think it would have been that easy, as magical barriers deflected my weapon. He went on about something, but I couldn't hear over the buzzing in my ears and the feeling of my heartbeat in my eyes. I lashed out at him in the middle of his talking and he unleashed the captive gnolls against us, including Grim. I heard him call Grim a failure, that he was too stupid to be the gnoll warlord he sought to create but that he would be the first of his elites. He underestimated Grimcackle.

While I desperately fought against the gnolls advancing on us, and held my shield up against spells being lobbed at me, Grim fought against the mental domination of the mage. He refused to hurt us. I knew he was strong enough to hold out, and I knew he'd trust us to come for him. Emolenar was shocked when Grim attacked him, and I could see the hideous, big smile on his hyena-like face. He was still our Grim. Together we were able to bring them down, and I left it into Grim's hands what to do with Emolenar. Without hesitation, he ripped the mage's head from his body in a way that made my stomach twist - I hadn't expected that. Covered in gore as we were, sweaty, and tired we came together for a hug. We were together again, finally.

Before we could catch up on everything, we made for Sentinel Hill and made sure to cash in on the bounty for Emolenar. There was a sense of satisfaction I got when I saw Stoutmantle's face drain of color, eating his words. Being the victims of the mage's attack from before was not our fault. Neither the People's Militia nor any of the adventurers knew what the mage was truly up to. I'll keep the information on Emolenar to myself, until I find someone in Stormwind or somewhere else that can put it to better use and make sense of it.

Leisurely, we made our way back to Lakeshire with our party back together, our pockets a fair bit heavier, Areia now sporting Emolenar's Wand, and no longer worried of returning to Westfall again. Now there were some rumors in the abandoned Stonewatch Keep that we wanted to check out, maybe after a few days rest. We've earned it.

Re: [Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:25 pm
by Sinrek
*Noses in*

Interesting. Very very interesting!
You keep posting so I could keep readin'.

Re: [Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:38 pm
by Widogast
Entry 16, Downtime and Visions of Grief, Lakeshire 623KC:
In taking our time to get back to Lakeshire, it took us about a day and a half of being extra kind to the horses and enjoying the sights and sounds. After everything that we had gone through, all the pain and suffering, there was a color to the world that I didn't see before. I didn't feel as afraid of the forests passing through Elwynn and the few times that there was any indication that there might be some trouble ahead, it never came. It felt like a massive weight was taken off my chest, especially once we got the time to truly check to see what had happened to Grim while he was captive.

The notes we had uncovered and whatever he was monologuing about all added up with what we saw done to Grim. He was able to articulate himself a little bit better, but he was still himself. He was definitely stronger and tired a lot less easier than before. Just in the small bit of time that has passed, the fur that was patchy has already begun to grow back and so I think there's quite a bit that Emolenar didn't realize was a success. I'm still worried, but he still seems like he's himself. So I'll trust in that. If nothing else, his boundless stamina will make for a great deterrent for anyone looking for an easy mark at night.

When we returned to Lakeshire, we were greeted like we had returned home. It made me think about how broken Westfall is, how without help from Stormwind it probably won't ever get better. Sure, there's people that'll solve the immediate problems, but then they'll move on. You need people to lay down roots and figure out what keeps causing things. Usually it's really easy: food, water, shelter, and money. We had told many of the people of Lakeshire about Grim over the course of our being here and so they were all curious to meet our gnoll companion that wasn't a "vicious, cold-blooded baby eater." It was terse at first, but the people quickly took to him and were boundless with their questions, as if they had a lifetime of things to ask from superstitions to tall tales that they wanted to have confirmed. The amount of laughter that I heard come from both Grim and the people that day seemed like it could've repaired any injury.

Not looking to interrupt their merriment, I was not as boundless of energy. I sneaked off to go relax in the tavern and try to acclimate myself again. Redridge definitely has a different "energy" to it than Westfall, and the glut of arcane power that I supped on the day before had already run its course in my sleep. I can feel a dullness around the edges of my eyes, and it would be so easy to just give in and feel comfortable in the sensation. I don't know if you ever experienced it, but it's comfortable to know how you're supposed to feel. Trying to feel differently, working at being happy isn't easy but it's worth it. I was reminded when I went into the tavern and saw one of our kinsmen relaxing by the fire. It had been a moment since I had the opportunity to speak with a fellow high elf.

He is far worse off than I am. He was the living embodiment of my fears. His adventuring party tired of his weak constitution and need for rest and so they left him here in Lakeshire. His eyes were dull and blurry, he'd been crying over it for hours and no doubt hurting over it for longer. If his allies only now acted upon it, I can only imagine how he must have been feeling and for so long. I took a seat beside him at the fire and greeted him in our native tongue with a smile that must have said everything. I brought him in for a hug and he cried freely and before long, I joined him. I don't know what came over me, but I could feel his pain through my own experiences. Before long, he started to talk about what had happened and confirmed my suspicions. He told me that he was so close to giving up hope, but wants to keep on fighting against the weakness. I told him of my experiences and the methods that worked for me. Before long, we had been speaking for an hour when Areia and Grim came to find us.

I parted ways, learning his name: Tynriel Whitestar. The name was vaguely familiar, only for how many high elves that were often named for stars. I wonder if I could see his family's star in the night sky tonight?

Now back in the safety of Lakeshire, I write. Soon we will go investigate the rumors we heard surrounding Stonewatch Keep. Were it not for my fear of encountering that dragon again, I would think of staying here for a time. When we passed through Duskwood, we stopped briefly in Darkshire and the guardsmen spoke of all manner of problems they were facing and of a mighty undead creature that had previously rampaged through their town.

That will be our next destination, I think.

Entry 17, Stonewatch Keep and How Things Should Be, Lakeshire 623KC:
Measured strides toward success, that's something you always tried to impart on me. You told me that sometimes the craft that we endeavor to fulfill our lives with can devour eternities to perfect the basics - perhaps if this were a different time. I'm learning wherever I go and from whoever I fight. Unlike you, unlike the majority of our people I will be indiscriminate if it means my success. I mention this because I know you would find pause in the method of my victory.

There was quite some distance between Lakeshire and Stonewatch, so we trusted Grim to guide us through the dangers of his native land. He made the excuse to sidetrack us to check on the tribe that he had abandoned. When last he saw them, he says that their chieftain Fangore had begun working with the dark wizard Morganth and that's when he got the idea that things weren't right and set out on his own. Now that he had lead us back to where his people called home, north-northwest of the Tower of Ilgalar, we found a shocking revelation. What had been done to Grim was first seemingly tested upon the Shadowhide Gnolls, his own kin. They hardly resembled gnolls as they appeared viscous and sick and not quite themselves. We had heard that under the thrall of Morganth they attained power, but at this cost? As soon as we can, we must find a mage capable of investigating what was done to Grim.

When we approached the Stonewatch Keep, we had a plan in mind of scaling the walls in silence and using the battlements for our benefit - Grim was able to check above with his bird and didn't notice their being manned. The orcs probably lack the numbers for a full defense but I'm not interested in slaughtering them to the last man, like the people of Lakeshire are hoping for. We'll fight as hard as we need to get the attention of Champion Ihme Deathslayer: one of Gathil'zogg's unit leaders that were left behind after his death and weren't rounded up to go to the stockades. The Magistrate of Lakeshire made mention that even the prisons couldn't keep the orcs from his justice - the fanaticism that they breed knows no bounds. I'm an adventurer, not a hero - so I don't mind a little vigilante justice for the right causes. The elected ruler of Lakeshire sending assassins to do his dirty work or having the guards of the prison turn on the prisoners doesn't sit right with me. One false move and we could end up on the receiving end of one of these mayors' sense of justice.

Ihme Deathslayer got her name from her victory against a legion of undead. The story goes that she rode north when the rumors of the Scourge were first beginning, unaware of the so-called Lord of the Clans' efforts in Lordaeron. When she got there, the orcs had already abandoned their prisons.

From atop the battlements, Grim moved like a prowling hyena as he crept down the stair. I did not see what he did until after the fact, but I found orcs whose entire throats had been shredded from behind or one whose face been left unrecognizable. It is still Grim in there.

Once we came out from the tower, that was when it was my turn. A surge of strength welled up from within me, no doubt because of some latent arcane energy in the area, and fell into a rhythm of dodging swings of axes and raising my shield to knock their wrists back rather than the weight of their weapons. Large and strong as they may be, I am faster. You had the luxury of fighting like a knight, and I cannot imagine you keeping that same decorum when unleashing your fabled blade against the trolls nor the Scourge. I'll fight harder, as your legacy.

It did not take long for the commotion we caused to call Ihme and her entourage to exit the keep's main building. Before she could storm forward and fight us tooth-and-nail, I threw down my helmet at her feet and challenged her to a duel. I knew that orcs had a sense of honor about them, and no one else needed to die today than us. I explained that if she could defeat me, then hardly anyone in Lakeshire presently would be able to stand a chance against her. I lied. I know I'm not the strongest they have, but maybe I'm somewhere in the upper end - there's a lot of work to be done. Passivity. I can't hide behind my shield. I have to use my shield.

The battle happened so fast, and I was certain I was going to lose my head. She moved with impressive ability and power, but I couldn't afford to lose with my dream on the line, and Lakeshire's lives. I thought about you again, the way that you must have felt staring down an impassable enemy but steeling the aching fear running through your legs. All at once, I was able to move inside of her reach and rather than using my sword I bludgeoned her with my shield to knock her off balance before spinning my sword in my grasp and taking her dominant hand. I tried to spare her life, to tell her that she could take this opportunity and grow strong enough to lead her people elsewhere. I spoke of Kalimdor and the orcs of Durotar and she speared the pointed tip of her axe into my gut. I was told she shoved me to the ground and ripped the axe up through my chest.

That was days ago.

Areia filled me in on the rest of what happened. After I fell to the ground, she and Grim finished the job. Grim later told me that Areia unleashed magic that he hadn't seen her use before, searing several of the orcs with holy fire so powerful he had to look away. He said his eyes burned from the light, not that it was too bright but that its brilliance would have scalded his eyes. Once again I am left in awe of the ability of magic, but I have to keep in mind that we all have our part to play. She says that the axe should have killed me. I say that fate has determined it's not my time to die just yet. She also told me that Grim has been keeping an eye on the surrounding areas while I was unconscious and has seen a large black dragon far off in the distance, scouting around Stonewatch Keep.

Whether I'm ready to leave or not, we're going to depart in two days and make for Duskwood. We can't stay here anymore.
Source: ... torchlight

Entry 18, Plenty of Things Go Bump in the Night, Darkshire 623KC:
The merchant caravan that we joined up with to make traveling a little easier ended up splitting up at the crossroads between Elwynn, Duskwood, and Redridge. Only one of the wagons ended up heading that way, but we should be fine. I haven't fully healed yet and Areia didn't want to do a full treatment this morning due to the travel we had planned and needed her strength for the day ahead. While she did put a blessing on me to make the fatigue feel less fresh, I could still feel it nipping at my heels even as I walked. I thought that we might have had a similar experience to our quick gallop through the dark woods, but it seems that I was mistaken.

Almost immediately upon entering the woods, we were attacked on all sides by wolf men, literal wolves, the undead, and bandits. These humans can't even band together during their suffering and instead cannibalize themselves. Why does the crown do nothing in response to this? It seems like all of the lands in Stormwind's care are falling to pieces. Everywhere I've gone, everyone sings the praises of Bolvar Fordragon as a hero of Stormwind and one of the fairest and honest men in the world. How could someone like that allow this rot?

At one point during our rush to Darkshire, too many of the undead swarmed the wagon before I could get in the way to intercept them. They got the drop on us and I was too slow to react, I wasn't ready for them. Keeping my blade as sharp as I can, it doesn't seem like it's doing the job as much anymore - the iron is losing its strength, maybe.

I've begun to notice cracks that I've only been filling in and one of these days the sword itself is going to give out on me completely. Thinking back, I abused the strength that this iron had. At the first possible opportunity, I need to find a replacement. Its scars run deep, but I can only move forward and learn from these mistakes and how to properly respect my weapons. Yours is no different, considering you still needed to keep it sharp and polished. Sword maintenance is the key to proper swordplay, yeah. I remember.

While they swarmed the wagon, Areia baffled me with further displays of power that make the gap between us even more apparent. Holy magic did not burn away the undead but instead erupted from the ground and seared into their flesh to hold them in place. Out of the swarm, she managed to maintain focus on at least six of them while Grim and I did what we could. Rather than looking at her display and feeling discouraged, I felt a fire burning in my stomach that pushed me further - breaking my sword. Three of the undead skeletons charged forward and my sword broke through two of them only for me to follow through with the cleaving motion and pirouette into a strike. I am still improving, even if it isn't as flashy.

While Grim shredded through the undead rather than using his blunderbuss, not unlike the wolf men, I figured he was trying to keep quieter than attracting more with the shots. In his frenzy, he... spent too much time pulling apart a single undead to notice the one that was coming up behind him. I drove the point of my shield down onto its head and left him to his enjoyment? grief? I'm still not sure.

He hasn't spoken as much since we discovered the den of the Shadowhide. I'll approach him about it later.

Surprising all of us, even the merchants, we arrived to find the entire town of Darkshire in celebration while a large, stitched-together creature was held up on display. It looked as if whoever slew it carved open its stomach as its innards have all been removed. People all had their doors and windows open as if they weren't in danger of the threats looming outside of their city. I came to find out they actually weren't. Moments after our arrival we immediately went to find the local captain of the guard or whoever was in charge of defending Darkshire. We found Commander Althea Ebonlocke of the Night Watch. We provided a letter from Lakeshire as recommendation for our history to minimize the amount of grief we might get from Grim being with us and found out that the entire city has a barrier around it that is protecting it from the creatures haunting the woods.

Commander Ebonlocke gave us the warning we assumed we'd get and then directed us to take part in the festivities and to book our rooms at the Rose before it fills up. Strange to hear that there was such an interest in staying here, but with the safety the city now has - it makes sense. Everywhere I went in the midst of their celebration, they sang the praises of the heroes that rolled through recently and solved the issues that Stormwind abandoned them to. I learned the story of Morgan Ladimore, a fallen and later redeemed Knight of the Silver Hand and of the Embalmer whose dark magic had been turned to serve the people of the town and create the ward that now offers them sanctuary. Quite a few of them were saying they're hopeful to see what my group of heroes will do for Darkshire and that's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Heroes keep running off and finding new things and groups of people to save, but I don't want to be like that at all - I want to enjoy some of the victories. They ran off without enjoying this party? No way.

Adventures need parties and fun, otherwise what's the point?

Entry 20, Ghosts & Ghouls & Worgen & Spiders, Duskwood 623KC:
Making due with a sword I was able to pick up from the local blacksmiths, the Gnarltrees, we set out to help the Night Watch curb the presence of the undead southeast of town. The bounty on proven kills of the undead was hefty, one silver per. Thinking about what we could do with enough money - possibly even getting a sword that actually carved into the undead better - was all the motivation that I needed to get to work. While the skeletons and zombies we encountered prove to be no different than any of the undead we had faced in the past, the ghouls we fought against were unlike anything I had ever seen. Hacking away at their bodies, they didn't care even as we reduced them to clumps of flesh on the ground - some of them would even pull themselves back together and move undaunted. It should come with no surprise that it was Areia that proved to be the secret weapon in our attacks against the undead.

She told us that the reason Lordaeron was able to fall so easily to the undead, beyond the surprise of the traitor, was because the Knights of the Silver Hand had been disbanded by the crown. Without militant wielders of the Holy Light, they didn't stand a real chance at destroying the majority of the undead. Showcasing that strength, Areia resembled a mage wielding the flames of a phoenix in the courtyards of Silvermoon City with the terrifying might she displayed. There was a hint of something there, a sense of satisfaction that she took from their destruction but I couldn't blame her - perhaps I look the same. While powerful, the spellcasting exhausted her stamina far quicker than she was used to and we were pushed back from our stand. In the field nearby there was a lone farmhouse that we used to our advantage. We'd lure the undead inside and use the doorway as a chokepoint.

Rushing inside, I remember feeling everything on my body standing on edge as we came face-to-face with a banshee. I remember what that bastard did to Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner, the things she was made to do to our people. They say that she has become a demon, selling her soul to demons in return for power and even her pilfering the lands of Lordaeron from their last defender, Othmar Garithos. After a moment of hesitation, her shrieking did not come but only muffled cries as she held her face in her hands. Looking over my shoulder, the undead lingered nearby but did not come within striking distance. I attempted to call out to the banshee and she only whispered for us to look away from her - from her hideous appearance. Her spirit did not resemble an elf, but instead a pained human incapable of finding release and truly passing on. We tried to talk with her, but she wouldn't so long as we looked toward her. We listened to her story, almost as if all she could do was spit out the painful memories of the undead falling upon her home and shredding the life that she would have had before her. She was consumed by so much pain and sorrow over her cursed appearance that she ripped her eyes out - hoping to never see herself or see the reactions of others to her.

Listening to her, I only felt pain - a drop in the ocean of what hers must have been. She begged us to leave her to her solitude, and so we reengaged our enemies standing just out of reach. Refreshed with that brief respite, we struck at the ghouls once again and Areia once again impressed us all with her abilities while I held them in place and Grim exposed their innards for Areia's magic. During our fight, Areia accidentally stepped into a trap that we found was laid by the wolf men, the worgen as they're called by the locals. The trap looped around her ankle and dragged her away through brush and into a den of spiders as large as an orc. Dangling there, we saw one of the worgen looming over the horizon and staring at us while the spiders descended. Grim set to freeing Areia and I positioned myself to catch her.

Rather than defending myself from the approaching spiders, I caught Areia and then we truly began to fight back. I could feel my vision getting blurry from the toxins of the spiders' bites but we had to win the fight! Overcome with adrenaline, I truly felt like I was having the time of my life and while Grim and Areia both yelled and screamed, I could only laugh while I stomped and sliced at spiders and felt my vision going black.

We apparently made it out alive as I am writing this from the bed of an infirmary. Areia is currently working with the herbalist to make some anti-venom for the spiders. We were shocked to find out that Areia's magic cannot get rid of the poisons of the world and all she can do is hope to mitigate any damage done by them with her own healing. Relying on medicines rather than magic is going to be a small change, and I hope it doesn't keep me off my feet too long. There's too much to do and while I have all the time in the world, my allies do not. If I had it my way, we'd leave Darkshire right now and make for Quel'thalas but if I want to actually accomplish this goal it's going to take time.

I want to find out more about that worgen, and it seems that I'm not alone. Grim set out on his own to track the wolf and find out anything he can on it.

Foggy as my brain is, I remember what that trader said about Duskwood. Dryads? Really?

Entry 21, Pretending to Take it Easy, Darkshire 623KC:
It's been four days since I've left the bed and done anything meaningful and I still feel too lethargic to do much. Despite that, I made good on my promise to visit the blacksmith and spoke with the Gnarltrees about repairing the gaping hole in my armor from Champion Ihme's axe and potentially showing me better ways to keep my sword cared for. From all the work we've done, even discounting the price of my sword, Grim's ammunition, the cost of food for his bird, our lodging, the training to learn how to make my medicine, the medicine itself, ... I'm making myself sick writing all of our expenses out, adding on the numbers that the Gnarltrees told me to expect for the breastplate and mentoring. I know many of the basics already, but my father understood that I was far more interested in chasing the blade than working the forge. We had to take several breaks, my stamina not keeping up with the injuries I already had from Ihme that hadn't completely healed and that which I got from the spiders. Under Areia's orders, I'm not to leave the town's ward until I am fully healed under threat of sleeping alone at night now that I can go back to the tavern.

Morg and Gavin went back and forth on the benefits of their craft, each brother having focused more on a single style while Clarisse diplomatically translated their shouts. They told me to expect my sword to break, regardless of how I care for it. If I want something that won't break, I need to find a magic sword. If only they knew. Taking their advice to heart, I paid them for their time once they had told me everything I needed and helped me with a few trial attempts. Afterwards, I went to work just looking to do something to eat the time and give me something to take my mind off of all the thinking I had time for over the last few days. All I kept dwelling on was how I had failed my allies and needed to keep a better, firmer hand on the pulse of our battles. As much focus as I'm giving, I see how my opponents dodge out of the way or block my attacks but I'm worried that my allies might only see me flailing my weapon around like a fool. Settling in to working bronze and iron bars for the Gnarltrees was almost therapeutic since I lost myself in it and before I knew it, they were out of materials to work with. I hadn't even noticed the hours roll by.

They let me know that my breastplate should be ready for me to pickup tomorrow, having needed to refit one for me. Hopefully I'll be completely back on my feet by then. When I returned to the Scarlet Rose, there was an older woman resting by the fire speaking to a familiar face that I was surprised to see joined with several allies. In that short time, Tynriel found himself in the company of several other adventurers. When I greeted him, he rushed over to hug me and thank me for pushing him to keep going. It was inspiring, really. He let me know of his adventures and how he had just met Alys, the woman by the fire. She was looking for people to recover an heirloom box that was being delivered to her. The courier was last seen here in Duskwood after speaking with the Night Watch near Raven Hill. Tynriel didn't seem interested in following the lead, so I told her that my group and I would be more than happy to look into it.

The way she smiled at me, I could tell she had a bit more to her than meets the eye. She's not just some weak old woman, there's spirit there. Who comes all the way to Duskwood to recover an item rather than hiring people to seek it out? Someone with a lot of character to them. We discussed the reward for helping her and it was more than fair, a fat bag of silver pieces. The heirloom box was thought to be lost somewhere deep in the territory where worgen and bandits infested, but I think if we're careful it shouldn't be such an issue. While I waited for Areia and Grim to return to the tavern, Alys bought dinner and told me about her life, how she was hoping to finish up business in her old age and go traveling without worrying for her affairs. She promised to tell me more once we brought her the heirloom she sought and thanked me for the company before going off to bed.

I came upstairs to write here in my journal, but now that I'm settling in I think I might have the strength to practice with my shield. If I can stay dedicated rather than just watching myself fall further and further behind Areia and Grim, maybe I'll be able to keep up.

Entry 22, Stumbling Upon Well-Laid Plans, Duskwood 623KC:
I sound like a broken record, but the pains of today come from accidental discoveries rather than combat failures. Once I'm back on my feet in a day, we'll recover the heirloom box for certain but that seems almost trivial to what we uncovered in the mines of southern Duskwood. While most have become the den of worgen and others have become the sanctuaries for bandits, we fell into a mine shaft that was far deeper than the others we had previously explored throughout the day. It's by dumb luck that we weren't discovered by the mine's keepers when we first fell into the tunnel, but it gave us the opportunity to see what they were up to: attempting to raise a dragon from the dead. Normally, we wouldn't have picked a fight with a group like that but there were a couple things to think about. If that dragon was woken up, then we'd have no where to stay and I'd never get to hear the story from Alys. More importantly than all of that, I noticed a stack of treasure boxes in the back of the arena that woke something in me that I can barely put into words. I remember my mother telling me fantastic tales and fables of greedy dragons stealing hoards of wealth from fantastical upside down kingdoms hanging from clouds and floating on the branches of giant trees that shielded the world. Such treasures were staring me in the face and I had to decide whether it was worth fighting the gathered spellcasters or not.

It was.

Rather than charging into the fray, we tried to set up for the fight as best we could. I got on my stomach and wiggled in the dirt to try and get to a better position, crawling back up to kneel behind a boulder that was close to the mine's foreman. He was frantically speaking of someone by the name of Gahles Helfire that expected the "emberwyrm" ready. They spoke of stealing the bodies of the people of Darkshire and wielding the power of a necromancer's relic against the townsfolk: they speak of the ward that now protects Darkshire. So close to them, overhearing their mutterings and the cruel tone to their voice made me sweat and wish that both Areia and Grim could have hurried with their parts. Grim was doing something similar, wiggling in the dirt to get closer to some of the overseers controlling the mine's undead workers. He set up a contraption from his bag that glimmered with vague magic, an item he must have picked up on his own while I recovered. The overseers didn't even see it under their feet and when they stepped forward, the magical item vanished and the overseers stood frozen. Areia must have been waiting for this, because the moment she saw the ice take hold she released her spellcraft and holy shackles erupted from the ground to pin down five of their skeletal workers.

Swinging around the boulder, I brought my shield down on the foreman while driving my fresh sword at his companion. Their faces were sullen, discolored, and they wore strange tattoos and brandings that seemed almost to try and emulate the colors and appearances of death. They were more resilient than any man I had fought up until that point, more like the undead but they bled like the living. While Areia focused on keeping the skeletal workers at bay and Grim's cackling laughter and screaming vulture companion tore through the remaining overseers, I dueled with the foreman. My sword had cleanly carved through the other's torso but now was too slick to bite into the foreman's armor. Their blood was like ichor, sticking to the sword like tar. Abandoning the sword and relying on my shield for a moment, I rolled and moved around the foreman until I could grab his ally's weapon. The moment my fingers wrapped around the sword, I knew I had made a mistake but it was too late. There was a curse on the blade that took root and tried to devour me, it felt.

I felt like it was plumbing the depths of my soul and looking for something, something that it didn't find. My arm disobeyed me and began stabbing the sword into me while the foreman spoke something, laughing about his victory. I believe I now have felt a glimmer of what you experienced that day, the way the foreman's magic ripped into my body. We later found that it was starting to try and decay my flesh and kill me that way, rather than like typical magic. The longer it was taking me to break the concentration of his spellcraft, the easier it would have been for them to put an end to me - worse with the sword in my hand carving at my flesh.

Through the pain, I felt something inside the link between myself and the sword. It couldn't find what it was looking for, whatever it hoped to corrupt inside of me with its curse. My arm felt like it was my own again and regardless of all the pain I felt, I could feel Areia's magic vaguely fighting against the foreman's. In control of myself once again, I stood from the ground and felt what it was like to wield a magical blade for the first time in my life. My shield had fallen away, the straps sliced or something in the frenzy. Honestly, I struggle to remember a lot of what happened next because it happened so fast. Areia and Grim recounted the battle to me once I regained consciousness in the aftermath.

The sword doesn't do anything magical, aside from maintaining its edge and remaining free of gore. Both are exactly what I needed it to be. Free of the burden of my shield, I rushed around the battlefield and felt a surge of strength pass through me. Areia later told me that she had been saving a magical scroll in reserve for such an occasion - something that enhanced my stamina, strength, speed, ... basically everything I use in a fight. Refreshed by the arcane power of the spell and wielding a magical sword, the necromancer was quick to grow desperate against my attacks. I thought that I had slain him, but Areia later explained that when my sword pierced his heart he had already thrown his soul into the corpse of the dragon behind him.

Pulling my sword from his body, we watched the head of the dragon's skeleton begin to rise from the ground and began attacking us. Grim was the one to notice that its movements were shaky, uneven, and struggling - based on that with what Areia later said it's almost like the necromancer's soul wasn't... big? strong? enough to fill the vessel it was put into. Each time it tried to breathe fire at us, it only could fill its mouth with searing flames and make its bite attacks more dangerous. I had seen what a real dragon was capable of, I wasn't going to be afraid of a draconic imposter.

Gambling, I jumped into the air when it floated back as if it were trying to escape and brought my sword into its mouth. There, on the roof of its mouth I could see the arcane sigil maintaining the link between the two - the root of the spell. Although, before I could call out to my friends what I discovered it flung me up in the air and what came next was relayed to me later. It wrapped its jaws around me and ripped into my torso, but I had managed to thrust my sword into its jaws and pierce the rune. Areia said that it was Grim who was responsible for our escaping the frenzy of the necromancers' undead being released from their control. Using Areia's magic of levitation and Riki dragging me along, Grim apparently set off a chain of bombs that rocked the tunnel and caused a cave-in on the undead. Where did he learn to use bombs?

As they fled from the cavern, they said that they had encountered the worgen from before watching over what was happening and accompanied by a pale shadow - something that only Areia was able to see. My shield was left behind in that tunnel and my original new sword but they said my hand wouldn't let go of the cursed blade. Areia tended to my wounds with salves, potions, and enchanted bandages since she had worn herself out in the previous battles and I'm thankful that the possessed skull lacked the strength of a real dragon, otherwise I might not be here, let alone in such good shape.

What is going on with this worgen? Who was the figure that Areia saw?

Entry 23, Heartbreak and Victory, Duskwood 623KC:
It's so difficult to even lift the pen to write after what happened today. Honestly, if this is going to be all that I have to look forward to - what am I even doing? These are supposed to be adventures and filled with whimsy and joy, like the tales the rangers would bring back from their scouting or the fantasies that we were all fed. There's meant to be joy in discovering the unknown, but all I feel is guilt. We accomplished our goal, and brought Alys back the heirloom box but I did not stay for her stories or even take to Areia's normal healing. Instead I made arrangements for Tynriel's remains to be sent to Stormwind where they will be properly interred in the Cathedral of the Light. I paid for the fees out of pocket without question, I did this to him. His allies abandoned him there to die out of fear for the fucking worgen. Then why did they go after them? They weren't interested in the heirloom box, had they truly just gotten lost like the guards say?! I didn't tell him to go after the most dangerous threats in the world! The damned Night Watch are barely holding them back and have to use a fucking dark ward to keep them at bay. They have to fight fire with fire and you just waltzed in there after everything and didn't think twice about it. By the fucking Sunwell, Tynriel I'm so angry at you. You're such a bastard. I would have helped you - we were friends, all you had to do was ask for help.

Armed with my new sword and spending coin for a new shield, we struck out to seek the heirloom box once again. No one believed much of what we had said, saying we should have brought back the necromancer's fucking head for proof. My word holds no water lacking a trophy of the kill - I'll keep this in mind for the future. Alys apparently has some measure of ability with the arcane, as she offered to try and cleanse the curse on the sword after identifying its traits. The blade corrupts those of peerless character, paragons of good and becomes impossibly strong in the hands of the dark hearted - since I am neither, the blade will do me no harm. The one silver lining of all of this is that I now have a compass by which to guide my actions toward my goal.

Heading out toward Roland's Doom and wielding this new blade felt like things were beginning to click, like everything was starting to make sense for our group. We have a system with how we progress, swapping between the strengths of Grim's long range ability, the scouting of his bird, his navigational skills and Areia's keen senses for the undead alongside her ability to make us seem less threatening to potential adversaries. For the majority of the trip, due to their expertise, we traveled without interruption. I wonder if you and your group had conversations like ours, Tynriel. How did you even manage to arrive at the infested mines if you didn't have a plan? We only knew it was you because of what was left of your armor, the color of your hair.

The worgen have a disgusting habit that the people of Duskwood refer to as "play time" and thinking about what I saw makes me sick to my stomach. I keep vomiting every time I think about you, Tynriel. Why the fuck didn't you ask me for help? Any of us? Even the Night Watch? You weren't a burden. You were my friend. No one even knows why all of you were out there and your friends aren't making any sense. Delving deeper into the mines, we found what was left of the rest of Tynriel's comrades and the heirloom box in the charge of a massive worgen that looked as if it could crush the three of us in one of its hands. Unlike the other worgen we encountered, this one strangely was coated in runic markings and wore a collar around its neck. I want to recount the battle, to tell you about how difficult it was, and the passion with which we overcame our foes but I truly don't remember much of it.

The entire time I was distracted by thoughts of why they wouldn't have asked for help. The battle blurred like it was something we were destined to win, just another part of the day while my stomach churned over Tynriel's death. The only thing that brought me back to my senses was my own complacency giving the worgen an opening, spearing its infected claws into my stomach. The healing had taken from the day before, but I was still extremely vulnerable to another attack in the same area. To prevent the worgen's hand from ripping out my guts, Areia unleashed a spell I had never seen before and shielded me with her magic. She and Grim described it to me as a knight with an elven greatsword shielding me from the attacks rather than the shield that I had seen. As the shield began to wane, I could feel my strength depleting with it. Rolling behind the worgen, I kicked at its legs and used my shield to pry its mouth open - Grim did the honors.

With the large worgen defeated, Areia went to investigating the strange rune markings and the collar that it was wearing. While she wasn't familiar with arcane magic and neither was I with the intimate details, I could smell it on the collar and she could understand some of the basic runes. It was some sort of control spell. Even though there was certainly more to look into while we were there, things that we could have better understood, I made the choice to grab the heirloom box and leave. Investigating into this further would only lead us to further heartache. Between Grim, Areia's magic, and my strength we were able to carry the group of slain adventurers back to Darkshire.

Before returning to the Scarlet Rose and coming upstairs to write, I was stopped by Commander Ebonlocke of the Night Watch. She offered to spar with me, and even as I was there was no way I was going to turn her down. Sparring was something that we always did when we had the chance to really think and talk, to go over the troubles of our days. Troubles, as if we had any back then. The frustration I felt at being so young and inexperienced beside all of you amazing swordsmen feels so far away now and foreign, almost cloudy like the image is starting to fade but perhaps with the description that my friends gave me of the knight they saw - you aren't completely gone, even if I can't see you clearly. Althea and I sparred for hours and lost track of the time, both of us quietly opening up about the pains we were dealing with. She didn't seek me out to spar with me, she was clearly the superior swordsman - she sought me out to try and aid the burden I was carrying, showing me that I wasn't the only one.

Even so, that doesn't make it any better! We're supposed to suffer and crawl for the small victories while those that are cruel reap the rewards of others? What's the point then?
I've come to learn that Areia's magic does not always come without negative effects. When I awoke in the morning, she explained to me the spell that she used leaves the target of weakened soul, as if the barrier is formed from their very core rather than magic alone. Knowing that now, I understand why she is so hesitant to make use of the spell but now that I know it won't be as much of an issue in the future. After reflecting on what Althea and I spoke of last night, we can't afford to let ourselves be weighed down by our own failures and missteps, those that we lose along the way. They have to be our strength, a guiding force to remember everything and everyone that couldn't be there at the end with us. Even if we're alone, we owe it to them for the sake of their deaths to succeed. More than you, Thalorien, it appears that there are others that I must continue to live for. I will retrieve your blade from the foot of the desecrated Sunwell, even if it kills me. Elor bindel felallan morin'aminor: sleep forever in quiet serenity, Tynriel.

Re: [Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:28 pm
by Widogast
Thas'rea arkhana
Valor and magic

Entry 24, Distractions and Downtime, Duskwood 623KC:
After taking a week to recover from the shock of Tynriel's passing, we were planning to set out on other adventures and maybe head south into the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale. Some of the traveling merchants that reluctantly stop through Darkshire have spoken about the wild world to the south and the dangers that lurk inside of them. They spoke of entire teams of the Explorer's League trying to uncover the ruins of Azotha, apparently the cradle of all humankind. I thought it would have been more sensational than just some city in the jungle that humans came to be in from whatever they were before. Of everything, they warned of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and the Gurubashi Trolls - pirates so deadly that they kill for sport and trolls so bloodthirsty that they'd eat their own limbs out of boredom. I don't know if they took me for a fool, but I know there's more to the trolls than what meets the eye. The Amani have held their ground against my people for thousands of years and now they stand against the brunt of the Scourge, according to the rumors. Who is to know what rumors can be believed? There are those who say that they have made the visit to Silvermoon City and found a sterile city of beautiful dead and silence, only to come alive and fend off any invaders: no matter their allegiance, even the Scourge. There are those that say that the Sunwell continues to pollute Quel'thalas, meaning that my dream is nearly impossible but I will make that determination, not trust in someone else's eyes.

Continuing to speak with the merchants, their brother - a swordsmith by the name Borden - asked to see my blade. When I explained why he couldn't, he asked for a demonstration of the sword. Holding it before him, he confirmed the curse that remained on the sword and was appalled that I remained unaffected. For this, he offered me a deal - a sword even stronger than the one that I carried already and only for the low price of nine gold. He explained that the swords were recovered from heroes and notable warriors of old to be reforged with modern techniques. This particular blade had once been carried into battle against the Burning Legion atop Mt. Hyjal some four years before. While its wielder had fallen, the blade remained strong enough to be taken up by three other warriors that day before it shattered. Newly reforged, this swordsmith says that he seeks to sell them only to those that have the mark of a great swordsman. While my instincts sought any form of flattery for just convincing me to buy it, I truly believed what he was saying and offered up the coin without a second thought.

When I drew the blade, the reforged Lionstrike, it felt completely different in my hands than the cursed Heartbane and the edge licked with flame. Any doubt that I might have had that I was dealing with a charlatan, like the stories I had heard of the cursed Dark Riders of Karazhan, quickly faded. While the cursed blade would serve me well as a canary, Lionstrike would serve as my arm. More than this, I felt the weight I was feeling and the anxiety growing in the back of my mind about my own ability vanish with the swordsmith's words. Perhaps I have been over-worried for little reason.

Once we returned to the Scarlet Rose, I was honestly surprised to find Alys still lingering around rather than going off on her travels like she said. It turns out that while she had been waiting for someone to help in recovering the heirloom box, a friend of hers from Theramore of all places wrote asking with her help in finding something that the local ogres had pilfered during their travels here. What was someone from far-off Theramore doing traveling in Duskwood? I guess mages have a lot of time on their hands, but the elven mages I knew of tended to keep to their towers. Perhaps humans are different. The ogres of the Vul'Gol mound to the west had gotten their hands on a draenethyst runestone that they were using as a mark of superiority among their kin. Alys explained that the ogres scattered throughout the world are each attempting to recreate their old empire in their own way, and these in particular coveted... monocles. I guess the stronger the ogre, the bigger and more impressive the monocle in this society and everything was up for grabs. So it wasn't really the monocles, so much as it was being stronger than the ogre with the particular monocle. Lucky for us, we weren't treading water already trod by others. Apparently the same group of adventurers that had rolled through and saved the town had also killed the last chieftain of the Splinter Fist ogres. We just need to find one of the current chief's guardians.

I didn't spend too much time thinking about it, because the more I did the more I started to think about ways to fix or tweak it to work in a way that wouldn't be so awful. Maybe the ogres have a need for monocles that I don't understand... or maybe I've been thinking way too much about this. It didn't help that Grim and I continued to discuss this in detail while we traveled to the mound. Honestly, I should have never been worried about him being him. Grim hasn't acted at all strangely and, if anything, has only been more aware and helpful than ever. We're better off having him on our team than not. During our travel, we ended up recovering what was the lynchpin of our plan with the ogres: a clear crystalline chunk. It took a bit of doing, but we were able to chisel it into what could be called a monocle.

Arriving at the Vul'Gol mound, I carried the "monocle" as close to my face as I could and was stopped by several of the ogres. They spoke Common just fine and many challenged us to fights, willing to let me bring along my companions for the brawls because they thought us weak and small - easy targets to take such a huge monocle from. We didn't kill the ogres, but instead bashed our way through their stubborn customs until we met with the guardsman we sought, Rizunom. I could tell immediately that the monocle he wore was some kind of arcane runestone or device with inscriptions carved into it. There's no way he was able to see through it. Unlike the others, Rizunom didn't allow me to work with my allies in the fight against him.

Lionstrike has proven its worth in my hands and guided me to swift victories without wearing down its edge. The battle was far tougher than I expected, and I'm not going to be heading back out for a few days - maybe even a little more than a week, depending on what Areia is capable of doing. She thinks he fractured several of my ribs, but honestly it just feels like my chest is going to collapse on itself while lightning is going to explode from my guts. Rizunom's mallet sent me flying into one of their stone pillars and I was seeing spots for a while, thankful for the healing potions that Areia consistently brewed. Gulping it down for a brief bit of stamina, I felt my strength return and rushed like hell to meet the ogre. He missed his strike with the mallet and I jumped on top of his weapon, before slamming my shield down on his head with all of my strength behind it. I did to him what it felt like he did to me, hitting him with as much force as I could muster. He went down before I did. We were able to retrieve the monocle. Rizunom and I, Areia, Grim, and the ogres that were present spent the next few hours celebrating our battles and dining on the elk that they had hunted. In honor of the battles we gave Rizunom the crystal monocle we used to start our brawls and sealed our friendship.

With the help of Areia's magic, Grim's strength, and my stubbornness we returned to Darkshire successful. Much to our surprise, we were greeted with a letter from Alys saying that she would return within the next few days but that something had come up. Surprising or not, I'm thankful for it - I need the rest and there's nothing else for us to do at the moment. And while I have kept going, I admit that I still think an awful lot about Tynriel - more than I think about you. For what little I knew of him, he was an inspiring beacon. He must have known that he shouldn't be traveling out here, but he wanted to accomplish something. Perhaps I'll get the chance to figure out what that might have been in the future, see his dreams to fruition as well.

Entry 25, The Twilight Grove, Duskwood 623KC:
After four days of waiting while I was healing from our battles at Vul'Gol, Alys still hadn't returned. Now that I'm back on my feet, there's not much for me to do around town and I've been meaning to take some time to go on a real adventure, not something with desperate fighting and misery. I remember the traveler I spoke with in Goldshire spoke of dryads in Duskwood and I've been asking around quite a bit. No one has apparently seen one, but they said if there was to be one somewhere it would be at the Twilight Grove. The people cautioned me of the area, suggesting that I not go there even in my search. They said even the worgen avoid the place. If they thought that was going to make me not want to go there, then I have no idea who they thought they were talking to.

Stopping by the Gnarltrees, I let them inspect the work of the swordsmith I purchased Lionstrike from and they confirmed much of what I had already assumed was true: Borden the Swordsmith did not lie to me. With the repairs to my armor having been completed while I was recovering, I went to find Grim to bring him along with me for the trip. If I went by myself, I'd likely get lost in the woods and we hadn't had the chance to do something together like this before. With just the two of us, I let Grim take the lead in conversation since he had been opening up a lot more and talking about what he thought about the things that were going on. It seems that he was upset about Tynriel and his group as well, he was so focused on why they stayed to fight those that were so clearly stronger than them. That's what I've been focused on, just the same. We make careful plans in our travels to avoid the lairs of dangerous local threats, like the giant spider that nests in the mountains east of the Vul'Gol - we know our limitations.

Finding the grove was far easier than I had originally expected, especially with Grim's help. The entire feeling of the forest changed as we approached the area, even the plants were beginning to look completely different. Was this more of how Duskwood used to look before the corruption? Or what was this? I had never seen trees with leaves quite like that before, and nothing else in Duskwood resembled them. More than this, as we ascended the path that led into the grotto, there was a moonwell that drew my attention long before the gigantic portal that resided up on a pedestal. Everything resembled what I know the night elves' architecture and buildings to look like and while my brain thought of what all of that could have been, my body was already walking to the moonwell. Sitting beside it, I supped from the magical potential of the well and felt restored. The exhaustion and the weights that begin to build up around the edges of my movements fell away and left me feeling like the best possible version of myself. I wanted to remain there, to continue to drink from the power of the moonwell and allow myself to get drunk on its powers - but I stopped. It was not some voice inside of my head that told me to break away, but a shimmering at the giant portal that drew my gaze. I had thought I understood the concept of dragons through my last encounters in Redridge, but I couldn't have been more arrogant. The massive creature that stepped out of the portal and loomed over the surrounding grove was unlike anything I had ever seen: a half-ethereal wyrm so huge that even the stones it stood upon buckled under its weight.

We did everything in our power to make ourselves seem small, to not draw its attention. As quickly and subtlety as we could, we escaped from the grove and ran as hard and as quickly as we could back to Darkshire. Even there, we found no dryads but we found something far more awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. Had I not been so overcome by the size of the dragon, perhaps I could have had the chance to talk with it. Upon our arrival back in Darkshire, we found Areia to let her know what we had discovered while she had been learning how to create even stronger anti-venoms than she had previously been able to. I'm starting to see that I'm not the only one of my allies that is hard on myself, as if I blame her for being unable to remove a poison when she has done so many other things already. Tonight, I'm going to make sure she knows.

While we were eating dinner in the Scarlet Rose, where else would we eat?, Alys finally returned and expressed her apologies for having to leave so quickly. She mentioned something about a grandson that had gotten sick in Stormwind but something about the story just seemed too far-fetched, otherwise she's the greatest grandmother Azeroth has ever known. Any suspicions I might have had on her activities were quickly put to rest when she graciously accepted the monocle we promised to retrieve and she rewarded us with a wand that improved the wielder's magical abilities and a pair of bracers for Grim that improved his aim. Receiving gifts like that, for a day of actual fun adventure was well worth it. My spirits were not as high as she began to detail a third and final request for us. She made no illusion to come up with a story as to how she might have this information, but she explained to us that there was a crypt on the western side of Duskwood independent of Raven Hill Cemetery that has seen strange activity, including the coming's and going's of the worgen we had been encountering throughout our travels. She promised no mention of explanation, but she said if we managed to clear out the crypt of any foul magic and evil that she would reward us with additional items, like the ones she already gave us.

Curiosity aside, that's all I needed to hear. Tomorrow we will go and seek the lonesome crypt at Raven Hill and clear it of necromancers and undead, then we'll get our reward and go from there. I think we've been in Duskwood for too long - I miss the sight of the sun. Perhaps the southern jungles are worth looking into some more.
Source: Dark Souls 3 Concept Art, Cathedral of the Deep

Entry 26, Spirit Showdown, Duskwood 623KC:
I thought that I had an understanding for how the undead worked, but it appears that there are those that practice the craft of necromancy that can continue existing beyond death, even if there is nothing linking them here. Whatever it was, I am certain that through Areia's magic there is nothing left of them here in Azeroth.

When we originally set out in search for the crypt, we relied on Grim's expertise but also took time to prepare several bottles of holy water. Areia had grown up in Lordaeron and remembered the way that their clerics and priests would sanctify the waters. While they might not be able to win us the fight, now Grim and I had something to use in a pinch to at least shock the undead for a brief moment. We knew that we were heading into a battle that was likely going to be even harder than the one we had in the mine shaft, but there was something different about the three of us. We weren't scared and none of us were stressing about what was looming before us: we were ready for whatever was going to be ahead of us. We didn't give ourselves another option or take the time to second guess ourselves. Instead just two hours before our attack on the lonely crypt began, we found a quiet area shielded by thick trees and had a quiet picnic as if to highlight our acceptance of what was to come.

It hasn't been too long since we started adventuring together, but at this point I almost couldn't imagine not having Areia and Grim by my side. We make for a good team, the three of us. Perhaps we'll find someone in Stranglethorn that's longing for adventure, like us.

Approaching the lonely crypt instantly confirmed Alys' information with the various collared worgen and undead coming and going from the entrance. There wasn't any way that we were going to be subtle with our approach with only a single point of entry and so we rushed together, rather than giving them the chance to split us up. Areia began with locking down the various undead with her magic or causing them to run from her in terror while Grim and I tore into the worgen present. They fought with a hesitance unlike the worgen that roamed the wilds, as if there was something between the collars and their actions that took a second to decide. I made sure to use that to my advantage, throwing them off guard with feints or swinging my shield toward them. While we dueled with the worgen, Areia's searing holy magic ripped the gathered undead to shreds while the chains pulled them to the ground. We continued this rhythm as we progressed into the interior of the crypt, although discovering stronger undead inside.

Outside the crypt we had only seen and encountered skeletons and ghouls, but inside there were a number of stronger-looking skeletons adorned with armor and an sewn-together creature like the one called Stitches. We didn't have the time to think of a plan and the three of us began rotating tossing our holy water at the giant undead while I dueled with the skeletons. I don't think it is just Lionstrike, but I felt like I could see the movement I should take as I fought with the skeletons. My shield effortlessly blocked one of their strikes while my sword shattered the other with the same movement, flames had erupted from the edge of the blade and incinerated the skeleton. Beyond technique, there's a mind to the sword that reacts with my movements and desires, adding to the story that was told to me. When the larger monstrosity finally recovered, the skeletons were barely holding together so I left them to Grim and engaged the creature, relying on the strength of my magical sword to parry its meat cleaver. Even though the sword wasn't in threat of breaking, I could feel the strikes rattling through my arm and my bones groaned with every strike. Left guarded by us, Areia had been channeling her magic to conjure a divine fireball that she lobbed into the open stomach of the creature. As it was turned to ash by her magic, I could've sworn that I saw the outline of people escaping the sewn flesh and disappearing. We might be adventurers, but Areia has not stopped in her duties to her faith.

Descending deeper into the crypt, we charged headlong into the next chamber to come face-to-face with the worgen that had been keeping an eye on us throughout our travels. He spoke in a voice that didn't sound connected to his body, almost like it was passing through the collar that it wore. It didn't say anything important, but I was shocked that it could speak because I thought that the worgen were just mindless killing machines. If they're more than that, then why did they do to Tynriel what they did? I don't understand it. Before I get too lost in my grief, we engaged the wolf man before he finished speaking and Areia began channeling her divine magic at the skeletal mages on the upper floor. Through our travels, I have spied the healers of other adventuring groups and strike forces from the kingdom - I don't think their companions fight like mine. Areia fights viciously until she knows that she needs to cast a healing spell, rather than exhausting herself with tending to our every scrape and bruise. We discovered that the power of the worgen could be given to others, that's what this one was. My sword strikes were less effective to him until the fire from the edge erupted and prevented him from regenerating - our adversary was a troll-turned-worgen by the dark powers that lorded over the crypt. When an opening presented itself, I slammed the point of my shield down on the worgen's arm and dismembered the enthralled beast. While regeneration already set in, Grim leapt over me while his bird gored at the worgen's back in a coordinated attack. Before I could even realize what was happening, Grim repeatedly pulled the trigger of his rifle and obliterated the worgen right before my eyes. Stunned as I was, I was even more stunned when it reverted to the form of a jungle troll.

During this, Areia had seen to the destruction of the skeletal mages atop the room by conjuring an orb of holy light and smashing it through the undead one after the other, dragging them into the orb. Once the skeletal mages were turned to ash by her spellcraft, their lesser minions crumbled back to bone and flesh on the ground to give us a brief moment of respite in the crypt. While we caught our breath, Grim picked over the troll's corpse and recovered a journal written in their language, that none of us could read, and a ring we later found out that has a berserking enchantment upon it. That was quick to go to Grim and when he tested it out, I could already see the speed with which he was able to reload his weapon was faster, his reflexes more responsive. This was the ability of magical equipment, and if we were going to make it to the foot of the Sunwell - we were going to need as much of it as we could manage. We will need so many magical items that we're a fucking beacon to the Dark Riders of Karazhan.

Upon the next descent we immediately felt the pressure in the air change, like a smog of death was clinging to the area. The burial chambers along the walls were filled with skeletons and corpses stuffed inside, like they had been preparing for such a thing. Rather than risk being overrun with the undead, Areia raised her staff and surrounded us with a barrier of holy fire that was enough of a deterrent to lesser undead, keeping them stuffed in their hovels. The stairs seemed to descend forever, lulling me almost into a sense of security from the length of time that it took but surprisingly I was the one to realize that even though Areia had protected our physical states, our minds had fallen prey to some kind of enchantment spell. Snapping out of it and shaking both Areia and Grim free, we were able to continue forward instead of just standing still as we actually had before.

Entering the final chamber was a surreal sight to behold with arcane sigils carved into the walls of the room. Floating in the center was a twisted spirit that looked like some disfigurement between orc and human, attempting to work his spellcraft upon the corpse of what I could only assume was a slain paladin. Without waiting for further details, I rushed in and leapt at the spirit, trying to cleave through it with my sword. Though Lionstrike was capable of hurting the ghost, it didn't seem like the most effective way of handling him. With Areia's help, I called out for her magic to coat my sword while I caught a glimpse of Grim firing away at a flock of gargoyles attempting to descend upon us. Riki fluttered about the high ceiling of the room and ripped through the stone gargoyles with his talons, making me wonder what exactly Grim has been feeding the creature - it definitely doesn't seem like a normal vulture at this rate.

Drenched with Areia's magic, Lionstrike shone brilliantly in the room with a mixture of holy and arcane fire before I abandoned the use of my shield, slinging it over my shoulder. I recalled your technique in that moment, but did something different. Feeling Heartbane yearn for combat at my waist, I drew the sword and unleashed a frenzied strike with dual blades that carved through the spectre. Even as the holy magic went to forcefully purifying its corruption, I could feel its necromantic rage strike into me and rip at my soul. Ultimately, the combined force of Areia's magic and my swordplay exorcised the dark spirit. Before we could celebrate, we joined Grim in finishing off the remaining gargoyles that fluttered about the ceiling and swooped down at us but managed this adventure well enough. We're working together like a seamless unit, and we struck down the spirit of what we were later informed to be an orc necromancer that had fallen during the Second War, preventing him from returning to life through the harvested body of a Knight of the Silver Hand.

Upon our return to Darkshire, we met with Alys and provided the armbands that had been worn by the spirit for proof of our victory. Alys explained to us that the fallen paladin had been the husband of her late friend's daughter and she couldn't bear to see him desecrated in such a way. I had thought to ask her of her age, nearly, but I recalled that human mages live longer than the average human - so I shouldn't be surprised. For our help, she offered me an enchanted breastplate that assists in the healing of injuries and protecting its wearer from harm. Without question I accepted the reward and prodded her for any information she might let slide. The magical items, her capabilities, and connections - there was more to her than meets the eye. She laughed and dodged my questions, but did make mention of something that caught my attention. She spoke of a magical shield that had been pilfered by the Syndicate from the ruins of Alterac and the amount of work available in Southshore far to the north. Perhaps the jungles will have to wait.

Re: [Journal] Dawnseeker's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:11 am
by Jongyi
These are beautifully written, my man. I have read the first post. I will continue others since I want to indulge them at my own leisure. Please keep writing these.