NPCs Only Mentioned in Notes: Tar'sere and Lieutenant Alverold

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NPCs Only Mentioned in Notes: Tar'sere and Lieutenant Alverold

Post by Garakawa » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:57 pm

After completing the very first kill quest Troll warriors are offered a Simple Tablet addressed from a fellow Darkspear warrior known as Tar'sere which instructs you to seek out the orc warrior trainer. This "Tar'sere" is nowhere to be found afterwards. He's not in the Valley of Trials, he's not in Sen'jin Village, he's not in Orgrimmar. If he could be added to the game somehow that could be cool.

Likewise, the Admiral's Orders that you loot from Benedict's Chest in Tiragarde Keep have mention of a Lieutenant Alverold, whose mission is to undertake an extremely lengthy circumnavigation of Kalimdor and reinforce Tiragarde Keep. His fate was never mentioned in later expansions making him either missing, dead, or just plain forgotten.
He could be added in as a Rare mob in Tirisgarde, having completed his mission and regrouped with Tiragarde, or he and his crew could be docked or shipwrecked somewhere along Kalimdor's coasts like at Tanaris or Darkshore, or maybe their long-dead bones are scattered along the coast of Azshara, the expedition undone by vicious attacks from the Naga, with only a few banners or notes surviving to identify them.

Does anyone else know of any NPCs that exist only on paper but could definitely be made present in the game world somewhere? Please share if you do!

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Posts: 32

Re: NPCs Only Mentioned in Notes: Tar'sere and Lieutenant Alverold

Post by Pinacoolada » Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:41 pm

This is a very good find, good job!

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