What is the hit % of a feral druid?
What is the hit % of a feral druid?
Friends, tell me. What is the cap hit percentage for pve and pvp here on this server? Do you need to collect it so as not to mess up?
Re: What is the hit % of a feral druid?
You need 9% total, but as Dru above me hinted 3% of that is taken care of with the balance talent. I think with 9% total every attack has zero chance of missing. Of course there's still dodge, blocks, and parries but 9% hit means missing is a non issue.
Elmhoof - 60 Boomkin
Tacheka - 41 Melee hunter (Planned secondary main)
Anbone - 36 Shadow Priest (Idk what I'm doing with him)
The laser chicken called to me. And so I answered.
Tacheka - 41 Melee hunter (Planned secondary main)
Anbone - 36 Shadow Priest (Idk what I'm doing with him)
The laser chicken called to me. And so I answered.