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Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:59 pm
by Bjorn88

I suggest to make the following updates on, particularly, Tel'abim ASAP:

1)Add the Faction leader loot. This will incentivise wpvp in cities and make for good roleplaying. Buff the faction leaders if you feel you need it.
1a) Add faction leader "head" as quest reward, to give citywide worldbuff similar to Ony/Nef. Maybe a good item for extra incentive.
1b) perma-pvp flag lvl 60 players in cities. Atleast for a trial period of 1-4 weeks to evaluate. Call it "season of war" or whatever.

2) Make the pvp rank9 banner useable in world, outside of BGs (not in dungeons/raids).

3) give experience for wpvp kills.

4) Activate Warmode (+30%xp) to incentivise new players.

I suggest that these changes or some of them should be added as soon as possible. We saw that you were able to make fast changes in january (?), some of these should be easily updated.

More suggestions may follow.

Thanks for hosting a great server!

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:32 am
by Voulome
I think that the perma-pvp flag would be easy to implement with the pve server warmode glyph, devs would just have to make it so character automaticaly have it upon playing on Tel'abim.

Plus it would permanently give a sweet xp bonus for those who wana rerol here ;)

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:54 am
by Majestik51
Yes pls! Very good job, nice post brother, thx a lot!!! maintenance_turtle

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:56 pm
by Curved
A lot of good idea here ! Buuuump !

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:28 am
by Croustiba
I love your ideas !!! BUMP !

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:57 pm
by Sczq
sounds fun ! +1

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:47 am
by Elleshar
I agree with everything suggested and would also add some incentive for defending your faction leader during a city raid.

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:54 am
by Imonobor
+1 awesome ideas!
Elleshar wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:47 am
I agree with everything suggested and would also add some incentive for defending your faction leader during a city raid.
Maybe some Defender daily quest, like get 10 HK's in your city for a reward of honor, gold, reputation, fashion tokens, or something else. So if there's a raid happening in the city you're in, you go grab the daily and join the melee.

Also the "quest giver" should not be an NPC that can be killed by the opposing faction, better if it's an object like a wanted poster or something.

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:08 pm
by Bjorn88
Two more suggestions:

On the future contested towers: One way to keep players active in the holding of them could be zone-wide ticking of honor and/or rep (similar to when you hold a base in AB) after you've captured and held a tower for say 5 minutes. Just giving a buff reward would get people leaving or logging. There needs to be something to keep people in the zone and fight for the objective. This should be competitive with BGs or slightly below in terms of honor obtained.

Battlegrounds: Particularly in WSG and AB, increase the minimum amount of players required before a BG 'pops'/starts. The BGs are balanced for 10v10 and 15v15, having 3v3 in WSG or 5v5 in AB is really bad balance-wise as the rock-paper-scissors of class differences becomes too noticeable. I suggest minimum 7 players per side to start a WSG and 10 players per side to start AB.

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:57 pm
by Voulome
Bumping this one before it descend into the abyss of the forum, we need the pvp update before kara 40 :D

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:48 am
by Ninjerk
Voulome wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:57 pm
Bumping this one before it descend into the abyss of the forum, we need the pvp update before kara 40 :D
Has anyone brought 40 to a raid in the last month? turtle_tongue_head

Re: Wpvp suggestions for Tel'abim

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:30 pm
by Voulome
Ninjerk wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:48 am
Voulome wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:57 pm
Bumping this one before it descend into the abyss of the forum, we need the pvp update before kara 40 :D
Has anyone brought 40 to a raid in the last month? turtle_tongue_head
Don't think so and it's not the point. Kara 40 will be T3.5, so only on Nordaanar for now since Tel'Abim is still at BWL phase. Would be better to have update that drop on both server instead of only one of them