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Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:57 am
by Orntz
It is fairly well known that all of the so-called "blizzlike" servers try to pray at the altar of blizzard's "balance".

I believe that going for the same type of balance on every server leads to stagnation in the private server scene.

Someone posted on the wowservers subreddit about how servers used to be better 10 years ago. It's true. Most people in the scene now weren't around back then but there were a lot of crazy unique servers that have gone by the wayside in favor of standard "blizzlike" servers where everyone tries to copy each-other and Blizzard's design.

This really drives me crazy as someone who was playing on private servers 10 years ago.

We used to see unique concepts such as guild bases, custom instances, items, rulesets, balance, etc.

I was wondering if the Turtle WoW team intends to implement custom balance and perhaps items to bring classes in line with each-other, giving more options for viable specs to the playerbase.

Edit: As this was sort of alluded to in the AMA.

Re: Balance/Itemization

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:11 am
by Edo
No Ironfoe nerfing plese - as a horde tank, that hammer (if you are lucky to get it) combined with a wf totem is a mini thunderfury.

Re: Balance/Itemization

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:05 pm
by Iluzal
I want to see guild housing and new battlegrounds in vanilla.

Re: Balance/Itemization

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:46 pm
by Bleuhaze
I think it would be interesting to try to make lesser used specs more balanced. One of the things I currently hate with most servers is the min/max and BIS mentality, and then people complain the content is too easy...

Re: Balance/Itemization

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:02 am
by Leluch
I don't think it's a good idea to change the classics too much. We do RP by the rules of WoW .not by your own rules.

On account of bis gear.
I do not know whose position I would prefer in this matter.There were just some very smart people.who are well versed in the mechanics of the game. They found and made these tables.They said.that this thing is good and your class doesn't need another. Why is it good? For example, the fact that I'm pretty sure we can go through a dungeon or even a RAID.Matter of fact.what if it will not be bis for the majority of players You'll be playing WoW and the game in the "racing from the cemetery".
In fact, we must not forget that this is only a tactic. Just simply.