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Wanting to get more involved

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:11 am
by Breidr
SO I started a Hardcore warrior about 15 hours /played ago. Currently level 12 and I've died A LOT. [not a bad thing] I love the game actually. I'm making my own gear that it actually an upgrade. I eat my own food. I installed mods like darker nights and use my lantern and torch. I'm here for the experience, and so far it's been a good one.

I haven't found a group for Hogger yet, but decided to walk into Westfal in the meantime since I assumed Elwynn was 1-10. The Defias are kicking my teeth in. [literally in some cases] I need to learn to respect the danger of the world. I also realize I need friends!

I have My RP installed and will fill it out someday, but I'm not that great of an RPer, just ask my D&D group. I'm mostly here for the immersion and questing/world building. I'm really excited for the planed expansion. This game hits the spot that no other game really has. I could go play Classic, but it still doesn't feel like this server does. I can't explain it. Maybe it's the reduced rates, I don't know.

Anyway, that's enough rambling from me. Can't wait to here from other turtles! smiling_turtle

Breidr[#4600] on Discord

Re: Wanting to get more involved

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:24 pm
by Skalman
Atleast you have a challenge there as a warrior leveling. :) Be careful of Hogger!

Re: Wanting to get more involved

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:29 pm
by Supremorie
Even if you don't think you're 'that great,' if you see someone around with a MRP flag that says in character, please don't be afraid to interact! We're always just excited to see someone else who is interested, and I have heard from non-RPers that it feels very immersive and fun just to have someone talk to you 'in-world.' It can really shape your perception of the character you're playing! Don't be scared to just give it a shot, even if it's just a "Light bless you" in passing to someone who gives you a buff. :)