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Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:04 am
by Tork
There´s plenty of Bucklers in the game, why can't you let me equip one? It was planned in the original world of warcraft.

And if you want to put some cream on that, give rouges a new poison that doesn't do damage but does increased threat. Then we can start to see tank rogues, it would be a nice addition to the game as tanks for dungeons always are needed. And they already have good support in their talent tree´s for tanking. Add some extra threat on Riposte as well, i can't understand why it's not there already.

Tank rogue ftw

Re: Rouge, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:10 am
by Pfwg

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:15 am
by Tork
Thanks, using google to proofread my text doesn't always work. :)

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:51 am
by Pfwg
All good, the rogue/rouge meme has been around for as long as I can remember 🙂

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:02 pm
by Gheor
Lost count for how many times I have heard this,but answer is still no.

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:03 pm
by Raukodor
i want wear dual shield with my warr lol

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:46 pm
by Tork
Mephistopheles im sad to hear that it's a no on that one, i think it would add a great deal to the game for a small effort. More tanks while leveling is usually always welcome. I tried to search the forum for a similar tread but couldn't find it, meaby my search skills ain't that good.

Raukodor, I doubt that you are serius, but if you are then it's not the same thing at all. You then want something that newer was thought to be in the game. But I ask for something that was planned to be in the game as well as crusader strike and survival, which are now implemented. So you see it's a completely different thing.

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:03 am
by Lichenwitch
i think it's a neat idea

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:21 pm
by Paw
Ye. I like this one too. Let's come up with some convicing reasoning!

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:28 am
by Gheor

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:04 am
by Tarluk
To provide a little bit more reasoning as to why I think this wouldn't work:

Converting shields into bucklers to make bucklers a new thing wouldn't really work well because to do so, you'd have to significantly reduce the armor of those shields to make them into those lighter bucklers.

For warriors and paladins, it isn't that big a deal to have a leather or mail piece of gear rather than plate because you don't really lose that much from having the lower armor type, but for a shield, you're actively losing out on the much higher damage that a two-handed weapon or another one-handed weapon would provide in exchange for a shield, so you want that shield to be as good as mitigating damage as it possibly can be if you're tanking. If the shield converted into a bucker has half as much protectiveness as it used to have to compensate for being a buckler instead, then no tank is gonna want to use that, so it'd only really be used by rogues or hunters (or maybe non-Enhance shamans, but those don't really care about what off-hand they have anyway as long as it has great stats).

Rogues aren't gonna ever want to give up their off-hand and with it an extremely large chunk of their DPS for much of any situation. Even in the very few scenarios that a rogue might act as a makeshift tank for their group (perhaps while leveling with a few friends), they'd still want to have two weapons because their strength would come with dodging the attacks altogether, not blocking a portion of the damage away, and with doing so much damage that the enemy dies before they die (and with that, keeping up heavy threat). You'd have to do a ton of overhaul work for rogues to make bucklers remotely worthwhile for them, and that just isn't worthwhile for a class that people have very few issues with, if any, in Classic.

Hunters might actually be able to utilize bucklers a decent bit more while leveling in sticky situations where the enemy gets too close, at least moreso than a two-handed melee weapon, but it's still not really necessary, especially because a skilled hunter should be able to prevent that to begin with, with their pet and utility abilities. And in any group content where you'll have a better tank, it's pointless.

Bucklers are an interesting concept, and in a perfect world where time is meaningless and everything I could want to be in Vanilla would be added in a moment's notice, I wouldn't mind seeing a few bucklers scattered around the world for those rogues and hunters who think it'd be the thrall's balls to be able to have something like that for the character they're going for. But this isn't a perfect world, and Turtle has a pretty damn small dev team. Bucklers just don't belong anywhere on the priority list, not even the very bottom of it.

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:33 am
by Paw
I am thinking of a very simple solution really that is to give rogues and now that you mention hunters the ability to equip uncommon or weaker category shields.

Re: Rogue, where is my bucklers?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:55 pm
by Gheor
You shouldn't, it's unrealistic.
Rogues do not need a shield and nor do Hunters.