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Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
by Llenne
This post is made in the effort of helping other hardcore players reach their goals, whatever those may be. It will be a more expanded aggregate of the list of useful addons, tips, tricks and frequently asked questions that you may have seen from my main, Allurien, with some additional details that can't fit into ingame macros.

Addon guide

Turtle addon list: expands the mouseover of a mob to include the list of abilities it uses. See a new mob and don't know if it's going to whoop your ass? Check this first. scans for dangerous mobs and gives you a warning when roving dangerous mobs are close by. warns you of exceptionally dangerous quests, such as quests that flag you for PVP. lets you filter out/leave Hardcore chat so that HC chat doesn't invade all of your chat tabs. Without the addon, unchecking Hardcore chat does nothing. World buff reminder Atlas Loot that includes Turtle-wow specific items and changes. The best questing addon for Turtle. PfUI is essentially the Turtle version of ElvUI. NECESSARY., while it's not an addon, I seriously recommend downloading Medal to clip shenanigans. If someone griefs you, the clips will help for your report.


<Hard Chores>, English, Raid Schedule Fri/Sat/Sun 3PM EST/8PM BST
<FD>, Chinese, Raid Schedule unknown
<Teu Cu> Portuguese/Brazilian, still forming its raid team

<Still Deprived> English
<The Ravenwatch> English, Roleplay
<TABEPHA> Russian
<Going to Death> Russian
<CN> Chinese

Reputation worth getting

Ironforge honored, lvl 30 leather set
Darnassus honored, lvl 30 mail set



40+ Gelkis Clan Centaur]rewards
40+ Magram Clan Centaur]rewards

High level, 50+

The Argent Dawn provides useful consumables and a few other valuable items (Friendly). You grind this by questing and killing undead in the Plaguelands.

Timbermaw Hold provides a shortcut from Felwood into Winterspring (Unfriendly) and is relevant to a number of professions. You grind this through killing Furbolgs and questing.

Normal players tend to do dungeons at or just below the level requirement of most of the bosses. As Hardcores, we tend to do dungeons based on the last boss. For instance, where non-Hardcores run RFC as soon as possible at lvl 14, we do it around lvl 16+, because that's the level of the last boss.

You can find guides to the dungeons here (including the custom ones):

viewtopic.php?t=4932 ... (Dungeons)

Dungeon Name Recommended level range
Ragefire Chasm (RFC) 16+
Wailing Caverns (WC) 20+
Deadmines (DM/VC) 20-25
Blackfathom Depths (BFD) 26-31
Shadowfang Keep (SFK) 25-30
Stockades (Stocks) 27+
Razorfen Kraul (RFK) 30-35
Gnomeregan (Gnomer) 33-38
Crescent Grove (CG) 35-40
Scarlet Graveyard (SGY) 31-36
Scarlet Library (Lib) 35-38
Scarlet Armory (Arm) 40-45
Scarlet Cathedral (Cath) 40-45
Razorfen Downs (RFD) 40-45
Uldaman (Uld) 46-50
Zul'Farrak (ZF) 46-53
Gilneas City (GC) 48-53

Tips & Tricks

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Is fall damage capped?
Yes, but fall damage is capped to 10% of your max HP. If you're below 10% and decide to go skydiving, you may die.
Can I drown?
Yes, you can down. Hardcores do not take less damage from drowning.
Do we have fatigue?
Nope! Swim to your hearts content (but be mindful of sea monsters).
How do I get to Tirisfal as Alliance?
The easiest way is to go to Auberdine/Darkshore, take the boat to Alah'thalas. If you're coming off the boat from Stormwind, the Alah'thalas boat is to your left, or at the end of the dock if you're facing all the boats from inside the inn. You'll want to jump off the boat and swim down the coast to Tirisfal. There's nothing too dangerous in the water.
How do I get to Swamp of Sorrows as Alliance?
Go through Deadwind Pass from Duskwood or take the Redridge pathway outlined in this video:
Are boats actually dangerous?
More or less. If you tab in and out a lot or mouse over to a secondary monitor, you might fall in the water rather than enjoy the full boat ride. If there are nasties in the water then sure it can be dangerous but mostly it's a short swim to the shore.
How do I get a starter mount? Where are people getting the turtles?
From the Darkmoon Faire (DMF) starting from lvl 18! Because of the dangers of this quest for Horde, 20+ is recommended. DMF rotates weekly and is not available on Wednesdays. It swaps between Elwynn and Mulgore on Saturday night. You can track where DMF is located with this website
Why are there graves in Stormwind?
PVPers routinely go through the city and kill people. The Keep is also cursed. I repeat: THE KEEP IS CURSED. Avoid it at all costs unless absolutely necessary. It's relevant to several endgame quests and high level elites may spawn there and steamroll you.
How do I make gold?
There are a bunch of different ways to do this. Sell greens to players or NPCs. Train professions. Alchemy is popular for staying alive; people love buying healing/mana potions as well as invisibility pots, swiftness pots or buff pots. Skinning is self-contained and self-sustainable with no startup cost or additional chores. Enchanting provides great perks but it's very expensive - if you level it in tandem with Tailoring it may be more bearable + also provide bags that you can sell.
Why do people keep laughing at peoples BOE prices?
The Hardcore economy is incredibly illiquid. We're all broke trading the same 20$ around. No one is going to pay 2g for the lvl 15 green.
Who is Wandpusher?
A god among men advocating for the use of wands. Accept the wand. Wandpusher goods are the Gucci of Hardcore.
Can I accidentally flag for PVP? What provisions has the server taken to avoid it (if at all)?
It's very difficult to accidentally flag for PVP from other players. Them standing in your AOE does not flag you and you cannot actually right click them: flagging must be performed deliberately, through an NPC or quest. Buffing players is not possible and rezzing players does NOT flag you.

You CAN get flagged from clicking the wrong flightmaster or NPC. Rexxar's long walks through Desolace may be terrifying but he is not aggressive. If a guard happens to jump you, DO NOT ATTACK BACK. If you have a thorns effect active such as ret aura, the damage it deals back to the guard will not flag you. I am not sure how this behaves regarding pets however.

If you're worried about PVP quests, download the HCQuest addon and heed warnings well.
Can I group cross faction? What is this warning I get when I do?
You can group and play cross faction. The warning is a server rule against griefing. It's there mostly for normal players who may attempt to grief people. If Jimmy and Bob have a problem and Jimmy invites Bob to a group and lures him out into the wild in the hopes of jumping him in the premise of doing a dungeon together, Bob can report Jimmy and get him punished for griefing.
Can I multibox on Hardcore?
You can multibox ONLY in main cities. If your main is a lvl 55, your alt on another account is 50 and your friend is 45, you're welcome to use your own alt accounts as middlemen for trades, or as a sort of bank. Yes, I know this isn't clear in the rules, but we've asked GMs multiple times about this and all of them have verified it.
Can I get in trouble for accepting help from people outside of my 5 level range?
Situational. You can ask people for buffs and if some random player decides to help you kill an elite/rare/quest NPC/whatever you'll be fine. These are organic player interactions which the server wants to promote.

You CANNOT, however, ask to get carried through quests and have higher level players carry you through things. If someone is persistently following you around to do everything for you, ask them politely to leave.
What do I do if I get griefed?
GMs cannot help you if you're killed, but if someone is following you around and harassing you or trying to frame you for multiboxing or getting carried, you can report them. I recommend downloading Medal and set it up to clip based on a hotkey. GMs respond to tickets in under a minute on average.
Do standard vanilla or classic builds work here?
No. Turtle has done a number of updates and changes to different abilities. Check the official Turtle discord or the class forum for builds.

Re: Hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 5:01 pm
by Llenne
Reserved. This guide is a heavy WIP. If you have any questions, comments, remarks, have additional tips or recs, etc, you can direct them to this thread, send me a DM on the forums or message @villainfucker on discord (yes, that is my actual discord).

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 6:45 pm
by Darktifa
RFC 18+
stops reading...

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:19 pm
by Llenne
Darktifa wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:45 pm
RFC 18+
stops reading...
By all means do it at a lower level if you're familiar - it's a recommendation, not doctrine.

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:31 pm
by Darktifa
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 8:19 pm
Darktifa wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:45 pm
RFC 18+
stops reading...
By all means do it at a lower level if you're familiar - it's a recommendation, not doctrine.
a bad recommendation and a mediocre guide
Last boss is 16, but feel free to do it after 20 if you are not familiar

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:52 pm
by Llenne
Darktifa wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 8:31 pm
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 8:19 pm
Darktifa wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:45 pm
RFC 18+
stops reading...
By all means do it at a lower level if you're familiar - it's a recommendation, not doctrine.
a bad recommendation and a mediocre guide
Last boss is 16, but feel free to do it after 20 if you are not familiar
Do you have any constructive feedback to offer other than the recommended levels for dungeons or no

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:58 pm
by Jkldsngkljsng
Group being same level as last boss of a dungeon is optimal.
And you forgot Wailing Caverns.

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 10:14 pm
by Darktifa
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 8:52 pm
Do you have any constructive feedback to offer other than the recommended levels for dungeons or no
Yes, don't write guides when you are obviously not that experienced!
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
we do it around lvl 16+, because that's the level of the last boss.
Change we, to i (not only for RFC, but in general)

SM ARM is a joke, 36-40 is ok, 40-45 makes me laugh
No end game dungeons
Server hiccup has been fixed
lvl 55 + Inferno consumables on a HC tips guide - GReat!
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
How do I get to Tirisfal as Alliance?
Jump immediately from the ship after AU
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
How do I get to Swamp of Sorrows as Alliance?
LOL, DeadWind pass it totally safe
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
How do I get a starter mount? Where are people getting the turtles?
LvL 18 for Horde is risky, unless you know what you are doing, i'd recommend 20+
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Why are there graves in Stormwind?
Great advice, avoid the Keep, no need to explain...
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Why do people keep laughing at peoples BOE prices?
YOU are broke! Children's week is 5G and there are several blue item that can fetch 1 or 2G at lvl20
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Who is Wandpusher?
F Wandpusher
He is not helping anyone by giving beggars free wands
and certainly not pushing anyone to Inferno
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Can I get in trouble for accepting help from people outside of my 5 level range?
It's not situational, stop misdirecting
You can't ask for help outside your 5 lvl range or from normies
If by accident someone pass by and help u, that's another story
Llenne wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Do standard vanilla or classic builds work here?
A lot of them work, no changes to Frost/Fire mage for example

No Children's week mention (mediocre guide)
No mention on how to reach Ratchet/BB as Alliance -- Horde Defenders Q for Horde
No mention on Famous Elites (never solo HC elites) or HC killers

No link to Dungeon Quest Guide for Custom Content --> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4932&p=29745#p29745
No link to Wiki -->
No link to Database -->
No link to Turtle WOW Comprehensive Cartography --> viewtopic.php?p=79751#p79751
No link to [Quests That FLAG You on Hardcore] ( Updated ) --> viewtopic.php?p=60182#p60182
No link to Travel Guide for TWoW --> viewtopic.php?p=88046&hilit=flying#p88046
No link to PizzaWorldbuffs --> viewtopic.php?p=94987#p94987
No AtlasLoot TW Version addon
No pfQuest TW DB
blah blah blah

i could write, waaaaaaaay more ACTUAL HC tips and tricks
but i can't stop laughing


Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 10:23 pm
by Darktifa

Re: Megathread of hardcore tips and FAQ

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 11:33 pm
by Reignwizard
this is very helpful guide, thank you.