New battleground idea

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Posts: 66

New battleground idea

Post by Nitaya » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:42 am


I have been thinking of quite a few BG ideas (From simple to complex), to overcome the main issue with the current problems that are present in the BG scene. Namely that 1 side dominates BGs - I know some player thinks, there should be GMs supervising and punishing the alliance even more. But let's be real here. Let's try a different approach to the battlegrounds.

And how to do that? Well, BGs with more than 2 teams. (Taking inspiration from Warcraft 3 maps)

I know that from lore-wise, it's harder to explain, but I think about it as smaller factions fighting with each other for the loot (rather than a massive horde vs alliance clash).

So here is an idea of short & sweet, action-packed BG.

Name: Skirmish in Elwynn forest
Style: King of the Hill
Number of teams: 3
Number of players: 3*5 (15 in total) - Crossfaction enabled

Goal: Collect 30 points.
In the middle of the map, there is a human-styled guard tower. Every 10 seconds the game checks which team has more unstealthed players in the tower.
That team receives 1 point. (In case of a tie, no point is awarded)

-------GY----------- GY

Elwynn forest-styled zone, with trees / small hills and buildings.

3 graveyards around the tower (Graveyard <-> Tower distance is around the same as AB main base <-> Gold mine).
Graveyards are uncapturable and while you are in the GY area you are invulnerable.
The tower is in the middle.
Between the graveyards, 3 capturable places. -> Blacksmith / Lumber Mill / Farm.

They can be tagged like bases in AB, however capturing process only takes 30 seconds. They don't grant any points, but they provide a (undispellable) buff for your team. (Buff lasts for 2 minutes and while holding the base, it will auto-refresh itself after 1 minute)
Blacksmith -> Increase DMG done by 30%
Farm -> Increase total health by 40%
Lumber mill -> Restores your total mana/health by 3% every second, reduce CC effects on you by 50%.

Would it work? No idea. But since it's not 2 teams fighting each other but 3, even if you outgear / outskill the rest, you have to still be on your toes as you can find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by 10 ppl and also give you reason to not give up.

Rewards: (Not sure in those but here is an idea)
For winning the game you receive 1 token. (Not 3)
For losing you don't receive a token.
1 token can be exchanged for repu & honor.
3 Tokens can be exchanged for a satchel of elixirs. -> You get a few (3-5) random high-level elixirs. (Mongoose/giants/sage etc.)
or potions -> major health/mana / free action potion/shadow res etc.

If there is a reputation, just 1 faction should be added, for obvious reasons.
Repu rewards should be the usual stuff. Exalted maybe some AQ lvl gear or mount some fun trinket, maybe some new recipe.

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