Fishing Pole: Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000

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Fishing Pole: Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000

Post by Jcarrill0 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:38 am

Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000
Binds when picked up
Two-hand Fishing Pole
93 - 140 Damage Speed 3.00
(38.8 damage per second)
Durability 55 / 55

Requires Fishing (100)
Equip: Increased Fishing +25.
"Limited Edition"
Is there any chance we could possible make it available to Alliance as well?
A Suggestion would be to add it as a reward from Quest: Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme.
This allows Alliance and Horde Players to get it from the same quest, while Horde Players still have a chance to get it first by doing Quest: Snapjaws, Mon!

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