Shaman weapon saga: Runeforging

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Posts: 41

Shaman weapon saga: Runeforging

Post by Deeno » Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:42 pm

There are 2 separate topic reappearing time to time on the forum:
  • shaman weapon enchant duration (5 min) is annoying
  • shaman melee dps needs dual wielding (for dps and fantasy reasons)
In the following i propose an alternative approach: Runeforging (class profession)
To keep it simple, i only want to explain how this would work and why would be better than separatly solving these issues, without going in depth how talent and everything else would or could change.

My understanding why this is the current behavior in a nutshell:
  • weapon enchant duration
    It is unnecessarly annoying, but the game design is that you need to spend mana on it frequently as a tradeoff.
  • dual wielding
    Sounds good, doesnt work. Ench shaman already needs almost every stat (caster and melee type), this would further stretch its needs (more hit and weapon skill), which would require "help" from talents and items, which would lead tremendous amount of balancing issues. And i didnt mention the problem how shaman weapon enchants should work in this case.
Why class profession?
It has a vanilla feeling (at least for me) and would put these issues into another perspective.

How it would work?
The tradoff with Runeforging that you apply it once, but can only do in special shaman places. The enchants are permanent, and not the same as the ones from totems.

What about windfurry?
I think windfurry totem was a mistake 20 years ago, but in this case, i would keep windfurry only as totem (temporary enchant). This would also solve the issue with shamans tanks who cannot help the team with wf totem bc it would remove Rockbiter enchant which generates threat.

How is dual wielding relevant here?
Since the totem and the profession enchants would diverge, i would propose a new enchant only available as a profession one, which could be applied to 2h weapons with the following characteristics: weapon would appear as a fist weapon (so this enchant also an implicit transmog), increase weapon speed, but do less damage.

What about certain enchant + totem combinations?
I dont want to provide exact numbers which enchants provides how much what, the point is that they would diverge and numbers must set accordingly.
  • Fire enchants with fire enchant totem? They would stack.
  • Rockbiter with wf totem? I am aware of this, but shaman tank needs a rework anyway. Rockbiter tries to balance that a tank would probably have small damage so it gives a ton of attack power and a fixed amount of threat. Since the fixed amount of threat is one of the flaws of shaman tank, this enchant would probably change as well. I cannot provide an exact answer bc i dont know what directions the class council is going.

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