Grouping restriction by level in HC issues

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Grouping restriction by level in HC issues

Post by FutaMaster1324 » Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:18 pm

New to turtle wow since a week ago.

I want to preface this saying had I known there was an exp lock feature, I would not be in the situation that I am in now, but does not excuse the fact that the system is bad and exp lock is only a workaround.

Wanna play HC and have fun exploring doing many quests? Well now you've over-leveled and can't group with anyone for quests or dungeons.

And locking exp doesn't fix the situation like the starter zones, say for alliance, there's 4 of them going 1-12. Where do you lock exp? Do you lock at 7 and then go travel to all the zones and have to struggle with the lvl 12 areas 4 times just so that you can group?

I'm not saying I have a perfect solution, but if possible, an option to de-level would be awesome, hell, I'll even tank the wasted gold for training if I have to.


side note as to why I'm here and I'm disappointed

I'm level 28 trying to do deadmines but groups take only up to 27, i assume because my level makes mobs grant no experience if I'm there and also most people are grouping around 20-24, so even if I find some people willing to take me, they have to be 23+, which cuts down my options even more, and people are trying to level without dying so nobody's going back to re-run deadmines just for me and risk their character.
Some people in HC chat berate me for overleveling, when all I did was I wanted to do many quests for loot and for story and RP, plus the added turtle specific quests I've never done before (used to play a long time ago vanilla wow). So I ended up doing wailing caverns before, then I did westfall, all the pre-quests for deadmines and now i'm fresh at 28 and I'm f'd, sitting on 7 quests, one of which is the Edwin VanCleef chain that continues on to like level 30 something to get the seal of wrynn ring, which is one of the coolest quest chains and I just can't do it now simply because I'm overeleveled and I can't get in the dungeon.


I'm not saying do this or do that, I gave my idea, but I really hate this 5 level lockout from everything system, all the other changes to the game in general are sick af, but this is the one thing that sticks out in a bad way to me.


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Re: Grouping restriction by level in HC issues

Post by Steakhouse » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:19 pm

1) turn on slow and steady, it was designed for your use case

2) don't blame people for not wanting to run dm with a level 28. The point of HC is difficulty, if the level restrictions are relaxed people will start getting boosted. Fwiw ive seen DM groups advertise they had a level 30 in the party.

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Re: Grouping restriction by level in HC issues

Post by Darktifa » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:26 pm

Imo, there should be some kind of punishment for "suggestions" like this from new accounts

Like 1 week ing ban, without any explanation or reasoning,
that will force you to question and research what you did/say wrong
Also, a mandatory IQ test before lifting the ban
Czasku wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

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Re: Grouping restriction by level in HC issues

Post by Steakhouse » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:32 pm

Darktifa my beloved

Jokes aside a FAQ of "things that are posted every other day and will not change" would be nice to display on first login and before first posting on the forum. Things like can I get an HC res, can we get all shamans, I got ganked with warmode on, etc

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