Rogue: Disguise

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Rogue: Disguise

Post by Vaereir » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:06 am

The suggestion is simple.

Turn this ability from an aesthetic ability to one that has actual functional use.

I have no problem with it being an aesthetic, just for me personally it adds nothing to the class outside of a 'bell' (Bells and whistles).

I suggest the disguise actually does what it's supposed to do, it works as a literal disguise and it could be used to infiltrate certain parts of the map including dungeons, capitals, towns, villages, etc.

Now I've never done any kind of coding or back end work for WoW outside some very briefly on a WotLK 3.3.5 but would it not be possible to add 'spells' or 'items' that which temporarily change your 'morph' and 'faction ID' to the faction of the NPC's you're trying to mimic. Then upon damage taken, it breaks (Obviously it needs a timer, 5-10 minutes) the item also needs to be unique in the sense that you can only carry one type of it at a time so people don't stack it (But you could have the materials ready to make another once the original wares off).

What do you guys think?

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Tortuga » Sun Dec 20, 2020 8:35 am

Vaereir wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:06 am
... would it not be possible to add 'spells' or 'items' that which temporarily change your 'morph' and 'faction ID' to the faction of the NPC's you're trying to mimic.
Something similar is already implemented with Scarlet Crusade Insignia: the SC faction becomes friendly to you when you have that ring equipped, so it might be possible technically (not sure about timed-buff-like implementation though).

Generally, it would be a very nice addition for the only pserver that features RP (yep, I know... but still). Opens so many possibilities for new quests and such.

Another related question for developers: is it technically possible to extend the disguise feature to all other classes?

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Unangwata » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:08 pm

I only want it to remain active while in combat.

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Lexi » Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:26 am

I don't even really play rogue but I think making it so when you're disguised you're considered nuetral to the faction your disguise represents would be a great addition here. Despite that I find it odd that only extremely popular classes have been given new abilities. You would think it would make more sense to focus on under represented classes as to help with class balance among the population.

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Laguntz » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:35 pm

Where does horde start the quest to get this?

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Glarthir » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:05 am

I second this!
It feels like too much trouble to get the items needed for disguises when they don't serve a function

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Re: Rogue: Disguise

Post by Jombo » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:17 pm

I hope it isn't considered necroing after a month of no posts in a thread. I just wanted to add that I also think the disguises should serve a function. Now I'll say how I think it would ideally, in my opinion, work.

First, though, the script for becoming friendly with the ogres as the ogre king in Dire Maul, how did that work? Could it be used somehow?

And now for my ideal way of implementing disguise in the actual gameplay. Let it be like the Stealth skill, mobs start looking in your direction if you get to close, and if you get TOO close they will attack you. In this way, disguises will be simply be a non-stealth version of stealth, thus not having any unintentional and unforeseeable glitches included. I don't know if it is possible though, but I think having the option to walk around in enemy territory unstealthed in disguise would be very cool.

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