What I'd like for class changes

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What I'd like for class changes

Post by Akos1896 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:35 am

Short version. No details, just a general guideline for each spec.

Discipline: Better shield, maybe an added, second shield with different benefits. Good preventive healing alongside PI.
Holy: Holy champion made more interesting. Remove the armor+resistence buff, it's boring. In exchange, make the choosable buffs more meaningful.
Shadow: A bit of push at slow (!) DPS (to avoid bursting in PVP). Hard to point out but I feel like they are missing one spell from their rotation.

Resto: Out of combat rez + a rule change allowing HoTs to stack up to 3 times.
Feral bear: Somewhat nerf base survivability because of PVP while adding shield wall-like high CD, good survivability ability for late-game raid bosses.
Feral cat: More DPS, focusing on single target damage. Maybe increasing DPS based on bleed.
Moonkin: Better mana management, insect swarm reducing target's chance to crit. Unique utility, in-flavor if bugs buzz around your head.

Arms: A raid utility debuff based on melee crit. Increased cleave damage by seriously buffing sweeping strikes.
Fury: No need for any help.
Prot: Increased threat modifier from shield attacks, a talent giving increased rage when being hit.

General changes:
1. Getting 2 soul shards from elite mobs. Soul was so big it had to be split into two parts.
2. Changing DS felhunter bonus because if you sack a succ, improved shadow damage makes life taps bigger, improving the mana you gain anyway.
3. If you have master conjurer, soulwell should give improved healthstones.

SM/Ruin: Buffing channeling ability buffs and considering making some curses stronger with talents. TWOW has big debuff cap, it can be abused.
DS/Ruin: I think they are fine as they are.
SM/DS: Would require too many changes to be good, will ignore them.
PVP specs: I am unsure.

Arcane: TWOW did a perfect job. They are a great utility class now.
Fire mage: Perfect endgame but kinda niche before AQ40. A talent reducing the target's chance to resist fire spells could make them feel better in MC/BWL (earlier, in general).
Frost mage: Would make some of their kiting/freezing spells less effective by default (mostly for PVP and aoe farm fairness) but would give them 1 big CD very good freeze CC which makes it reasonable to see 1-2 frost mages even in Naxx. Just theorycrafting, but imagine a 10 min CD freeze time effect which stuns every enemy in a 20 yards radius for 3 sec (+cold snap of course). Would give the targets a buff preventing them to be stunned by the same effect for 5 minutes, preventing abuse. Similarly how bloodlust worked in later iterations of WOW.

Beast mastery: Further increasing pet avoidance (damage taken from aoe) and allowing some damage scaling of pets based on your weapon to make them used (specially by BM hunters) in raids.
Marksmanship: In a perfect spot.
Survival: Give them, and only them the option to lay down traps during fight + give them a unique trap. Would make them a very unique utility class. Also, some added damage to raptor strike.

Holy: Nerf illumination but increase flash of light base healing a bit. I also feel that they lack 1 more useful single target heal. Maybe some form of shield or a heal which is guaranteed to crit if the target is below 30% HP. Something like this.
Retri: Make holy strike mostly a melee buff. In exchange give retri a built in threat-reduction and raise their melee output.
Prot: Make ardent defender useful, it should give a real sturdiness boost for prot palas. Also, give them a way to range pull properly. It's not class diversity to not give them range pull because they are just forced to take engineering and toss out bombs anyway.

General changes:
1. Add 1-2 chests to each raid which can only be opened by 3 max-level lockpickers together, incentivizing to take at least 3 rogues. Chests contain trash loot from the raid. Helps gearing, also giving rogues a very good non-combat utility.
2. Make 'curse of nature' a poison which can be applied by rogues.

I think these two additions should be enough. If rogues really start to fall back compared to elite DPSes, considering a slight DPS increase based on DOTs to prevent PVP burst.

Elemental: Needs better mana management, in-talent threat reuction and a way to make targets less probable to resist nature spells. They can't really switch to any other school of magic.
Enh DPS: Half of their problems would be solved by moving key enh talents into the enh tree (nature's guidance, elemental devastation). Other than that, a mana regen talent based on melee crit, a melee haste talent and +weapon skill for 2h maces.
Enh tank: Lacks way too many things to be a real thing. Adding a next level of earth shock with same damage but with + taunt wouldn't hurt anyone but would make shaman tank fans happy. Also, increasing stoneclaw totem's threat would work the same way. No harm + some fun for some weird people.
Resto: Mostly in a good place. Mana tide feels kinda useless most of the time though. Making it 3 min CD would help.

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