Patch 1.16.0 — Mysteries of Azeroth

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Patch 1.16.0 — Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Torta » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:16 pm


New patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth seeks to enhance the game by adding content that matches the already well-established lore of Warcraft Universe. Get ready for the brand new adventure that will set you on a journey around Azeroth!

There is so much content in this patch we had to split it up to multiple categories. Galactic thanks goes to Dragunovi for thoroughly documenting all the changes during the development.

  • Over 300 quests have been added all around Azeroth!
  • Goblin models have been revamped with new animations and can now show worn capes.
  • Many new character skins, weapon and armor models have been added, credit goes to Kazgrim for making them!
  • New horn customizations for Tauren, wildhammer skins for Female Dwarves and Forest Troll skins for Female Trolls have been added to character creation.
  • New ways to acquire some of the alternate character skins have been added and hidden around the world!
New Gameplay Features
  • Transmogification is back and better than ever! Now you can preview how you and item appearances look via a brand new interface, now with improved code. Collect item appearances by equipping them, and apply to them your items of choice using Fashion Coins, a currency obtainable by doing quests for the fashionista.
  • Guild Vaults have been added, they can be unlocked by paying a hefty sum of gold, with extra tabs costing extra gold, either from the vault itself donated by members or from your pockets.
    The tabs can be customized with icons, limits to amount of items you can take daily and which guild ranks can access the tab.
Client Interface Improvements
  • You can now find the Battleground Finder near your minimap, which allows you to queue for any battleground in your level range wherever you go! The battleground tabards' queueing ability have been discontinued as a result of this as have the commands.
  • New game tips have been added and some old ones updated.
  • World maps have been updated to reflect the new locations added to the world. Also added new maps for Hyjal, Gilijim Island and Isle of Lapidis.
  • A title selection bar has been added to the top of your character page, this also can be used to hide your title.
  • Quest log has been modified to have a bigger layout which allows you to watch all quests at the same time.
  • You can now add your non-combat companions and mounts in the Companions and Mounts tabs found in your spellbook.
  • Adjusted a flight path to avoid crashing into an Amani'alor building while flying.
  • Inspecting now also shows the talents of the target player.
  • You can now use an alternate client to allow for a bigger Field of View (FoV) on preference.
  • Fixed player Goblin portrait facing the wrong way.
  • Spells can now be linked in chat akin to linking items.
  • Experience can now be toggled on and off by right-clicking on your character portrait. Glyph of Twinking is now obsolete due to client-side integration.
New Class & Race Combinations
  • Dwarf Mage
  • Undead Hunter
New Transport
With a heavy heart we have to announce that the Wormhole and Ardent Watch teleports have been discontinued. We believe that exploration and travelling is a crucial part of the game that shouldn't be undermined as often as we did in the past. See below to see additions we've made to compensate for the removal of these teleports:
  • New Boat: Stormwind Harbor - Auberdine (Alliance)
  • New Boat: Sparkwater Port - Revantusk Village (Horde)
  • New Zeppelin: Orgrimmar - Thunder Bluff (Horde)
  • New Zeppelin: Orgrimmar - Kargath (Horde)
  • New Flight Path: Dun Agrath (Unlocked by discovering Menethil Harbor) (Alliance)
  • New Flight Path: Ironforge Airfield (Unlocked by discovering Ironforge) (Alliance)
  • New Flight Path: Caelan's Rest (Unlocked by discovering Booty Bay) (Alliance)
  • New Flight Path: Mosh'ogg Refuge (Unlocked by discovering Booty Bay) (Horde)
  • New Flight Path: Alah'thalas (Alliance)
New Locations
  • Delve into the mysteries of Gilijim and Lapidis Islands and their surronding islands, A new level 48-53 leveling zone! Reconnect with the remnants of a Kul Tiran fleet in Caelan's Rest, the Horde affliated ogres of Maul'ogg Retreat and neutral tribes of Hazzuri Primalists of Hazzuri Glade and the centaur of Kalkor Point!
  • Venture into the Tirisfal Uplands, the Forsaken have mobilized into the western parts of Tirisfal Glades and threats are looming at every corner! This new zone has level 14-20 quests within the new town of Glenshire. The Lordaeron remnants might be willing to accept help from Alliance adventurers that somehow find their way there.
  • The timeways are in peril once again! The Bronze Dragonflight requires the aid of mortals in stopping the Infinite Dragonflight and their plans of altering the timelines! Caverns of Time is now open and serve as a hub to access the dungeons within! You can also spend the Corrupted Sand you've acquired in your adventures here for various rewards.
  • Revel in the industry of Sparkwater Port, the town of Durotar Trade Union that never truly sleeps. This town has quests in all level ranges, including quests for Gnomeregan and The Deadmines!
    Also, try to not get scammed.
  • Ronae'thalas.
  • The Scarlet Enclave.
  • New Attunement Questline for the future Scarlet Citadel raid. Sally Whitemane is dead. Confused, scattered and some even in panic, Scarlet Fanatics were laying low. Many died in attempts to continue their struggles but without a strong command leading their effort failed. However, week by week, Scarlets had reinstated their structure, and scouting groups that were mercilessly murdering every non-human being started to succeed in their crazy mission. Looks like the new leader of the Scarlet Crusade has ambitions protruding further than just instinct of other races in Azeroth: multiple human settlements had been reporting of strangers appearing in their towns speaking to the young and trying to spread their influence over their minds, undead disappearing in the dead of night without a single noise. Investigate the matter, find out who’s now leading the Scarlet Crusade and put to an end their actions.
  • Stormwind Harbor, a hotspot for exports and travel all around Azeroth! Also added a new zeppelin tower outside Orgrimmar.
  • Icepoint Rock: A remote glacier close to a frozen wasteland. Good luck exploring!
  • Aid the people of Wildtusk Village, the remains of a tribe from their destroyed city of Zul'Rasaz. They seek the aid and acceptance of the Horde in Arathi Highlands. This village also connects to The Hinterlands via the Rasaz Trails.
  • Stop by for a pint in Hawk's Vigil, a settlement hidden in the mountains expecting a Scourge incursion. This town has level 20-30 quests, and a questline to uncover a mystery similiar to The Legend of Stalvan.
  • Stay awhile and rest in Dun Agrath, a dwarven village at the doorstep of Hawk's Vigil.
  • Raise anchor and feel the breeze of the South Seas! Come live a pirate's life among the most infamous ones, the Bloodsail Buccaneers is looking for more crewmates, don't worry, they will find you. Jaguero Isle is open for swashbucking adventurers that are affliated with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, with an initiation questline in Booty Bay to get you on the right foot to boot!
New Dungeons, Group & Raid Content
  • Caverns of Time: Black Morass. | Dungeon: 5 Man | Level 60 | Difficulty: Dire Maul++ | Expected Clear Time: 2-3.5 Hours. Move through the timeways to stop the Infinite Dragonflight from changing the Opening of the Dark Portal and the past itself.
  • Karazhan Crypt | Dungeon: 5 Man | Level 58 - 60 | Difficulty: Dire Maul+ | Expected Clear Time: 2-3 Hours. Something is twisting the dead back to life in the forlorn catacombs, find the source so the dead may rest again.
  • Stormwind Vault | Dungeon: 5 Man | Level 60 | Difficulty: Dire Maul++ | Expected Clear Time: 1.5-2.5 Hours. The Vault's runes of warding are weakening as the horrors within threaten Azeroth once again, you must venture down and stop these fiends once and for all.
  • The Crescent Grove | Dungeon: 5 Man | Level 32-38 | Difficulty: SM: Library | Expected Clear Time: 2-2.5 Hours. Step foot into a hidden grove under the trees and find and eradicate the source of corruption within.
  • New Questline and World Boss Ostarius of Uldum, designed for a 40 man raid group! The gates of Uldum beckon, as both factions move to gather and combine the fragments of the discs of Uldum and finally set foot into the facility. But something isn't right...
  • New World Boss Concavius, designed for a raid group of 20+ man! Trouble is afoot in the Shadowbreak Ravine. The Twilight's Hammer have found that the interference of the Burning Legion's mortal lackeys is threatening the plans of their own dark masters. They have summoned the powerful Concavius, a voidwalker from the dark beyond, turning it against their enemies. However, such a creature will not stop with the Shadow Council. It will continue to devour all in its path unless stopped. Stand against the utter darkness and banish this fiend back to the void before it is too late!
  • Evil lurks within the shadows, and great enemies reveal themselves to the world. There are many new Rare Bosses lurking in level 40+ zones, designed for 5-10 man player parties, should you succeed in defeating them. Keep in mind that these bosses have been designed to not be kiteable, earn your worth properly or you're their next dinner.
  • There is no cow level, do not go looking for it.

PvP Content & Changes
  • New Battleground: Sunnyglade Valley. Sunnyglade Valley represents one of the largest clashes between the forces of the old Kingdom of Azeroth and the Horde during the First War. It is a 10v10 Domination Battleground with a focus on uncovering the mystery of the shifting of time through the exploration of the nearby woodlands, as well as the local mines to gather clues. Here you will be acting at the behest of the guardian of the timeways, the bronze dragon Vairozdormu, as an agent for the flight in their attempts to uncover the ongoing crisis threatening to alter the very fabric of history and the entirety of the modern world.
  • Earn reputation for Steamwheedle Blood Ring by doing matches and proving your worth in the bloody sands, rewards included.
  • Cross-Faction teams for specific Battlegrounds will be available.
  • Introduction of a new Glyph that permanently flags you for PvP in return for certain benefits.
  • Losers of specific Battlegrounds will now be rewarded accordingly to incentivize Battlegrounds.
  • Specific Battlegrounds will now reward XP under normal conditions.
  • RP decay and requirements for specific PvP ranks will now be dynamically scaled depending on gathered data. (WIP)

Zone Revamps
  • Azshara has been revamped, aid the betrayed naga of Rethress Sanctum, help the Horde establish the remote outpost of Bloodfist Point and the gnomes of Flaxwhisker Front! Also added some new quests to Valormok.
  • Swamp of Sorrows has been revamped, Harborage and Stonard has been expanded upon with new quests and old quests tweaked, also added Sorrowguard Keep, a new Alliance questing hub.
  • Amani'alor has been expanded, with more buildings, a pen for war bears and an outlook facing the sea, this outpost is livelier than ever.

New Factions
  • Wardens of Time. This specific group of the Bronze Dragonflight will accept the aid of any mortal that have earned access to the Caverns of Time. Their goal is to undo the mysterious time anomalies that have recently begun to appear across the timeways.
  • Steamwheedle Blood Ring. A grand arena tournament organized by the Steamwheedle Cartel. The strongest fighters are invited to compete in the bloody sands for fame and great rewards provided by the Arena Masters of the Cartel.
  • Stonemaul Tribe. The Stonemaul Ogres joined the Horde under the auspices of the Mok'nathal Rexxar. They have since been welcoming and friendly to the Horde.
  • Kul Tiran Exploratory Fleet. Remnants of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's Exploratory Fleet, these few survivors that have not been killed by the Horde eke out a dangerous existence.
  • Keepers of Outerend. These stalwart servants have kept the relic Outerend safe for a dozen millenia. With the coming darkness, they now seek to guide mortals to fight for Azeroth.
  • Moro'gai. This faction of Draenei from across the Dark Portal is trying to make a new home in the Swamps of Sorrow while beset by strife and the madness of their kin.
Music & Sounds
New soundtracks have been added thanks to our wonderful musicians.
  • New Ambience & Music: Sparkwater Port
  • New Ambience & Music: Dun Agrath
  • New Ambience & Music: Hawk's Vigil
  • New Ambience & Music: Caverns of Time
  • New Ambience & Music: Bloodsail Retreat
  • New Ambience & Music: Mysteries of Azeroth, Login Main Theme.
Goblin Males and various new game characters now have custom error lines and some new NPCs have custom voicelines, thanks to Charles for voicing them:
  • New Voice-acting: Sanv'Kla
  • New Voice-acting: Gigno
  • New Voice-acting: Duke
  • New Voice-acting: Runeweaver
  • New Voice-acting: Laz
  • New Voice-acting: Dark Troll
  • New Voice-acting: Colonel Hardinus
  • New Voice-acting: Lord Crug'Zog
  • New Voice-acting: Janathos
  • New Voice-acting: Dak'Grag
  • New Voice-acting: Fenektis the Deceiver
  • New Voice-acting: Keeper Ranathos
  • New Voice-acting: Grovetender Engryss
  • New Voice-acting: Concavius
  • New Voice-acting: Antnormi
  • New Voice-acting: Ostarius...and more!

  • Many crafted items, world drop epics and even some high level dungeon drops have been adjusted to bring their power level to similiar items to make them more worthwhile to use. You can find a list in the #updates channel!
  • Over 200 new items have been added all around Azeroth, from simple quest drops to powerful armaments from dungeons and even some you can make yourself! Some items were contributed from the community via the forum.
  • Meditation and Haste stats have been added! Meditation allows you to regenerate mana 5% of the rate you would out of combat, like how it works with Priest and Druid talents, with smaller amounts that stacks. As an example Green Dragon Mail has been updated to add 5% Meditation with every piece, for 30% with all 3 pieces combined! This effect scales with Spirit. Haste increases your attack speed by a fixed percentage that stacks with diminishing returns, generally around 1% and 2% for generic items and up to 5% for very special cases.
  • Crown of the Dark Reaver has been adjusted to better fit the character's head and added eye glow!
  • Revantusk Mystic's Robe and Quel'dorei Magister's Robe durability fixed.
  • Tabard of Kul Tiras will be removed from the shop and become available as an in-game reward.
  • Riding Turtle mount will no longer be given for free, instead you will have to complete a quest in Darkmoon Faire to obtain this item.
  • Glyph of Diplomacy will become obsolete, crossfaction grouping will be enabled by default.
The first batch of Class Changes are coming! Check out the dedicated forum post for the list of additions and changes: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2197

The changelog isn't fully complete yet and will be updated during the week as will the linked spell changelog with the final changes. Thank you!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Jamey » Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:32 pm

Out soon!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Warmane » Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:41 pm

will xfaction queue in bg a choice or mandatory?
if choice no1 wil queue as horde at 60, you know right?
also what bg are excluded from xfaction? i understand its not for all of them

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Kokorogensou » Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:02 pm

super pumped for this! can't wait to see everything ingame!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Ugoboom » Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:24 pm

Zaas - 60 High Elf Warrior
Saere - 60 Night Elf Priest
Splendra - 59 Inferno Mode Warlock
I play a few other classes on my friends' accounts.
Slowly leveling a Resto Dryad and a dorf pally with my buddy.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lonjo » Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:30 pm

Wonder what the benefits of the pvp glyph are? I’d figure more honor points, or even more dishonor points.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Projecx » Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:38 pm

All of this sounds great and has me excited! :D

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Stubbies » Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:26 am

Amazing work, thank you!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:46 am

Guys, one min in and my thought was:

"Holy crap - we are gonna get a RUSH on population."

I'm freaked by all that. Seriously blown out.

EDIT: above written just from watching the vid. Now having read all that text above.... I am speechless. There is what was WoW, and now there is this.

While the essentials of Azeroth (and WoW) will obviously remain the same, it clear - at least for me - that my perception of Azeroth is going to get a major overhaul. Like, going on a WoW trip...

And to that I just have to give the greatest of commendation to the entire team. NEVER seen this from any private server - ever.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lahire » Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:25 am

Really impressive ; amazing work!
Main: Whitemare

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Afaslizo » Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:44 am

Torta wrote:
Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:16 pm
  • Icepoint Rock: A remote glacier close to a frozen wasteland. Good luck exploring!
  • Keepers of Outerend. These stalwart servants have kept the relic Outerend safe for a dozen millenia. With the coming darkness, they now seek to guide mortals to fight for Azeroth.
  • Also added new maps for Hyjal
Forget Gil'jim, Hyjal, Icepoint and Outerend, here I come.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lahire » Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:06 am

Where are Icepoint Rock and Outerend?
Main: Whitemare

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Afaslizo » Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:17 pm

Lahire wrote:
Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:06 am
Where are Icepoint Rock and Outerend?

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Kyzen » Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:50 pm

This is not a patch note, this is a wish list turtle_in_love_head

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Dragunovi » Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:27 pm

Icepoint Rock is a secret location with content that you will have to figure out how to go there yourselves, there is also a secret sewer entrance to Stormwind Vault, good for Horde players that don't want to get whacked by Stormwind Guards to enter the dungeon, should you find it. It's Mysteries of Azeroth for a reason.
Sometimes makes items, feel free to query on Discord for questions!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lorencor » Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:23 pm

This is simply amazing. I can't imagine the work and dedication to make it

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Projecx » Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:54 pm

Dragunovi wrote:
Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:27 pm
Icepoint Rock is a secret location with content that you will have to figure out how to go there yourselves, there is also a secret sewer entrance to Stormwind Vault, good for Horde players that don't want to get whacked by Stormwind Guards to enter the dungeon, should you find it. It's Mysteries of Azeroth for a reason.
Brilliant! I love these kind of ideas. :D

The retail game spoon feeds you the game. That takes away from the experience of adventure in the game. I know now days people can just google everything about a game, movie or book, but we can still chose to not do so if we don't want to spoil the stories. I have the most fun when we don't meta the fun out of the game and just enjoy the mystery. Enjoy The Mysteries of Azeroth! :D

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Kanto123 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:28 pm

When is this patch officially releasing for us to play?

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Alrori » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:38 pm

Oh my god this is HUGE, thank you so much for the hard work. I am a big fan of everything, and cannot wait to see it all. I also enjoyed the PVP Glyph released, I sure like the idea of this challenge. Thank you TurtleWoW <3

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:57 am

Kanto123 wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:28 pm
When is this patch officially releasing for us to play?
I thought I read/heard Dec 28th?

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:59 am

Alrori wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:38 pm
Oh my god this is HUGE, thank you so much for the hard work. I am a big fan of everything, and cannot wait to see it all. I also enjoyed the PVP Glyph released, I sure like the idea of this challenge. Thank you TurtleWoW <3
I gotta admit, I was really impressed with efforts into PvP. I didn't hold any real hopes there. So that's such a bonus.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Aurrius » Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:56 am

was there any new content added to the client that might be causing my client issues?

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Kanto123 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:21 pm

Merikkinon wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:57 am
Kanto123 wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:28 pm
When is this patch officially releasing for us to play?
I thought I read/heard Dec 28th?
Sounds good, thank you!

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Raukodor » Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:19 pm

Twow hype twow hype twow hype
Khanzo. Blademaster and Explorer

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:11 am

Aurrius wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:56 am
was there any new content added to the client that might be causing my client issues?
It's not currently active. There will be (I am 99% sure) and updated client.

Whatever issues you have are not due to any new content mentioned here.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Adelaidde » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:15 am

Sounds good! <3

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Fri Dec 24, 2021 2:50 am

I want to draw attention to how awesome the new transportation routes are for Horde and Alliance. There was quite a lot of consternation on the forum and Discord (mainly) about losing the wormhole device and the planes. However, the new routes are far more than I think anyone expected.

So that is a really great add. Kudos to the team for that. I hope other players feel the same. I am pretty excited about them, and the wormhole thing - i don't even care.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Afaslizo » Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:13 am

Kanto123 wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:21 pm
Merikkinon wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:57 am
Kanto123 wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:28 pm
When is this patch officially releasing for us to play?
I thought I read/heard Dec 28th?
Sounds good, thank you!
The trailer is even in this thread and at the end it is clearly stated 27th. No idea why you have to ask if everything is in the thread.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lahire » Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:11 am

27/12 is 28/12 on some parts of the world, depends what 27/12 it refers to.
I bet it's server time, so 27/12 in Europe is 26/12 in USA.
Main: Whitemare

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Rajaani » Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:10 am

Afaslizo wrote:
Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:13 am
Kanto123 wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:21 pm
Merikkinon wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:57 am

I thought I read/heard Dec 28th?
Sounds good, thank you!
The trailer is even in this thread and at the end it is clearly stated 27th. No idea why you have to ask if everything is in the thread.
Probably because they don't watch the video and ask the easy way out, although it would be helpfull if they actually watch it.

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Perka123 » Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:40 pm

Ayy what happened to Quel'Thalas? Ghostlands and Eversong Forest maps are in the game

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Gheor » Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:51 pm

Different patch ;)
Narrative Design for Turtle WoW

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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Merikkinon » Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:14 am

Moro'gai. This faction of Draenei from across the Dark Portal is trying to make a new home in the Swamps of Sorrow while beset by strife and the madness of their kin.

Wait - what?


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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Lahire » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:22 pm

Merikkinon wrote:
Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:14 am
Moro'gai. This faction of Draenei from across the Dark Portal is trying to make a new home in the Swamps of Sorrow while beset by strife and the madness of their kin.

Wait - what?

Yeah that's the name of the lost ones in Warcraft 3. Multiple units have this name.
TBC retconed the appearance and history of the draenei, not their race name.

Look for yourself :

(if I remember correctly, it comes from the TFT Kael'thas (or Illidan?) campaign, when he goes to Outland and meet with the draenei remnants)
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Re: Patch 1.16.0 Mysteries of Azeroth

Post by Afaslizo » Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:20 pm

And it is not exactly new because Swamp of Sorrows and Blasted Lands both had Lost Ones the whole time. Granted, Blasted Lands only got one, but since he wants DRAENAIthyst Spheres it is even more on the nose. Additionally the Gelkis rep quest chain in Desolace has you killing a lost one for a Draenaithyst shard.
