AV Restricted Reputations

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AV Restricted Reputations

Post by Zvyrhol » Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:24 pm

TL;DR - Allow farming reputation in AV with other factions than Ironforge/Orgrimmar via repeatable quests

Alterac Valley is unique battleground because it allows you to farm reputation very fast with one faction: Ironforge for Alliance and Orgrimmar for Horde. I've been thinking that it's weird to have only those 2 factions privileged to having alternative reputation grind method. Unlike other factions you can farm reputation with Ironforge and Orgrimmar not only through turning in Runecloth but also through completing repeatable quests in AV. Especially farming reputation through the latter is much faster - you get 10 Reputation for every 1x Blood/StormCrystal or 20x Armor Scraps handled in. From farming Scraps alone in the Mines you can farm about 1000 reputation points per hour which is very efficient way considering the fact that you also earn much gold + extra Runecloth from troggs/kobolds. In comparison turning in 60x Runecloth awards you with only 150 reputation points. Every repeatable quest in AV gives reputation only with Orgrimmar and Ironforge (apart from Race "Head" quests which are hardly farmable because they involve PVP content unlike other repeatable quests).

Balance issue aside, I find it a bit unfair that other factions: Gnomeregan Exiles, Stormwind, Darnassus, Silvermoon Remnant, Darkspear, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Durotar Labor Union don't have the same access to reputation farm as Orgrimmar and Ironforge in AV. It might make sense as RP flavor - you fight for Dwarves and Orcs so you get the reputation with them. But the problem is other factions don't have the same privilege. And the truth is you can farm these reputations only because Chris Metzen or other Blizzard employee 20 years ago decided to set AV theme in "Dwarves vs Orcs" but for example not "Humans vs Undead". What the hell are dwarves doing in Alterac by the way? Wasn't it Kingdom of Alterac's land?

My suggestion is to split current reputation gained via repeatable quests to other factions as well. Most repeatable quests in AV give 10 reputation with the faction. So instead of receiving:
  • 10 reputation with Ironforge
you will receive:
  • 2 reputation with Ironforge
  • 2 reputation with Stormwind
  • 2 reputation with Silvermoon Remnant
  • 2 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
  • 2 reputation with Darnassus
If RP flavor means a lot to devs, reputation gained with Ironforge/Orgrimmar could still be slightly higher than with others.

This change would give players new possibility to farm reputation with factions other than boring Runecloth grind. It would nerf current very fast way of gaining reputation with Ironforge/Orgrimmar. It would encourage people to play objectively in AV promoting such way of contributing to the whole team in AV. The change could also revitalize this battleground a bit which is always good - the more people fill AV the less imbalanced it is especially with current broken queue that allows one faction to outnumber the other https://turtle-wow.org/bug-report?id=6546.
The devil is in the detail.

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