For starters, I am a high performing Rogue with bis gear! I am very competitive in raids, and I am sorely disappointed with where Rogues are at right now when it comes to the role of DPS!
Rogues are under-performing on almost every level of content when compared to other DPS classes like Fury Warrior, Hunters, Retribution Paladins and Mages.
Mages and Warlocks can be attributed to Ignite, but there is no reason we should be lagging behind Warriors by 300 DPS or Paladins and Hunters by 200! As a pure DPS class, we have no recourse. Before you say "But support rogue!" Subtlety's buffs are far too weak, and are far outweighed by just having another Warrior in the raid. That should not be the default spec for the average Rogue player.
Issue 1: Surprise Attack
Being made into an instant attack at the cost of some of its damage.
Issue 2: High Elf Racial
Rogues do not have any abilities with cast time. Why is this one a cast time? Quel'dorei Meditation was broken up into different spells based on class, so there is nothing stopping Turtle from removing the 1.5 sec cast time on this. 50 energy over 5 seconds is not going to break the game as an instant cast.
Issue 3: Thistle Tea
Why is our main consume on a 5 min cooldown? Please normalize this cooldown to 2 minutes to match herbal tea and standard potion cooldowns.
Issue 4: Execute Phase
This has always been where we struggle where Warriors don't. When the boss hits 20% health, it doesn't matter if you've played perfectly or had absolutely perfect RNG, Warriors just instantly take over because of their execute ability. It seems pretty strange that the class with the fantasy of a ninja, assassin, jester or bandit has no similar way to dispatch their foes. It is high time rogues get their own version of execute.
Issue 5: Alternative SetsAssassinate
Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing x damage and converting each extra point of energy into x additional damage. Uses all available Combo Points. For each Combo Point used the critical strike chance of Assassinate is increased by 20%. Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.
Rogues were not given alternative sets. There was plenty of opportunity to do so. Why not add a set that buffs poisons for the Assassin tree? Or one that improves cooldowns for your support rogue spec? Huge wasted opportunity. Please reconsider how you approach rogue in this regard.
Assassination set:
-Increase stack limit of poisons
-Increase proc chance of poisons
-Increase poison damage by x%
Issue 6: Blade FlurrySubtlety:
-Decrease cooldown of Marked for Death by x minutes
-Increase Marked for Death duration by x seconds
-Increase Hemo stacks by x and its bonus damage by X damage.
-Decrease Preparation CD by x Minutes
BF AS is being reverted at the cost of some of the cooldown reduction they gave it.
Issue 7: AOE
Not talking about 1 extra target for 15 seconds every minute. Fan of Knives. You give Hunters a 5-target cleave on a 6 second cooldown and a mini sapper every 15 seconds but we are stuck with Blade Flurry. Rogue is one of the few classes that cannot AOE properly in any spec.
Issue 8: Assassination
Poisons are now being given scaling, at a very nice AP ratio.
Later expansions added Mutilate, a great 60 energy cost ability that deals bonus damage if the target is poisoned. Just this alone would help Assassination by miles.
Issue 9: Subtlety
The post in this thread as follows sums it up better than I could: viewtopic.php?p=108562#p108562
Issue 10: Energy
Energy is a very set resource. Very few ways to restore it. Right now Darkmantle, the T0.5 dungeon set, is incredibly powerful thanks to its 4 set bonus. It actually outclasses almost all rogue gear until T3. Why not offer the 4 piece bonus as a head enchant like Druids got with Wolfshead? In exchange Darkmantle could be nerfed or changed and the effect could be toned down in return for less RNG.
Relentless Strikes energy regen proc is being reduced by 5, but all finishers are also being reduced by 5 energy.