Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

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Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

Post by Allwynd01 » Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:34 am

I've noticed that mobs in zones like Tel'Abim, Gilijim' Isle, Gilneas and others have more HP, more MP, more AP, maybe more DMG and have unique abilities that make them slightly more difficult and challenging to fight and maybe a bit more annoying to deal with.

Example of one such mob is in Eastern Plaguelands the Bats cause you fear and you run around, having to spend more time on each mob, that's in the best case scenario, the worst case is when feared, you run into other mobs, aggro them and make your fight even longer and even risk dying at some point if it's another Bat and the fear cycle continues.

Especially, the levels 1-30 zones need a little more challenge to make them interesting. Most mobs don't have any unique abilities, nothing to set them apart and it's just not interesting when they don't much. All I know is Murlocs in some areas using Heal on themselves or other Murlocs, but other than that, mobs don't have anything.

Here's few suggestions:

- cat, dog, wolf mobs having something like Rend or other DoT ability, maybe even Hamstring will be a cool addition, maybe even a Howl on some that acts like a Warrior's shout
- mobs in water like fish and Threshadon having 150% base speed so you can't get away from them
- turtles or rock golems having increased AP and some kind of damage reduction/absorbtion buff
- undead mobs having 5% chance to cause Fear on attack, 30% chance of spreading a disease DoT on attack
- spiders having a bigger chance to trap you in a web, as well as apply a poison DMG DoT
- nature mobs like the ones in swamps also having DoTs and roots, maybe using something like Faerie Fire too
- rogue mobs using Stealth more, doing things like Backstab and the ability to get themselves out of combat and resteatlth again and try to Backstab again or apply poisons

These are just some few examples off the top of my head and by no means cover every mob type, but I believe having this on Turtle WoW will make things more interesting and unpredictable. This is mostly for the overworld leveling areas, not for dungeons and raids, although it can be applied there too if people like it.

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Re: Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

Post by Bigsmerf » Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:18 pm

All some really cool concepts. While I know it would be a less than stellar idea to make these sorts of buffs apply to like-... Every mob of their catagory. I am definitely into the idea of stuff like this being slapped onto specific mobs. I feel like every canine/lupine or kitty out there having a rend/hamstring would be a -bit- much to say the least.

Might as well toss out some ideas of my own then though.

Crabs/Makuras: Either an armor crush ability, or maybe a leg snap that slows movement or roots. Something along those lines would be cool.

Rogue blinds. A rogue like or thuggish NPC/Mob using a hit chance reduction ability sounds neat to me. Not sure if it exists already, but-... Again, cool concept. POCKET SAND!!!

Wands on caster mobs: I know this would be more of a flavor change than a balance change, but it would make more sense to see your mages and warlocks wanding when they go oom rather than staff bonking.

Shield wearing enemies having a "shield charge" which just increases their speed by a little bit (like 10-20% maybe more) and reducing the damage of the first attack they take by something meager like 20%. Could be more though.

More throwing/ranged weapons. It's pretty rare to see a humanoid enemy with a bow, so that'd be a cool alternative.

I might be able to think up more but I'll prolly do that later if I feel like editing this sometime.
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Re: Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

Post by Dannyp92 » Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:46 pm

Good to see more people chip in on this subject. Perhaps I've played Vanilla/Turtle too much, but I find leveling in Turtle boring now because it's way too easy imo (even as HC/S&S). I want the open world to feel a bit dangerous and "real", not only instanced endgame content.

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Re: Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

Post by Gantulga » Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:15 pm

That'd be cool. Turtle received a lot of player power creep due to all the custom changes but the content remains as easy as ever.

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Re: Buff mobs in Vanilla zones like Turtle zones

Post by Sinrek » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:56 am

Gantulga wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:15 pm That'd be cool. Turtle received a lot of player power creep due to all the custom changes but the content remains as easy as ever.
That's why they should be nerfing players and talents … but I guess they can't be arsed any more. sad_turtle
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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