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Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:57 am
by Riana
I have an idea to reduce the AFK virus that has been eating TWOW for months and destroying and killing our PVP community.

My idea is to place 3 Vendors inside the Champion's Hall of each faction.
Vendors will be able to unlock with a system that counts player kills, similar to the UNFAIR AFK farming ranking system (there were AFK players with titles of r11-r13 with less than 5k kills).
The Champion's Hall is a room that you cannot enter unless you have the required PVP title, so this area prevents non-PVP players from entering. It's like having 2ble security and it is a sanctuary for PVP Players.
1: You need pvp ranking to enter.
2: You need the amount of the kills to unlock the items from the new Vendors.

Those Vendors will have PVE items from various raids.
1st Vendor: Weapons
2nd Vendor: Set items (Nax Set should be provided in the form of tokens so that the order of the game does not change and forces the players to take part in the raid and complete the corresponding quests).
This will also bring new players into PVE if they want to get their hands on these items.
3rd Vendor: Off parts.

"Let's be honest the PVP items compared to the PVE items sucks"

So it will be something like that:
1st Vendor : Weapons:
10k-15k Kills: Unlock- MC-ZG-AQ20
15k-20k Kills: Unlock- BWL -Onyx
20k-25k Kills: Unlock- AQ 40m
25k-30k kills: Unlock- Nax 40m
30k-50k Kills: Unlock- Karazhan 40m
(You can increase the amount of kills to make it harder for players to obtain these items or add an additional mission requirement such as killing the final boss of each raid for each category)
The same applies to the Set items/ Off parts.

Consider that Normal players:

Normal (4hrs-5hrs)/day Playing pvp for 10k-15k kills requires +- 3 months.
Normal (4hrs-5hrs)/day Playing pvp for 30k-50k kills requires +- 7 months.

This idea is nice because players who really love pvp will have more to gain when they are active and will
bring old players back to the server and grow the pvp community to the max.
Players will start hunting down the kills and not being afk honor campers.

Consider also the Solo Community:

This will also benefit players who are not into PVE or prefer to play Solo or farming around or have had enough exploitation from Unfair guilds that using "Loot Council" or fake EP/GB system with broken forms (keeping your points always lower so their friends and them getting the all the end game loot mats and etc)
or having long long priority lists of players who no longer play and and after 2-3 months they leave the server.
We can Bring them with us and make them more active joining teams for world pvp hunting kills for rewards.

Let's make World PVP Great again.

Next patch World pvp will be buffed so why not give something to players who spend 15-20 hours pvping per day as a reward.

Also GMs are Humans and they need a break too.

Reading and investigating 2k tickets with curses or hate messages a day for AFK players is not an easy job.
Players will have less stress from afk teams since they can make kills on their own in and out of bgs which means less tickets.
So GM's can focus on real problems with the upcoming new patch.

Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.

Thank you all.
I love Turtle WoW

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 12:20 pm
by Grizb37
I must admit the kill restriction thing is a decent idea. I've seen a few Rank 13's with 8-9k kills only lifetime. I guess people just afk at the entrance in AV or AB.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 2:19 pm
by Jkldsngkljsng
The greatest idea of all would be to employ a proper PvP developer

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 2:43 pm
by Geojak
Grizb37 wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 12:20 pm
I must admit the kill restriction thing is a decent idea. I've seen a few Rank 13's with 8-9k kills only lifetime. I guess people just afk at the entrance in AV or AB.
there is a r14 player with less than 100 kills lifetime. it all depends on when they were ranking. not eberyone with low hks is an afk abuser. dont judge without full information

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:37 am
by Riana
Jkldsngkljsng wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 2:19 pm
The greatest idea of all would be to employ a proper PvP developer
That will be nice since AV map become a really bad joke for the ally faction.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:40 am
by Elleshar
Jkldsngkljsng wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 2:19 pm
The greatest idea of all would be to employ a proper PvP developer
This 100%

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:51 pm
by Zvyrhol
I like the idea of HKs requirements for some PvP gear. It might actually fix source of a problem. There is nothing worse than people joining battlegrounds and avoiding PvP. I assume the HKs system doesn't have flaws. Do healers get similar amount of HKs as other dps?

Though the second suggestion to add raiding gear to PvP vendor is bad in my opinion. Raiding and PvP are two separate things in WoW. Also it makes 0 sense for vendors to selling normal loot from raids. It's RP server, let's think about it: how did vendors manage to get all these epic pieces of gear??
It could be done on any other custom server but not on RP one.

By the way Loot Council can be a good system if the guild is fair and have clear rules. And staying in a guild that uses Loot Council is optional for you and any players. If there are corrupted guilds, people would quit them, WoW players aren't that stupid to be exploited as you described.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:09 pm
by Shockoladetwo
Sorry to destroy your bubbles, but that would actually backfire.
In AB and Warsong (as example) a druid usually anchors a flag spot to defend it and in Warsong they are most of time doing the flagcarry job. This means they have usually the least amount of kills done simply because they do the most unrewarding job.
That said it would punish classes that not head after kills and instead want to win the game by doing their job. Unless there would be a detection for that aswell in future nobody would flagcarry anymore or anchor on a flag spot in AB to reach the required kill counter.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:07 pm
by Zvyrhol
Shockoladetwo wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:09 pm
Sorry to destroy your bubbles, but that would actually backfire.
In AB and Warsong (as example) a druid usually anchors a flag spot to defend it and in Warsong they are most of time doing the flagcarry job. This means they have usually the least amount of kills done simply because they do the most unrewarding job.
That said it would punish classes that not head after kills and instead want to win the game by doing their job. Unless there would be a detection for that aswell in future nobody would flagcarry anymore or anchor on a flag spot in AB to reach the required kill counter.
Good point. How about making this system so it counts bringing the flag as 10 HKs? At least that would fix WSG. I'm not sure what should be done about defending flags in AB though.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:49 pm
by Xudo
You don't need to land killing blow to get "kill" in warsong. Any adjacent enemy death count.

Assuming that problem is "players do nothing on battlegrounds", then "players only kill other players on battlegrounds" will be a good step forward to better balance. It is not ideal solution, but will be much better.

Though I think that main reasons of AFK pvp are flawed honor system and gear disparity.

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:13 pm
by Noshu
Riana wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 11:57 am
I have an idea to reduce the AFK virus that has been eating TWOW for months and destroying and killing our PVP community.

My idea is to place 3 Vendors inside the Champion's Hall of each faction.
Vendors will be able to unlock with a system that counts player kills, similar to the UNFAIR AFK farming ranking system (there were AFK players with titles of r11-r13 with less than 5k kills).
The Champion's Hall is a room that you cannot enter unless you have the required PVP title, so this area prevents non-PVP players from entering. It's like having 2ble security and it is a sanctuary for PVP Players.
1: You need pvp ranking to enter.
2: You need the amount of the kills to unlock the items from the new Vendors.

Those Vendors will have PVE items from various raids.
1st Vendor: Weapons
2nd Vendor: Set items (Nax Set should be provided in the form of tokens so that the order of the game does not change and forces the players to take part in the raid and complete the corresponding quests).
This will also bring new players into PVE if they want to get their hands on these items.
3rd Vendor: Off parts.

"Let's be honest the PVP items compared to the PVE items sucks"

So it will be something like that:
1st Vendor : Weapons:
10k-15k Kills: Unlock- MC-ZG-AQ20
15k-20k Kills: Unlock- BWL -Onyx
20k-25k Kills: Unlock- AQ 40m
25k-30k kills: Unlock- Nax 40m
30k-50k Kills: Unlock- Karazhan 40m
(You can increase the amount of kills to make it harder for players to obtain these items or add an additional mission requirement such as killing the final boss of each raid for each category)
The same applies to the Set items/ Off parts.

Consider that Normal players:

Normal (4hrs-5hrs)/day Playing pvp for 10k-15k kills requires +- 3 months.
Normal (4hrs-5hrs)/day Playing pvp for 30k-50k kills requires +- 7 months.

This idea is nice because players who really love pvp will have more to gain when they are active and will
bring old players back to the server and grow the pvp community to the max.
Players will start hunting down the kills and not being afk honor campers.

Consider also the Solo Community:

This will also benefit players who are not into PVE or prefer to play Solo or farming around or have had enough exploitation from Unfair guilds that using "Loot Council" or fake EP/GB system with broken forms (keeping your points always lower so their friends and them getting the all the end game loot mats and etc)
or having long long priority lists of players who no longer play and and after 2-3 months they leave the server.
We can Bring them with us and make them more active joining teams for world pvp hunting kills for rewards.

Let's make World PVP Great again.

Next patch World pvp will be buffed so why not give something to players who spend 15-20 hours pvping per day as a reward.

Also GMs are Humans and they need a break too.

Reading and investigating 2k tickets with curses or hate messages a day for AFK players is not an easy job.
Players will have less stress from afk teams since they can make kills on their own in and out of bgs which means less tickets.
So GM's can focus on real problems with the upcoming new patch.

Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.

Thank you all.
I love Turtle WoW
Just add rated arenas where proper organized pvp can be played with superior rewards to the existing pvp system, then they can afk all they want

Re: Idea to Eliminate the AFK PVP virus that kills Our server.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:04 pm
by Atreidon
Tying pvp rewards to a threshhold of honorable kills is something only people suggest who don't actually play objectives in PvP.

Flagcarriers in warsong, protecting flags in arathi (and actually doing so, not just afking near flag), and killing/holding the objectives in alterac valley do all produce less honorable kills than zerging while someone else does the objective.

I do agree that more incentives should be implemented to play pvp. But they should reward trying to & actually winning battlegrounds. And honorable kills are an awful measurement of that.