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solving some protpal problems with style

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:52 pm
by Nerasw
Read till the End. turtle_in_love_head
I think it is bad to remake some talents, but lets imaging we could fix most useless of them to work properly
as we know paladins weaker than warriors... at tanking too. maintenance_turtle
so lets take a look on what is stupid in prot tree and toolkit, at least for those who can read. satisfied_turtle_head

how to get block activated if we dont wanna die due to crits? thats a biiiig problem, but i have a solution. hiding_smth_turtle_head

paladins have none dead_turtle_head

everyone think paladin should get it. But im not here for that boring thing, and im not so smart to solve all the problems

Still i have at least one solution:

"blessing of scarlet solution"
buffs (#1) 1 target for 1 minute with power of holy light. Every time target lands a critical hit 30% of that dmg strikes as bonus holy dmg (threat goes to paladin), but also curses (#2) buffed person lowering its armour by 30%(or big flat number) for 15 seconds. Every time curse is applied (renewed) paladin gets 10 (flat) dmg (shadow, always critical). If curse ends its duration and not dispelled or reapplied - silence (#3) paladin for 8 seconds.

(#1) {blessing of scarlet solution}
bufftype: magic (dispellable)
60 sec. long
10 seconds cooldown
target should remain in radius of paladin aura or buff ends.

(#2) questionable part, not sure if makes any sense
bufftype: curse (dispellable)
15 sec. long
if not dispelled or reapplied during its duration silencing paladin with (#3)

(#3) {justice}
bufftype: physicals
8sec. long

that was 1st variant and i think it is too complicated to do crying_turtle
but i wanted some payoffs for getting so strong buff, then i realised that mana will strike back scared_turtle
So there is 2nd one:
"buffs (#1) 1 target for 30 SECONDS with power of holy light. Every time target lands a critical (single target) hit 30% of that dmg strikes as bonus holy dmg (threat goes to paladin), every time that happened paladin gets 10 (flat) dmg (shadow, always critical). "

(#1) {blessing of scarlet solution}
bufftype: magic (dispellable)
30 sec. long
10 seconds cooldown
target should remain in radius of paladin aura or buff ends.

quest reward for killing some elites (any undead in scholomance/strat)
quest given by scarlet order member (like Brother Crowley in classic)

I think paladin must be not a warrior with some magic but a true supporter of his ppl and thus have strength while being with them. So the whole purpose of that ability is to give paladin more defence from his dead talent "REDOUBT" and more dmg from Reckoning but only when he constantly buffing his ally and stays near them.

-Some would think its OP to have non-ending 30% block chance, remember protpaly have no DEFENSIVE STANCE neutral_turtle
-but what about Reckoning smashing 5 times per swing cuz we buffed rogue and he criting with daggers again and again? the only way i can see here is to let ability (+dmg%) proc only from yellow attacks\spells, why not?

what do you guys think about it and how would u improve support style of paladins so even non-holy ones would be desirable in raids?

Re: solving some protpal problems with style

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:59 pm
by Nerasw
If community will let this meme come true i will come up with quest chain and dialogs