Please consolidate poisons + brewing times.

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Please consolidate poisons + brewing times.

Post by Mannerless01 » Sun May 05, 2024 8:23 am

As a Rogue, one unfortunate fact I can certainly say is something none of us look forward to is the inevitable running out of poisons... and what that means when you do.

Rogue poisons are a stupid concept to begin with (a post for another time) but brewing them is genuine torture to say the least.

Rogues poisons stack up to 20, and only last 30 mins each, which means replacing them often is a fact of life, and you need a large amount of the same ingredient to make them, such as 7x Deathweed just for a single unit (which is also quite costly too, btw) forcing us to literally spam "buy 20" for reagents needed to craft them, and also decimating your bag space in moments, all while giving you Carpal Tunnel to boot!

On top of that, brewing takes ages... There's absolutely no reason that a good game like TWoW, which is constantly refining and improving itself should ignore or disregard features like brew x5, x10 or x20 of a certain poison/potion/ore/etc for any profession, let alone poisons for Rogues. Convience is king after all, but not sitting there and wasting combind hours of game time doing tedious work is a great reason too.

I make this post in the hopes that in the next update, you may consider implementing the welcome change to purchase items in bulk by just Shift-Clicking a stack or whatever to get max reagents, and/or just replacing them with tooltips of the actual poison and stack amount you want, like how TWBuyPoisons Addon does, but through the actual game.

Quick and easy (+ cheap hopefully) purchasing of materials and speedy crafting would be amazing, and I don't see how anyone could or would refute it. Trust me as an active Rogue, I brew hundreds - truly hundreds of poisons a week for both PvP and Raiding alone, disregarding any other general world use outside of those activities.

Such a change would be outstanding and push the game further towards a smoother and more refined level of gameplay.

- P.S

I'll list this here, even though I'll not elaborate on it; but if poisons could be made auras or a permanently active buff instead of all that I mentioned above, it would truly be ideal.

Thank you for your consideration.
Imagine paying for World of Warcraft.

Posts: 44

Re: Please consolidate poisons + brewing times.

Post by Trismegistos » Sun May 05, 2024 4:02 pm

The AdvancedTradeSkillWindow addon makes poison brewing a much less tedious task. You simply pick how many of a specific poison you want to craft, add it into the crafting queue and then continue to list all other poisons you want as well. After that is done you talk to the poison vendor, and the addon automatically purchases the right amount of crafting materials to create the poisons in your crafting queue (I think it buys maybe 10 stacks at most, so if you are making a lot you would speak with the vendor a couple times). Then you press on Process Queue and your character will start crafting right away, stopping once one poison type has been finished and waiting for your input to craft the next bunch.

As an added bonus it also offers the same set of features for all other professions, and even automatically queues any precursor crafts that are needed (say you are a leatherworker crafting something from rugged leather, but only have medium leather; it will autoqueue the crafting of heavy leather, then thick leather, then rugged leather and finally the item you wanted to create).

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