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Defunct (no longer supported)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:00 pm
by Lonjo

Disclaimer: This is just an idea. Will appreciate help in fleshing it out for later use.



Similar to Hardcore Mode players will have to find an unscrupulous NPC in Booty Bay that will sell the Fugitive Glyph or offer it as a quest reward (like HC Mode). Once acquired the glyph/mode cannot be removed by the player without either performing honorable actions (HKs) or by being captured/serving jail time (see DOING TIME & JAILBREAK).

Upon activation the player will now receive an increased penalty to dishonorable actions. Killing civilian npc and low level players will grant increased dishonor. This will allow evil players the ability to decrease their honor ranking faster without excessive griefing.

Redemption quests can be made for Dishonored/Exile Rank players who want to return living an honest life (faction donation?).Outlaw/Pariah Rank players will have to be hunted or at least be killed/turn themselves in to Neutral guards to escape their fate (this is more fun and immersive plus easier on the devs)

An alternate method would be to have the player jump to Outlaw Rank once accepting the Fugitive Glyph. Considering the majority of the glyph's features are available at this rank and above, the lower ranks aren't used much beyond their slight negative effects. This also means we wouldn't have to create redemption quests, and can just make the Glyph act like Turtle and Hardcore mode by being a permanent item in the spell book until captured/released from jail.

While I still do like the lower rank effects for casual players who like the extra flare/challenge, I can part with it if it makes creating the glyph easier for the devs. We could even adjust the Outlaw Rank to only reduce faction gain like in Exiled Rank, that way Outlaw levelers could still progress their faction rep (albeit in a reduced pace)



When a player with the glyph reaches Dishonored Rank they will suffer no penalty and will simply have to perform an honorable kill or a redemption quest to return to normal.

When a player with the glyph reaches Exiled Rank they will receive half reputation points when completing quests for any faction. Faction Npc's will sometimes perform negative emotes at them (/spit, /glare, etc.). They still have the option to complete a redemption quest to return to normal safely (higher requirement than Dishonored Rank)

When a player with the glyph reaches Outlaw Rank they will be permanently flagged for pvp and their name will be added to the bounty board for the opposing faction. They will no longer gain reputation when completing quests for any faction. Faction Npc's will perform negative emotes at them (/spit, /glare, etc.). No redemption, you've made your choice.

When a player with the glyph reaches Pariah Rank they will be permanently flagged for pvp and their name will be added to the bounty board for BOTH factions. Pariah player's reputations are reduced to Unfriendly with their own faction and thus can be attacked by their own faction npc/players. Faction npc’s will perform negative emotes (/spit, /rude, /glare). No redemption, you've made your choice.

- Secondary Factions will remain unchanged as Pariah Rank players will now have to use neutral city facilities (vendors, ah, trainers, etc).
- Horde & Alliance Guards may attack them and any player may assist in bringing these criminals to justice!
- Only go to this rank when your ready to suffer the consequences!



Players who accept and complete Bounty Board quests can eventually gain the title of Bounty Hunter under their name (maybe even a tabard). Reward money for this quest should be dependent on the criminal's rank and level (nothing to high to be abusable). Killing an Outlaw/Pariah rank player without the Bounty quest will not yield rewards nor teleport them to prison. Hopefully it's possible for the Bounty Quest text to include the fugitives reported level and name. Keep in mind that once a Bounty Hunter attacks a criminal player they too will become flagged for pvp. Ensure that all criminals are accounted for before engaging!

I have two possible methods of implementation. Devs feel free to correct me on whats possible.

1) Players who become Bounty Hunters by accepting the quest receive a passive effect called "Seeking Justice". This can serve as an identifier for the Bounty Hunter player. Fugitive players who are Outlaw/Pariah Rank will also have a passive effect called "Wanted" which will also serve as an identifier.

Now in similar fashion to Turtle Mode deaths, when an Outlaw/Pariah Rank player dies the mode will "check" to see what killed the fugitive. Was it drowning, falling, mobs, players, or players with the "Seeking Justice" effect? If its the latter then the recently killed fugitive player will be revived and immediately teleported to Gadgetzan Jail. The Bounty Hunter will then hand in the quest like normal.

2) When players become Bounty Hunters by accepting the quest they will receive an interactive quest item called "Cuffs and Rope". This item can only be used on the dead body of an Outlaw/Pariah Rank player. By using this item, and after the 1 sec cast time, the dead body will be revived and teleported to Gadgetzan Jail. The Bounty Hunter will then hand in the quest like normal.


Being sent to Gadgetzan jail as an Outlaw Rank player will have your hearthstone and a small amount of the gold/items/equipment slots automatically wiped from your inventory (possible recovery option) like in HC mode. Faction guards could capture instantly. Pariah Rank players will lose a larger amount of the gold/items/equipment. Faction guards that attack fugitives can capture instantly.

Fugitive bank items will remain safe, so keep an extra set of gear just incase things don't work out. Only wear what you can afford to lose when push comes to shove.



While imprisoned the Outlaw/Pariah cannot group, hearth, or be teleported/summoned. They will have an "imprisoned" debuff preventing those actions and thus ensuring they serve jail time with either ingame or RL sentence, similar to the Touch of Zanzil(ex 1 hour). Higher ranks & levels serve more time. Opposing Outlaw and Pariah Rankplayers can attack each other while imprisoned, however their weapons/gear might be confiscated respectively. Ghosts cannot pass outside the gate and must rez inside the cage.

Currently I think the sentence time should be 1 minute for every level. There's a fine line between reasonable consequence and just punishing the player. Lets say we made the sentence time equal to 2x the player's level. That means a level 20 Outlaw/Pariah Rank player who gets captured must lose 40 minutes of gametime (unless they break out). That might be fine once or twice, but any more and the Fugitive Glyph starts to simply punish the player by interrupting gameplay. Since the imprisoned fugitive already loses items, I don't want to add to the cost of capture even more, lest the player avoid the glyph all together.

Once the time is served the player will be released from prison (teleported out into gadgetzan) with the Fugitive Glyph/Mode removed. Having served their time the player reverts back to a normal rank and they can now gain reputation and use respective faction facilities.Pariah Rank players will only have their faction reputations returned to Neutral. Players will have to acquire a new hearthstone from the innkeeper.

To become a fugitive again players will have to return to Booty Bay and reaccept the glyph.


Other fugitive players can try to break out their imprisoned friend by going to war and attacking the Neutral jailor npc. Killing the jailor will allow them to loot two keys. One key opens the prison cage, the other opens the evidence chest. Attacking the jailer will aggro any surrounding guards, so beware. There's always the chance of simply leaving the prisoner to rot, and taking the loot for yourself...

Once taking care of all the guards and acquiring the prison cage key the fugitive can interact with the gate to free their friend (5-10 sec cast).


Breaking out of prison will eliminate the "imprisoned" debuff on the escaped player allowing them to group, or be summoned. The rescuers can now trade the evidence key to the escaped fugitive. Unless its possible to specifically place all captured fugitives confiscated gear/items into that chest, looting the evidence chest will only give general items (similar to fugitive quests)

The escaped player will have their name back on the respective bounty boards in line with their current dishonored rank. Any escaping criminals & accomplices killed by guards will be captured and serve max jail time. Gear will be lost again.



Scarlet Smartscrew is the npc that gives you the Glyph of The Fugitive. She will also serve as your eyes and ears for potential marks, scores, and looting opportunities. So long as you at least reach Outlaw Rank you will be able to receive quests from her (no risk, no reward). The quests she has will be divided by zones and levels. Once you out level a zone by a certain degree, the quests become unavailable to prevent ease of abuse (save some for the new blood).

I wanted to give Outlaw and Pariah Rankplayers something to do besides attack town npc's and potentially grief casual players (killing quest npc, flight masters, etc). Ofcourse they can still attack towns and cities, but the price for infamy will only will the consequences.


Upon reaching lv 15 Horde/Alliance players of at least Outlaw Rank can now talk to the goblin Scarlet Smartscrew to receive fugitive quests. As a Booty Bay goblin she is well informed about the comings and goings of fresh shipments throughout Azeroth. The price for her information is a simple Finders Fee thats included inside every chest/coffer objective. Turning in this quest item will reward a large amount of experience. The specific quest for the player will go on a 4 hour timer before resetting.


Certain zones will have quests for Outlaw/Pariah Rank Horde, Alliance, or both. The example above is for the Barrens, Ratchet, and Redridge Mountains. The Horde fugitives will be able to select the Barrens quest about attacking the Bael Modan fortress in the southern Barrens. The Alliance fugitives will be able to select the Redridge Mountains' quest about attacking the Blackrock Orc settlement. There is also a quest to attack Neutral guards that both Horde and Alliance fugitives can do outside of Ratchet.

Each quest will require the Outlaw/Pariah Rank players to raid the locations and make their way to the guarded chest holding both Scarlet's Finders Fee (quest objective) and whatever loot that drops. However the chests are protected by respective elite faction guards of appropriate level. Taking the quest means one of the guards will have the key to the chest on them, therefore they must be killed by the players. Outlaw/Pariah rank players killed by these guards specifically will be "captured" on death and teleported to jail in Gadgetzan.
Upon successfully acquiring the key, looting the chest, and collecting the Finders Fee the Fugitive quest will be complete (share completion with party). Simply make it back to Scarlet and hand it in for an exp reward. The quest will be available again in another 4 hours. Remember that Pariah rank players can accept both faction Fugitive quests, but they will lose more items if they die to the guards.




Higher level Outlaw/Pariah Rank players will gain access to harder and more rewarding quests. Max level Fugitives will even be able to attack capital cities for high quality chests. These city raids will require more players and organization. Pariah Rank players must be careful attacking their own faction cities as both Guards and law abiding players can attack them.

I would personally vote to allow these chests a small chance to drop faction gear, mounts, items, and etc. This would allow outlaw players a chance to wear opposite faction gear (quartermaster custom items) or ride opposite faction mounts. Considering the risks Outlaw/Pariah players take, this could be a unique reward for said risk.

As I mentioned above with the evidence chest, there could be other guarded chests/coffers throughout the world with valuable items. These chests can only be accessed by outlaws who accept quests by the Fugitive Glyph npc. Outlaws will have to compete with each other to gain access to these chests, as the respawn rate will be long and varied to prevent camping. They can be guarded by elite guards/monsters for extra challenge (3-5, nothing crazy for the devs sake)

-Level specific quest (10-20, 20-30, etc) that have criminal players try to loot chests guarded by appropriate elite mobs. Low level gives low item pools for reward, while high level gives high quality item pools for reward (also tougher guards).

***Guards for these chests will come in three ways: Horde Faction, Alliance Faction, and Neutral Faction (Goblin). The purpose of the Neutral faction is to have fugitives attack them by checking “going to war” in the rep tab. This way devs won’t have to do extra work having these npc’s only attack Outlaw/Pariah Rank players, we will come to them.

This also means we can create more chests in the world without needing horde or alliance areas specifically.Neutral guard death can diminish neutral rep by a low amount so fugitive players can still use their facilities at Pariah rank*** edited

***On one of the guards themselves there will be a key to loot in order to open the chest. This is to ensure that Outlaw/Pariah rank players must attack the guards to unlock the chest.**** edited

- Each zone (not starters) can have at least one guarded chest for each faction. This will allow Horde/Alliance Outlaw Rank players to go after opposing faction guards (they will attack on site). Pariah Rank players will be able to assault both faction chests as they are unfriendly with both factions upon entering Pariah Rank (both faction guards now attack on site). *edited*

- Different chest can have different items (crafting, armor, weapons, gems, gold, etc.). Coffers with higher quality items may be available within capital cities (preferably away from quest givers, trainers, flight masters, etc).Item pool is nothing so crazy to be farmed or put a huge advantage over law abiding players.

- These coffers can be scattered around the world, and just be protected by 3-5 elite guards that only attack once the chest is activated by a criminal player (with the quest). Outlaw and Pariah Rankplayers will be attacked on site. Guards will have a low aggro and chase range so they cannot be pulled too far while another player steals the loot.

- Outlaw and Pariah Rank players killed by these guards will be captured and sent to jail in gadgetzan with their items removed respectively.

- Since Outlaw and Pariah Rankplayers will lose items/gold/gear when they become captured (or killed by guards), having a way for dishonored players to get valuable items should balance it out.

- Remember while Outlaw Rank players of the same faction cannot attack each other, Pariah Rank players of the same faction CAN attack each other. Will there be honor among thieves, and if so for how long?
*** Idk if an Outlaw/Pariah player can kill/capture another criminal player and send them to jail. Feedback needed.***



Since Turtle wow is a PVE server I don't want to encourage any actions that would further compel players to grief or harass others (who don't want it). My primary mission for this system is to be a "fair" way for criminal role-players to organically interact with the world without breaking it.

Im hoping an accelerated dishonor system will allow outlaws to kill less civilian npc's to get their desired rank/risk level. The risk of losing items when captured or killed by bounty hunters/guards should make Outlaw/Pariah Rank players think twice before attacking major towns with their best gear. This gives more power/incentive to lawful players who can now ensure greater consequence for outlaw griefing using this system. Crafting now serves a big role for criminal players, adding an additional economic boost for crafters of all levels.

World PVP might rise slightly as now criminal players will be encouraged to stick together to prevent loss of gear/items. This also means that Bounty Hunters will team up as well, and without a death penalty, use their most powerful gear to deliver justice. Pvp minded players can get a kick out of this Cops and Robbers dynamic.

The continuous cycle of gameplay/interaction of this mode will last far longer than other custom features. It can be enjoyed by low level and max level players. It’s also another unique advertising point the server can offer. The last custom feature, Hardcore Mode, has been an invaluable draw in bringing in more players. Hopefully this can be too.


I'll quote Kazgrim here: Dishonor Points viewtopic.php?f=2&t=342&hilit=outlaw
Kazgrim wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:27 am
Dishonor Points

Even among enemies as bitter as the Horde and the Alliance, there is honor. If you flaunt this honor and engage in objectionable PvP play, such as killing new players vastly inferior to you in level, or killing essential non-combat NPCs such as flight masters or quest givers, you will earn dishonor. If you accumulate enough dishonor through your criminal actions, you will be branded an outlaw. As a consequence, you'll suffer experience penalties, lose access to your own faction cities, and become so hated even by your own kind that every faction NPC will attack you on sight.
- WoW game manual. Page 134, "dishonorable kills".

If there are any mistakes or delusions I have on what the client can/cannot do please let me know. Overall this is just an outline and I hope it will serve as a starting point if the devs take an interest. I would still encourage interested players to comment their opinions and critiques.

PLEASE POST BELOW so we can work together and refine this idea. I can almost guarantee I've missed some key element or ground breaking bug/conflict. Help me turtle wow community, your my only hope.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive Pitch (Help Needed)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:15 pm
by Valadorn

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive Pitch (Help Needed)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:31 pm
by Gomoro

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive Pitch (Help Needed)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:31 pm
by Mythox

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:22 pm
by Jekka
Wow great production on this post. Looking over the Outlaws & Bounty Hunters section, do you think sending Outlaw Rank players to jail will deter levelers from accepting the Fugitive Glyph?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:41 pm
by Lonjo
Jekka wrote:
Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:22 pm
Wow great production on this post. Looking over the Outlaws & Bounty Hunters section, do you think sending Outlaw Rank players to jail will deter levelers from accepting the Fugitive Glyph?
Thanks. Well looking over the criminal ranks I wanted their to be a greater consequence for entering the last two tiers (Outlaw and Pariah). Also to be an outlaw is to essentially be "on the lamb", so having bounty hunters after you makes sense imo. I guess i was hoping that levelers who wanted to be Bounty Hunters would try to capture levelers who wanted to be Outlaws. That way the risks and fights would be more fair.

I'm not sure if the Bounty Board system can take into account an Outlaws level when its posted, so leveling Bounty Hunters can go after appropriate targets. Something like including the Outlaw lv in the quest text perhaps?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:17 pm
by Jekka
Thats fair if its possible to do. But what about high level bounty hunters that kill low level outlaws? Do they get dishonorable kills?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:27 pm
by Darreno

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:09 pm
by Oswani
You gave the example with recovering items with the evidence chest after a jailbreak since the escaped player is still an outlaw/pariah rank. Does that mean other outlaws can just ignore the captured player, attack the jailor for the key, and grab the chest since the loot is spawned inside? Or can it only be looted by escaped players specifically?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:13 pm
by Darreno
Oswani wrote:
Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:09 pm
You gave the example with recovering items with the evidence chest after a jailbreak since the escaped player is still an outlaw/pariah rank. Does that mean other outlaws can just ignore the captured player, attack the jailor for the key, and grab the chest since the loot is spawned inside? Or can it only be looted by escaped players specifically?
My guess is that it can only be looted by escapers specifically, otherwise it would be weird.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:28 pm
by Trangoul
Lonjo wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:00 pm
They will have an "imprisoned" debuff preventing those actions and thus ensuring they serve jail time with either ingame or RL sentence, similar to the Touch of Zanzil(ex 3 RL hour, or 1 ingame day).
What would prevent the Outlaws from serving the sentence in AFK (possibly with a simple clicker script so they won't be logged out for being idle)? What about CAPTCHA-like attention checks?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:01 am
by Lonjo
Jekka wrote:
Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:17 pm
Thats fair if its possible to do. But what about high level bounty hunters that kill low level outlaws? Do they get dishonorable kills?
Hmmm thats a good point, and it would serve as a decent deterrent for Bounty Hunter ganking if it ever became a thing. Though I will say that a Bounty Hunter's honor reduction will be much smaller than a player with the Fugitive Glyph, so it shouldn't hurt too much?

Im not sure if that can be worked around in the client, great question for a dev when they get the time.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:12 am
by Lonjo
Darreno wrote:
Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:13 pm
Oswani wrote:
Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:09 pm
You gave the example with recovering items with the evidence chest after a jailbreak since the escaped player is still an outlaw/pariah rank. Does that mean other outlaws can just ignore the captured player, attack the jailor for the key, and grab the chest since the loot is spawned inside? Or can it only be looted by escaped players specifically?
My guess is that it can only be looted by escapers specifically, otherwise it would be weird.
Hahaha honestly thinking about it now I prefer the possibility of the former than the latter. Opportunistic outlaws that want to steal the captured players loot will still have to fight guards though.

It all depends if we can even have a captured player's gear be put into a container. Plus we'd have to figure out how to specifically trigger the jailors death to drop the evidence key for just the prisoner (perhaps a timed quest equal to the criminals jail time that starts once the fugitive is ported into the cage). That way if the criminal escapes and kills the jailor, on that criminal can loot the key. But then what if multiple players are captured, and theres only one key... lol it gets tricky quick crying_turtle

For the sake of simplicity, we might have to just make the evidence chest act like one of the quests in the Outlaw Content section. I will have to think this over tonight, thanks both of you.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:34 am
by Lonjo
Trangoul wrote:
Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:28 pm
Lonjo wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:00 pm
They will have an "imprisoned" debuff preventing those actions and thus ensuring they serve jail time with either ingame or RL sentence, similar to the Touch of Zanzil(ex 3 RL hour, or 1 ingame day).
What would prevent the Outlaws from serving the sentence in AFK (possibly with a simple clicker script so they won't be logged out for being idle)? What about CAPTCHA-like attention checks?
Honestly I don't mind if captured players go afk. In reality the real punishment for getting caught is the loss of gear/items as those are far greater time sinks. Logging off a captured alt to continue on a main is also fine, since the consequence has already been administered (the waiting is just flavor). I admit that my original description was probably too harsh for this mode's longevity. I see now there's a delicate balance between reasonable consequence and punishing the player.

Ofcourse if their outlaw buddies are going to break them out, it helps to be there for it. You do bring up a good concern about captured players who's "imprisoned" debuff ends while their toon is logged out. A possible solution is something like the dungeon countdown that happens when a player leaves a group. So if a captured player logs back in and the "imprisoned" debuff is gone, that timer shows up and auto boots them from the cage.

Good catch, thank you!

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (Help Needed)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:53 am
by Darreno
Lonjo wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:34 am
Trangoul wrote:
Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:28 pm
Lonjo wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:00 pm
They will have an "imprisoned" debuff preventing those actions and thus ensuring they serve jail time with either ingame or RL sentence, similar to the Touch of Zanzil(ex 3 RL hour, or 1 ingame day).
What would prevent the Outlaws from serving the sentence in AFK (possibly with a simple clicker script so they won't be logged out for being idle)? What about CAPTCHA-like attention checks?
Honestly I don't mind if captured players go afk. In reality the real punishment for getting caught is the loss of gear/items as those are far greater time sinks. Logging off a captured alt to continue on a main is also fine, since the consequence has already been administered (the waiting is just flavor). I admit that my original description was probably too harsh for this mode's longevity. I see now there's a delicate balance between reasonable consequence and punishing the player.

Ofcourse if their outlaw buddies are going to break them out, it helps to be there for it. You do bring up a good concern about captured players who's "imprisoned" debuff ends while their toon is logged out. A possible solution is something like the dungeon countdown that happens when a player leaves a group. So if a captured player logs back in and the "imprisoned" debuff is gone, that timer shows up and auto boots them from the cage.

Good catch, thank you!
ahh that makes sense, thanks for clarifying :)

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (UPDATED!)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:02 am
by Lonjo
UPDATED! Now with more pictures, shorter sections, and clearer implementation. Please take a look and post your thoughts/critiques.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (UPDATED!)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:18 pm
by Sandtusk
Going through a first pass on all this now, kudos for the effort.

What items would appear in these fugitive quest chests? Did you have specific item pools in mind, or did you want them to function as regular chests?

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (UPDATED!)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:28 pm
by Lonjo
I was hoping there was a way to increase the loot quantity and drop percentages for these fugitive quest chests. I know the Kolkar Chests in the barrens can drop quite a few greens more than normal chests in the area. Considering the risks fugitive players will take accepting these quests, I say its worth it to have multiple armor, weapon, crafting items, food, and potions drop consecutively.

The chests themselves can share a slightly higher respawn timer (2-3h) to prevent camping, and the quests to loot those chests is already on a 4hour timer. I think its reasonable, but I'm open to suggestions on this.

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (UPDATED!)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:54 pm
by Oswani
This all now looks more like a mode than a glyph. So far glyphs are used to change simple things (exp gain, exp freeze, no rested). For what you want here, idk if a glyph can be coded to handle it all.

Any thoughts on adjusting the name like Outlaw Mode or Fugitive Mode? It might fit better imo

Re: Glyph of The Fugitive (UPDATED!)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:34 am
by Lonjo
I'm not sure that glyphs have a mechanical limitation, but its a good point all the same. Considering a player cannot remove the glyph once accepting it, the feature does work better by just placing the effect in your spellbook (like HC mode). I'll give it a change, thanks.

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:06 pm
by Drajj

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:34 pm
by Kazgrim
At the very least, a new mode that would defer penalties for accumulating too many dishonor points would be a step in the right direction.

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:47 pm
by Lonjo
Kazgrim wrote:
Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:34 pm
At the very least, a new mode that would defer penalties for accumulating too many dishonor points would be a step in the right direction.
I tried to be as detailed as possible outlining possible implementations. I don’t know the ins and outs of client implementation so I mostly referenced changes that were already made/available.

If this can serve as an eventual guide/starting point for possible future additions, I’ll be happy. Hopefully after the next patch this can get some more dev consideration.

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:41 pm
by Raukodor
+9999 wanna do my melee hunter a fugitive that murder people stabbing them

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:50 pm
by Lonjo
^ Yes

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:44 pm
by Lonjo

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 4:16 pm
by Gnatz
What a neat idea! I would like to see this ingame. Maybe there would be more ways to implement other things based on this...

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:18 am
by Derikom
Making a full on "cops and robbers" game out of dishonorable ranks and the bounty hunting system sounds like a ridiculously fun way to revitalize the opt-in pvp of Turtle-wow without making it feel mandatory. Love this idea!

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:55 am
by Haeshin

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:04 am
by Merikkinon
Derikom wrote:
Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:18 am
Making a full on "cops and robbers" game out of dishonorable ranks and the bounty hunting system sounds like a ridiculously fun way to revitalize the opt-in pvp of Turtle-wow without making it feel mandatory. Love this idea!


Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:06 am
by Lonjo
Well there seems to be a pvp glyph on the way so its a step closer!

Re: Outlaw/Fugitive Mode (UPDATED!)

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:52 pm
by Lonjo
With the Warmode glyph released I just wanted to bump this up while the interest is hot.

All further updates to this suggestion will happen on another account. Thank you those who showed support!