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Heritage Armors

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:35 am
by Dracarusggotham
A system similar to the retail Heritage Armor.

What are they?
The Heritage Armor in retail is a set of skins with which you can transmog.
Each set is exclusive to the race that gets it and they are for those who want to have a specific set, they are a good component for Roleplay or just to not look so ugly, let's face it, Vanilla sets are not the prettiest thing in the world.

Easy, just like in retail, to make a chain of missions that ultimately leads to the reward of the appearance of the Heritage Armor, a chain of missions for each specific race.

They would be nothing more than appearance sets to transmogrify with Turtle's Fashion Coins, that would be a good incentive to obtain the Fashion Coins and a good addition to the RP.

This could be expanded beyond races and made more compelling with more faction sets.

In retail, each set has its name, but they are not very original, they are only called "Heritage of (Name of the breed or something related)", my suggestions would be:

Humans: "The Wrath of the Stormwind Lion"
Dwarves: "The Fire of Khaz Modan"
Night Elves: "The Night Fury of Elune"
Gnomes: "The Revenge of Exiles"
High Elves: "The Fury of the Sunwell"

Orcs: "The Strength of the Wolf of Orgrimmar"
Forsaken: "The Wrath of the Dark Lady"
Tauren: "The Fury of the Mother Earth"
Trolls: "The Blessing of the Loa"
Goblins: "The Greed of the Labor Union"

I repeat, these would be nothing more than cosmetic items, they would have no advantage beyond a complete set themed to the race or faction to which it belongs.

Re: Heritage Armors

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:35 am
by Zeran
I like this idea.