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1 man dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:31 pm
by Dracarusggotham
I was thinking, why not you include some dungeons for one man?
For get some basic PvE equipment or some experience inside them.
I would like to explore some places and obtain experience or gold without queueing for dungeon.
I'm thinking in farming problems but, why not simply make them only drop basic equipment every 10 levels.
First dung at lvl 10
Second at lvl 20
Third at lvl 30
Fourth at level 40
Fifth at lvl 50
And six at lvl 60

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:40 pm
by Elisleris
I did 1 man dungeons up to Maraudon

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:45 pm
by Akos1896
Would go against the spirit of dungeons.
They are a representation of finding a fantasy party of weirdos and fighting baddies, the community aspect is very important.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:37 pm
by Bigsmerf
Nuh uh.

Normally when it comes to keeping the vanilla spirit, our OP is pretty heavily favoring that, but...

This is just war within but for levelling too.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:37 pm
by Atreidon
Solo content by definition has to be soloable - that means every class can beat it.
A Solo dungeon that is nice & challenging for a warrior or rogue is in all likelyhood a cakewalk for a paladin in equal gear.
Just because some classes are more self sufficient than others.

While a solo dungeon could be fun to run once or twice, it also looses a lot of what makes it interesting once you have beaten it 1-2 times. So i'd rather prefer the dev team focusses their efforts into normal group dungeons or more freely accessable openworld areas that aren't bound by the same single player prerequisite.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:56 am
by Struggletang
we do have, its callrd SOLO FARM :)

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:48 am
by Noce
id rather make more 5-man dungeons content that will drop some items from raids, pvp, faction rep ( emblems, badges.. ) so that ppl who do not raid have smtn to do. make them harder that usual 60s dungs.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:41 pm
by Gingerale01
Turtle should focus on expanding end game at lvl 60 and giving more options so its not just raid and log out. Do not agree with soloable dungeons, as the social aspect is very important for vanilla.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:01 pm
by Daedalus007
Solo dungeons with NPC allies would be fantastic for people to learn how to do dungeons as a 'tutorial' of sorts. WoW in general is in dire need of them within the game itself rather than relying on external guides from other sources. New tanks have no real way to learn other than video guides or doing it themselves (and doing so with random hostile people who have no patience or understanding).

We aren't in 2004 anymore. People have no chill and no patience. Tutorials would benefit the playerbase overall and encourage newer players to MMOs and to WoW in general to join up and give it a try. Not saying to make it EASY but just to teach things.

Give out some custom tokens at the end to trade for some cosmetic items with one or two green-quality dungeon upgrades to give a meaningful reward to things. Dungeon quests would require the group version to be done to get credit for it. The tutorial could explain this and maybe even give some examples of dungeon quests that players (without addons) may not be aware of.

The thing about 'forced' grouping is that it never works. There's already a massive shortage of tanks and healers in dungeons and those who DO manage to do groups have an endless supply of horror stories to share. It isn't healthy for their sanity or their desire to do more groups later on. The selfish turds that are driving away tanks/healers will never learn and will complain about making anything 'solo friendly' similar to the 'open world PvP' advocates who just want to do nothing but run around and gank lowbies (like some already do to warmode-flagged grey levels).

Don't come at me about 'social' aspects when the price for entry is to deal with some of the worst parts of the community. It is a truckload of hostile turds (roughly 5% of the playerbase) just spamming dungeon queues just to grief other players for lulz. That's not social it is just a mess. They'll even turn off exp gains just to screw with people and need on all the items to boot. They don't care about being kicked as they'll just hop in queue again and grief the next group.

The current system of needing to run into dungeons reduces SOME griefing, however as we've seen with the PvP system there are people who have nothing better to do in life than to run around on a geared 60 just one-shotting war mode lowbies in starting areas and laughing at the guards. They'll sit there and kill a quest master and guards repeatedly just to grief lowbies. They don't care and their 'social needs' shouldn't be even considered in the overall playerbase.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:04 pm
by Venaven
No, absolutely not. This is a reddit tier take, vanilla is necessarily social and the tutorialization is supposed to occur through association with other players and experiences. It's up to the playerbase to determine resolution of toxicity.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:34 pm
by Eversongwoods
I definitely wouldn't put any resources into solo dungeons. I do like the idea of more difficult 5-mans with raid quality gear. Using some dungeons from tbc or wotlk and sticking them in caverns of time or something like that would be neat.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:16 pm
by Gingerale01
Eversongwoods wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:34 pm
I definitely wouldn't put any resources into solo dungeons. I do like the idea of more difficult 5-mans with raid quality gear. Using some dungeons from tbc or wotlk and sticking them in caverns of time or something like that would be neat.
I agree they should go the route of developing more level 60 content offering alternatives to raiding. The problem twow faces is not invalidating old content, if they release 5 man dungeons with gear on par with MC than less and less people will do MC which I think the development team wants to avoid. I would really like full level 60 questing zones that have end game dungeons inside of them.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:22 pm
by Jongyi
Agree with the post. We need end game content which is not exclusive to raiders

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:21 pm
by Daedalus007
Daedalus007 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:01 pm
The selfish turds that are driving away tanks/healers will never learn and will complain about making anything 'solo friendly'...
Don't come at me about 'social' aspects when the price for entry is to deal with some of the worst parts of the community. It is a truckload of hostile turds (roughly 5% of the playerbase) just spamming dungeon queues just to grief other players for lulz. That's not social it is just a mess.
Venaven wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:04 pm
No, absolutely not. This is a reddit tier take, vanilla is necessarily social and the tutorialization is supposed to occur through association with other players and experiences. It's up to the playerbase to determine resolution of toxicity.
Thanks for proving my point exactly. With all the gaming options open today, MMOs aren't the only place to 'socialize' anymore and this MMO in particular will drive away players rather than retain them if the existing system remains. We've already seen it happen.
Almost-nobody is taking the time to 'teach' others how to play the game. That doesn't happen anymore. It is 'watch a video guide' instead. If you're raiding, it is almost exclusively 'go watch a video guide' because there is no tutorialization on anything related to raiding whatsoever. A crappy Chinese mobile game knockoff of WoW does better tutorialization than the main game itself.

We aren't in 2004 anymore. There's YouTube for video guides; there's the entire theorycrafting community that's picked apart WoW Classic to the point where it is a completely-solved thing. Even on Turtle WoW there's already plenty of video and written guides for just about any topic you can think of and then some.
The days of someone patiently explaining tactics for an hour on Ventrilo/TeamSpeak to a group of raiders on a Saturday night isn't going to happen no matter how much you and others like you feel it should be that way. Tech and the playerbase has changed over the past 20+ years.

Putting at least some of this into the game in the form of NPC-guided tutorial dungeons wouldn't be a terrible idea. A way for new tanks and healers (and even DPS) to learn their roles in groups, some tips on how to play their class, what abilities to use, etc. Not a horrible thing to do IMHO. Turtle WoW has been as much about leveling and the new player experience as it has been about raiding. It isn't an either/or situation.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:37 pm
by Gingerale01
Daedalus007 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:21 pm
Daedalus007 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:01 pm
The selfish turds that are driving away tanks/healers will never learn and will complain about making anything 'solo friendly'...
Don't come at me about 'social' aspects when the price for entry is to deal with some of the worst parts of the community. It is a truckload of hostile turds (roughly 5% of the playerbase) just spamming dungeon queues just to grief other players for lulz. That's not social it is just a mess.
Venaven wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:04 pm
No, absolutely not. This is a reddit tier take, vanilla is necessarily social and the tutorialization is supposed to occur through association with other players and experiences. It's up to the playerbase to determine resolution of toxicity.
Thanks for proving my point exactly. With all the gaming options open today, MMOs aren't the only place to 'socialize' anymore and this MMO in particular will drive away players rather than retain them if the existing system remains. We've already seen it happen.
Almost-nobody is taking the time to 'teach' others how to play the game. That doesn't happen anymore. It is 'watch a video guide' instead. If you're raiding, it is almost exclusively 'go watch a video guide' because there is no tutorialization on anything related to raiding whatsoever. A crappy Chinese mobile game knockoff of WoW does better tutorialization than the main game itself.

We aren't in 2004 anymore. There's YouTube for video guides; there's the entire theorycrafting community that's picked apart WoW Classic to the point where it is a completely-solved thing. Even on Turtle WoW there's already plenty of video and written guides for just about any topic you can think of and then some.
The days of someone patiently explaining tactics for an hour on Ventrilo/TeamSpeak to a group of raiders on a Saturday night isn't going to happen no matter how much you and others like you feel it should be that way. Tech and the playerbase has changed over the past 20+ years.

Putting at least some of this into the game in the form of NPC-guided tutorial dungeons wouldn't be a terrible idea. A way for new tanks and healers (and even DPS) to learn their roles in groups, some tips on how to play their class, what abilities to use, etc. Not a horrible thing to do IMHO. Turtle WoW has been as much about leveling and the new player experience as it has been about raiding. It isn't an either/or situation.
tutorial and end game soloable dungeons are two different things. I tried another private server recently, Valanior i believe it is called. You can solo absolutely everything except the hardest content there, and it felt extremely soulless because of it. Everyone just sat in SW and solo spammed dungeons and it left me questioning why even play at that point when there are single player games that offer a much better experience for something like that. Group content should always be the most rewarding in a game like WoW because it forces people to socialize if they want to make meaningful progress. That's part of the charm. They should however make alternative content to raiding for end game progression because raid logging can get very dull

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:44 pm
by Daedalus007
Gingerale01 wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:37 pm
tutorial and end game soloable dungeons are two different things. I tried another private server recently, Valanior i believe it is called. You can solo absolutely everything except the hardest content there, and it felt extremely soulless because of it. Everyone just sat in SW and solo spammed dungeons and it left me questioning why even play at that point when there are single player games that offer a much better experience for something like that. Group content should always be the most rewarding in a game like WoW because it forces people to socialize if they want to make meaningful progress. That's part of the charm. They should however make alternative content to raiding for end game progression because raid logging can get very dull
Tutorial solo dungeons is what I'm referring to, effectively a 'Story' difficulty mode that allows you to have 4 other NPCs with you in a dungeon to learn how to play with gameplay tips and calling out mechanics from monsters/bosses so that you can learn your role and class by actively playing the game. Video games are a medium unique in learning where you can learn by doing directly. The issues of grouping is the hostility of groups from perpetually-online clowns who self-admit they assume everyone thinks and plays the same way they do while knowing 100% of the min-max-meta of the game.

I'm not talking about any actual progression or endgame content being soloable. I wouldn't be ok with that.
Tutorial solo dungeon difficulty would be exactly that: tutorials. Can repeat it for some cosmetic tokens if they want to do that (maybe a hard limit on how many times, like 5x you can do it and that's it; if you start and then ditch a dungeon partially completed it will 'consume' one of those 5 completions, etc).

Tutorial raids would be something else and a significant issue would be custom-coding enough NPCs to teach players how to do that. That isn't what I'm asking for though. Just asking for basic 5-man solo tutorial dungeons and nothing else. As for additional difficulties for the sweats, also don't see an issue with it but catering to the 0.00001% of the playerbase is how we get the toxic mindset so many people already have here.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:42 am
by Charcoal
While 1-man dungeons would be fun since I'm usually a solo player and get anxious doing dungeon or raid groups, I am gonna disagree with the idea. If I wanted 1-man dungeons, honestly, I'd play a different video game entirely like exploring the dungeons in the Elder Scrolls games or play through the Tower of Valni or Lagdou Ruins in Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones. A game that's designed for single player type of play. WoW is an MMORPG. It requires us players to work together to get stuff done.
Again, while I love to do things solo, you can't really unMMO the MMO.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:45 am
by Ravenhide
Sounds fun on paper, but unfortunately I think this would reduce the incentive to queue up for normal dungeons, making it harder to group up. Thus, I believe 1-man dungeons to be harmful to the spirit of T-WoW, where grouping up for dungeons in the traditional way, still lives on! 🙏❤️

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:04 am
by Xudo
If you really really really want to play wow in singleplayer mode, then you can download vmangos repack and add bots to your party.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:10 pm
by Jongyi
Ascension did solo content as endless dungeons and their group content still thriving. Don't know why people are against it.
As for now, Twow endgame have no content if you are not into raiding. Raiding shouldn't be the only endgame activity.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:35 pm
by Akos1896
I think these are two different things.
I can imagine TWOW eventually introducing something like heroic and mythic but it's a huge project and many people would say that it is against the Vanilla+ experience.
But with a 1-man dungeon, even if you make some, you'd simp some builds and would totally exclude some. I can imagine a retri pala or a bear 1manning dungeons but certain specs would totally súck on those. People would feel it unfair.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:21 pm
by Daedalus007
Different game, but Aion Online is also an MMORPG that added in solo dungeons and arguably has even better class balancing than WoW ever did. Plate eats leather, leather eats cloth, cloth eats plate. Simple and easy up until they f-d it up by adding in multiple new imbalanced classes that superseded older classes entirely.

Solo dungeons for story/tutorials will not ruin group content. On the contrary they will get more players into group content with more confidence since they now know what to do and how to do it without needing to look up guides and 'study homework' just to play a video game.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:09 pm
by Ephixa

They could add 1-3 man dungeons to every starter location as an alternative to leveling 1 - 6

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:36 pm
by Gantulga
Daedalus007 wrote:
Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:21 pm
Different game, but Aion Online is also an MMORPG that added in solo dungeons and arguably has even better class balancing than WoW ever did. Plate eats leather, leather eats cloth, cloth eats plate. Simple and easy up until they f-d it up by adding in multiple new imbalanced classes that superseded older classes entirely.

Solo dungeons for story/tutorials will not ruin group content. On the contrary they will get more players into group content with more confidence since they now know what to do and how to do it without needing to look up guides and 'study homework' just to play a video game.
Have you actually played Aion though? The solo dungeons are incredibly boring daily chores and take too much time. Easily one of the worst parts of the game. They aren't even really rewarding.

Re: 1 man dungeons

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:53 pm
by Drubarrymooer
There's a really huge one man dungeon. It's called the open world. There are lots of elites with good loot. I hear it's even broken down into smaller zones that you can fly to and there are a ton of quests for it! I highly recommend trying it out.