RTV Change?

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Posts: 20

RTV Change?

Post by Axe8305 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:08 am

Can anyone explain the rationale of reducing rich thorium vein spawn rates by 90%?

Lately the turtle dev team has implemented some fantastic changes to address the highly inflated prices of herbs, potions and flasks by making most potions persist through death. Prices dropped immediately.

Then they do this RTV change right after which is completely antithetical to what they successfully did with potions. And now anything that comes from an RTV has seen an increase in price. Ore, bars, gems, other crafts that rely on said materials, etc. have all gone up in price.

And attempting to farm an RTV in the open world? Forget it. Every potential spawn point has at least 1 afk farmer sitting there with a timer open waiting to click faster than the next.

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Re: RTV Change?

Post by Zokk » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:47 am

Putting aside the reduced spawns of RTV
Aren't the actual spawns on random time windows? Like herbs....

Posts: 20

Re: RTV Change?

Post by Axe8305 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:56 pm

Zokk wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:47 am
Putting aside the reduced spawns of RTV
Aren't the actual spawns on random time windows? Like herbs....
I think there was a range. I don't know for sure as I've never just camped one single spawn point.

I have a max level herbalist and a max lever miner, separate characters. It is easier to farm plaguebloom on a slow mount than it is to farm RTVs on a fast mount. It's that bad.

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Re: RTV Change?

Post by Anadrol » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:20 pm

The price of Thorium bar is x5 now, every Hunter need thorium to them Arrows, this change fcked us

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