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New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:40 pm
by Rsa0421
Hi y'all i'm new to the server and have decided to try out a warrior for the first time

As this will be my first time playing a warrior I was wondering if anyone has some useful warrior tips to help me out during the first few levels

Also is there any particular warrior build that's sutible for new players?

Re: New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:07 pm
by Monmothma21
  • Do not fight more then one mob at a time or mobs that are 2+ levels above you, especialy on lower levels. They gonna do you.
  • You rely on your weapon to do damage - keep it clean and fix it often. You are nothing with out it.
  • Dont be shy to ask for help killing something. At lower levels its ok.
  • Get used to Hamstering+running away from mobs. Running away from the mob(rather then dying to it) will save you a lot of time. If you are a Tauren - there will be War Stomp as well.
  • Get cooking asap and start leveling it. Have food on you at all times, especialy if you going to go with Slow and Steady challenge. Get First Aid too.
  • If you happened to loot some Healing potions along the way - save them until tough fights, or the ones where you know youre not gonna make it - hamstering>pop the potion and run. Running away is always better then dying, especialy in vanilla were running back to your corpse could take 2-3 minutes.
  • Dont get your back the the enemy you are running away from - its better to strafe untill you are far enough. Otherwise they can Daze you, which is the most cancerous thing in the game, imo.
  • Its not super mandatory but, - getting either Alchemy or Blacksmithing will help you alot. Alchemy will give you temporary stats and healing potions, and Blacksmithing will get you some gear.
  • If you want a prot warrior - prepare to suffer at the begining mainly because your damage will be low.
  • Suffer through until level 20 and you are golden. Level 20 is where you gonna get huge(comparebly) damage spike and playing will start to become fun. Playing warrior is frustrating at start but very fun past level 20.

There is class rework update coming or something, it will change the talents a bit so im not sure if i can recommend anything(build wise) untill the update is released. I would recommend not to go Prot warrior on your first try tho. Its just my opinion but going prot straight up could be super frustrating. Especialy if you going to play solo.

Re: New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:28 pm
by Rsa0421
Monmothma21 wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:07 pm
  • Do not fight more then one mob at a time or mobs that are 2+ levels above you, especialy on lower levels. They gonna do you.
  • You rely on your weapon to do damage - keep it clean and fix it often. You are nothing with out it.
  • Dont be shy to ask for help killing something. At lower levels its ok.
  • Get used to Hamstering+running away from mobs. Running away from the mob(rather then dying to it) will save you a lot of time. If you are a Tauren - there will be War Stomp as well.
  • Get cooking asap and start leveling it. Have food on you at all times, especialy if you going to go with Slow and Steady challenge. Get First Aid too.
  • If you happened to loot some Healing potions along the way - save them until tough fights, or the ones where you know youre not gonna make it - hamstering>pop the potion and run. Running away is always better then dying, especialy in vanilla were running back to your corpse could take 2-3 minutes.
  • Dont get your back the the enemy you are running away from - its better to strafe untill you are far enough. Otherwise they can Daze you, which is the most cancerous thing in the game, imo.
  • Its not super mandatory but, - getting either Alchemy or Blacksmithing will help you alot. Alchemy will give you temporary stats and healing potions, and Blacksmithing will get you some gear.
  • If you want a prot warrior - prepare to suffer at the begining mainly because your damage will be low.
  • Suffer through until level 20 and you are golden. Level 20 is where you gonna get huge(comparebly) damage spike and playing will start to become fun. Playing warrior is frustrating at start but very fun past level 20.

There is class rework update coming or something, it will change the talents a bit so im not sure if i can recommend anything(build wise) untill the update is released. I would recommend not to go Prot warrior on your first try tho. Its just my opinion but going prot straight up could be super frustrating. Especialy if you going to play solo.

Do warriors start the game with duel wielding? Or do I need to learn it? If I need to learn it what is the level requirement for learning duel wielding?

Re: New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:52 pm
by Monmothma21
Rsa0421 wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:28 pm
Do warriors start the game with duel wielding? Or do I need to learn it? If I need to learn it what is the level requirement for learning duel wielding?
Its a level 20 skill that you learn from your trainer.

Re: New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:24 pm
by Rsa0421
Thanks for all the great advice

All my toons in retail were casters so I never had any use for duel wielding and had no idea how to play any kind of close quarters combat class

Re: New player looking for some helpful advice

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:16 am
by Mazeperception
Rsa0421 wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:24 pm
Thanks for all the great advice

All my toons in retail were casters so I never had any use for duel wielding and had no idea how to play any kind of close quarters combat class
I would strongly recommend not leveling as fury. The lack of hit will make the build very unreliable at times. Added to that you need to try and find two not just one weapon.

Arms is honestly the best way to level if you want to do so as dps.