So how's Tel'Abim?

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So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:59 pm

Seriously though. No doom and gloom here, just curiosity. I've recently made a mage on alliance for a quieter levelling experience and I'm only 12, so my input on the server's stability wouldn't be very well informed. BUT, for those of you who have been around since the early days of the realm, and who still play in endgame PvE/PvP, I wanted to ask how the experience is, even at the low population.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Jc473 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:27 pm

Bigsmerf wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:59 pm
Seriously though. No doom and gloom here, just curiosity. I've recently made a mage on alliance for a quieter levelling experience and I'm only 12, so my input on the server's stability wouldn't be very well informed. BUT, for those of you who have been around since the early days of the realm, and who still play in endgame PvE/PvP, I wanted to ask how the experience is, even at the low population.
It’s nice. A small population has its charm; I recognise so many names and end up in dungeon groups with them a lot. So, it’s nice building up a rapport with them.

I’m choosing to play casually on this server by levelling alts and trying to ensure people have a decent chance at finding dungeon groups throughout the 1-59 journey. In fact, a couple of people decided to make a casual levelling guild called ‘Traveler’. They share a similar mindset in ensuring that the world feels alive. Only formed about a week ago but currently has about 190 members with about 15-25 online at any moment. I suggest you join with your mage if you want some companionship :)

As for the PvP scene:
BGs - they tend to be the daily ones however whenever any BG pops, people call it out in world chat and it fills up fairly well.
wPvP - there are a few dedicated groups who raid the Horde/Alliance cities which always results in some sort of battle. These folks are really into it and you can tell by their pictures posted in the Tel’Abim general channel in discord.

As for raiding, I can’t say. Probably best for others to comment.

On the whole, I think the population is stabilising at about 600-700 (EU times! NA has a tougher time…) and I think it will maintain this whilst slowly growing as over the next few months.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:58 pm

Jc473 wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:27 pm
Bigsmerf wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:59 pm
Seriously though. No doom and gloom here, just curiosity. I've recently made a mage on alliance for a quieter levelling experience and I'm only 12, so my input on the server's stability wouldn't be very well informed. BUT, for those of you who have been around since the early days of the realm, and who still play in endgame PvE/PvP, I wanted to ask how the experience is, even at the low population.
It’s nice. A small population has its charm; I recognise so many names and end up in dungeon groups with them a lot. So, it’s nice building up a rapport with them.

I’m choosing to play casually on this server by levelling alts and trying to ensure people have a decent chance at finding dungeon groups throughout the 1-59 journey. In fact, a couple of people decided to make a casual levelling guild called ‘Traveler’. They share a similar mindset in ensuring that the world feels alive. Only formed about a week ago but currently has about 190 members with about 15-25 online at any moment. I suggest you join with your mage if you want some companionship :)

As for the PvP scene:
BGs - they tend to be the daily ones however whenever any BG pops, people call it out in world chat and it fills up fairly well.
wPvP - there are a few dedicated groups who raid the Horde/Alliance cities which always results in some sort of battle. These folks are really into it and you can tell by their pictures posted in the Tel’Abim general channel in discord.

As for raiding, I can’t say. Probably best for others to comment.

On the whole, I think the population is stabilising at about 600-700 (EU times! NA has a tougher time…) and I think it will maintain this whilst slowly growing as over the next few months.
Heya! Glad to see such a positive outlook on things, so the input is appreciated. Believe it or not I actually got invited to Traveler just yesterday (perhaps you'd recognise a "Chadical'?) and they were pretty welcoming.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Ataika » Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:11 pm

Its completely dead.
Dead wpvp outside of some rare events, battlegrounds pop pretty rarely.
People spend their time dueling outside of cities and post lies on forum.

Posts: 422

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Jc473 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:44 pm

Bigsmerf wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:58 pm
Heya! Glad to see such a positive outlook on things, so the input is appreciated. Believe it or not I actually got invited to Traveler just yesterday (perhaps you'd recognise a "Chadical'?) and they were pretty welcoming.
Yeah, I think people in this sort of guild have recognised what kind of atmosphere we're trying to create; warm and welcoming! By extension, hopefully this influences the server's atmosphere too. I've got a couple of characters in there too (Trovi/Alumi) so feel free to say hi or ask for help! :)

We very much appreciate the attention Akalix is devoting to the server but why just sit there and wait for the TWoW staff to make things better...? This is the inspiration for creating the guild; take it upon ourselves to help Tel'Abim survive and grow. Hopefully the combination of these sorts of community and dev efforts will encourage people to start and continue playing here. I've also given Vrograg the guild stats/information and he said he'll include it in one of his weekly news reporting episodes. People need to know that you can start a character on this server and, from a PvE perspective, have a reliable way to play with people.

As for the comment above, we can't change the perspective of people like this right now. Population numbers mean everything to them. I mean, it's understandable. Bigger populations allow for more widespread wPvP (not just level 60 events) and BGs popping round the clock. For now, all we can do is accept that this can't happen with this current population and try to rectify it, slowly, but surely.

Personally, my plan is to make multiple druids and leave them at various level ranges (e.g. 20/30/40) so I can fill the sought after tank/healer roles for random dungeon groups. I feel like peoples' perspection of server health is largely influenced by how hard or easy it is to find dungeon groups. So, this seems like the most effective thing I can do to help the server.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Tacticalnelf » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:05 am

It's pretty bad, there aren't enough people interested in doing UBRS, phase 2 started today and I've spent the whole day managing to do UBRS once, which is very bad because my T0 is in there and it never drops.

There are very few options for raiding, either you join the coalition that controls everything and uses the SR>MS>OS system (but does HR without any explanation for some items), or you subject yourself to raiding in DKP in the other 2 smaller guilds.

PVP is controlled by a few players who make 800k honor per week and no one can rank up without selling their soul

Posts: 422

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Jc473 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:12 am

Tacticalnelf wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:05 am
It's pretty bad, there aren't enough people interested in doing UBRS, phase 2 started today and I've spent the whole day managing to do UBRS once, which is very bad because my T0 is in there and it never drops.

There are very few options for raiding, either you join the coalition that controls everything and uses the SR>MS>OS system (but does HR without any explanation for some items), or you subject yourself to raiding in DKP in the other 2 smaller guilds.

PVP is controlled by a few players who make 800k honor per week and no one can rank up without selling their soul
Bad day to be looking to run a level 60 dungeon, let alone one requiring 10 people!

A lot of the end game players have been busy tackling the new content from today's release of phase 2 (world bosses, ZG & Emerald Sanctum).

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Burunduk » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:38 am

Dead server, we are all waiting for transfer.

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:57 am

tbh yeah its pretty much dead. No dungeons on 60 only a few while leveling up but only if u have a tank friend. I mean its clear the missmanagement and lack of changes killed this ream. U had 5k people on the server now its 400. Yeah there are the fresh chasers that drop off after a while but they dont make up this big of a number. And even if they implement changes now its just a classic case of to little to late. And rushing the phases now only makes it worse nobody will join this realm when R12-14 players roaming the BG´s and u get a big ZG or BWL weapon in ur face joining a BG at fresh 60. More and more of the names u played with drop off. Friend list gets smaller instead of bigger and i cant blame anyone throwing the towel.

Posts: 131

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Marafado » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:23 pm

Ye pvp server need more ppl !!

The pve server atm its over the 5k, drop a bit in EU prime time to around 3k. But most of the ppl in pve are asian "players", for some some reason (RMT maybe ;p) they prefer the lag on the EU server to the many servers they have close to home.

If the EU/USA move they toons to pvp realm this problem can be fixed, and pvp shoud get around 1k more ppl.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Thecakeisalie » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:23 pm

Looks like the pvp realm dried up like a raisin to no ones surprise.

Marafado wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:23 pm
Ye pvp server need more ppl !!

The pve server atm its over the 5k, drop a bit in EU prime time to around 3k. But most of the ppl in pve are asian "players", for some some reason (RMT maybe ;p) they prefer the lag on the EU server to the many servers they have close to home.

If the EU/USA move they toons to pvp realm this problem can be fixed, and pvp shoud get around 1k more ppl.

I seriously doubt bringing in T3 and R14 players will save the server.

Posts: 222

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Tendies » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:51 pm

If the team had had any good PvP'ers they would have known this would happen.

Posts: 44

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Scelus12 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:19 pm

You can see the numbers for yourself, the pop is quite low. Daily peak is 700ish, daily low is 300ish.

However there are several guilds on both sides raiding consistently and having a ton of fun. Very friendly groups that don't really care about pop. Just clearing content together and having a blast playing the game. You can still buy most things you need on the AH. BGs pop a few times a day. World pvp happens too! Usually when each side calls for backup.

It's way way less than ideal. It needs some help. But the people who are still playing are great folks who just love the game. We've finally shaken out all the negative nerds who just trolled "dead server" all day. (Who are those pathetic people?)

Posts: 44

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Scelus12 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:27 pm

Tendies wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:51 pm
If the team had had any good PvP'ers they would have known this would happen.
This is a strange take when there were 4k players online until SoD was announced, then a massive dip when SoD launched. You can look at the graphs.

Telabim for better or worse attracted the "fresh" crowd. And of course that same crowd went to SoD which was the bigger/better fresh.

Posts: 222

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Tendies » Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:37 pm

Scelus12 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:27 pm
Tendies wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:51 pm
If the team had had any good PvP'ers they would have known this would happen.
This is a strange take when there were 4k players online until SoD was announced, then a massive dip when SoD launched. You can look at the graphs.

Telabim for better or worse attracted the "fresh" crowd. And of course that same crowd went to SoD which was the bigger/better fresh.
Massive cope

Posts: 44

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Scelus12 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:02 pm

Tendies wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:37 pm
Scelus12 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:27 pm
Tendies wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:51 pm
If the team had had any good PvP'ers they would have known this would happen.
This is a strange take when there were 4k players online until SoD was announced, then a massive dip when SoD launched. You can look at the graphs.

Telabim for better or worse attracted the "fresh" crowd. And of course that same crowd went to SoD which was the bigger/better fresh.
Massive cope
Are you a chatbot? What exactly is the cope? You absolutely are not passing the turing test right now man

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:07 pm

Even a PVE project like Epoch (more PVP changes there then on the actuall PVP realm here) will be the nail in the coffin for this realm.

Devs. just speed it up so they can roll out patches simultaneously for both realms. That alone is the wrong thinking a different game mode needs a different approach. U cant just copy pasta. That just shows that there is no interest or understanding for PVP on the dev side.

another 100 players lost in January. Still no major changes to the realm.

Its just not possible to gear up anymore without an unhealthy gaming cylce and time investment. We should have gotten goody bags for dungeon queueing as heal or tank two months ago to keep the game working.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Tacticalnelf » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:19 pm

Jc473 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:12 am

Bad day to be looking to run a level 60 dungeon, let alone one requiring 10 people!
every day is a bad day when you only have 150 players in your faction and none of them need to gear up

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:40 pm

Tacticalnelf wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:19 pm
Jc473 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:12 am

Bad day to be looking to run a level 60 dungeon, let alone one requiring 10 people!
every day is a bad day when you only have 150 players in your faction and none of them need to gear up
Exactly this thats why Tel Abim needs an incentive for players to revisit dungeons. Or every new player will quit when hitting lvl 60 if not before. No BRD no DM occassionally some Strat and Scholo runs but not enough.

I mean next week a cool game releases and i think i will just drop my guild and move there. I really tried to be positive and build sth up here but it cant be done by only by the players we need the right framework for it.

Posts: 422

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Jc473 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:44 pm

To all the people with a negative perception/outlook, ask yourself how the PvE server survived for years with ~50-300? Sure, they had cross faction but these numbers are substantially less what we have now. Most likely, they had a 'glass half full' perspective and made the most of it. Quite simply, it's what you make of it.

So, you can either chose to:
1) proactively help the server survive/grow (e.g. level alts, selflessly run dungeons to gear others etc)
2) continuing playing in whatever style you want and making the most of it
3) vociferously lament about how bad things are and will continue to be

For the love of me, I cannot grasp why people choose option 3. It's just destructive behaviour and creates a self fulfilling prophecy.... :(

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:35 pm

Jc473 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:44 pm
To all the people with a negative perception/outlook, ask yourself how the PvE server survived for years with ~50-300? Sure, they had cross faction but these numbers are substantially less what we have now. Most likely, they had a 'glass half full' perspective and made the most of it. Quite simply, it's what you make of it.

So, you can either chose to:
1) proactively help the server survive/grow (e.g. level alts, selflessly run dungeons to gear others etc)
2) continuing playing in whatever style you want and making the most of it
3) vociferously lament about how bad things are and will continue to be

For the love of me, I cannot grasp why people choose option 3. It's just destructive behaviour and creates a self fulfilling prophecy.... :(
I invest alot of time and work into building sth. up here and making this a better place but pls stop these stupid arguments with how the PVE server bla bla bla.

Be open for criticism would help the server too but these constant copium is as bad as the constan memes that plalgued the server for to long.

Its looking bad real bad right now. Let accept this as a base of discussion before we continue.

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:37 pm

Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:35 pm
Jc473 wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:44 pm
To all the people with a negative perception/outlook, ask yourself how the PvE server survived for years with ~50-300? Sure, they had cross faction but these numbers are substantially less what we have now. Most likely, they had a 'glass half full' perspective and made the most of it. Quite simply, it's what you make of it.

So, you can either chose to:
1) proactively help the server survive/grow (e.g. level alts, selflessly run dungeons to gear others etc)
2) continuing playing in whatever style you want and making the most of it
3) vociferously lament about how bad things are and will continue to be

For the love of me, I cannot grasp why people choose option 3. It's just destructive behaviour and creates a self fulfilling prophecy.... :(
I invest alot of time and work into building sth. up here and making this a better place but pls stop these stupid arguments with how the PVE server bla bla bla.

Be open for criticism would help the server too but these constant copium is as bad as the constan memes that plalgued the server for to long.

Its looking bad real bad right now. Let accept this as a base of discussion before we continue.
I mean the argument cant be a server can survive with 50 players when we just lost 4k in a few months. There are major flaws people leaving have a reason maybe its wise to think about that before thinking the server will rise from low pop to glorius numbers.

Posts: 131

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Marafado » Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:55 pm

attention to the 'glass half full' boys , in portugal we call them "vendedores da banha da cobra" ;p

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Thol » Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:59 pm

It's perfectly fine to not be satisfied with Tel'Abim and it's current population but to reply to the initial post, I'm personally having fun on Tel'Abim ever since the launch, there are regular PvP raids, and I never had issues to find groups for dungeons. Just join a guild and you'll be set. The community is nice. It's like the old realms where you know almost everyone and server rep matters.


Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:12 pm

Just join a guild and u will be set is not true. Please i appreciate ur efforts on the server but stop telling things that just not reflected by the reality on this server.

If u got a lucky spot and have a tank mate and get into dungeons easy then u for sure the minority on this server. I was in multiple guilds were nothing was going on at all and people i talk to have the same experience.

I think if things are spoken out loud and clearly thats the only chance for the realm to get the changes it needs to attract and keep new players.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Thol » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:14 pm

Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:12 pm
Just join a guild and u will be set is not true. Please i appreciate ur efforts on the server but stop telling things that just not reflected by the reality on this server.
Well I can only speak for my guild it's true, (also I'm speaking of EU prime time, I know NA prime time is rougher.)
Our members find dungeon groups regularly, when they can't find a group of their level, higher level players help them do the run.

There's a lack of tanks and healers on Nordanaar as well while leveling, even with more pop. And with tents and xp boost, players often choose to skip low level dungeons and elite quests.
Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:12 pm
I think if things are spoken out loud and clearly thats the only chance for the realm to get the changes it needs to attract and keep new players.
You find that doomers are not speaking out loud enough? Surely you jest. Look at this thread. Most of them don't offer any tangible solutions.

Be the change you want to see. smiling_turtle_head

Posts: 21

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Vettan » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:46 pm

Thol wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:14 pm
Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:12 pm
Just join a guild and u will be set is not true. Please i appreciate ur efforts on the server but stop telling things that just not reflected by the reality on this server.
Well I can only speak for my guild it's true, (also I'm speaking of EU prime time, I know NA prime time is rougher.)
Our members find dungeon groups regularly, when they can't find a group of their level, higher level players help them do the run.

There's a lack of tanks and healers on Nordanaar as well while leveling, even with more pop. And with tents and xp boost, players often choose to skip low level dungeons and elite quests.
Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:12 pm
I think if things are spoken out loud and clearly thats the only chance for the realm to get the changes it needs to attract and keep new players.
You find that doomers are not speaking out loud enough? Surely you jest. Look at this thread. Most of them don't offer any tangible solutions.

Be the change you want to see. smiling_turtle_head
Yes and no u can ofc try to be the change and thats exactly what im doing but im not in charge of changing stuff on a server level. Thats up to the Turtle team so my impact is limited and its not enough. U can only change things if accept them.

Tbh not beeing able to gear chars or see content i would love to play just drains my longterm motivation. And alone in january that was the case for over 100 players that left Tel Abim according to the player graph.

So we have to admit without doomsaying the server is dying. Slow but steady sadly in a negative way.

Posts: 422

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Jc473 » Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:52 am

Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:35 pm
I invest alot of time and work into building sth. up here and making this a better place but pls stop these stupid arguments with how the PVE server bla bla bla.
I don't see why it's stupid to draw a parallel with the PvE server. Do I expect this server to rise back up to the heights of the initial population (~4-5k)? Nope. Am I aware that the PvE server didn't have to experience an initial ~90% drop off in population? Of course. However, my previous question still stands... logistically, how did the extremely low pop PvE server survive? Undoubtedly, they would've also experienced the issue of finding dungeon groups at any level. How did they cope with this?

The fact is, there are existing (and new) players who are currently having a good time on Tel'Abim. They are choosing to either make the most of it or trying to maintain/grow the server (e.g. Thol organising plenty of wPvP or the creators of this Traveler guild I mentioned earlier in this thread). On the other hand, there are people who are not having a good time and might also have a bleak outlook. They have two choices; sink or swim. If they choose to sink (i.e. leave), I wish they would do it quietly and without casting aspersions on the server. Choosing to swim can take two forms; either doing something positive in-game or leaving constructive feedback for the developers on this forum or on Discord.

Sadly, there is a lot of unconstructive feedback which only hurts the server. You only have to scroll up a bit to see Burunduk's post for a perfect example.

Vettan wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:35 pm
Be open for criticism would help the server too but these constant copium is as bad as the constan memes that plalgued the server for to long.

Its looking bad real bad right now. Let accept this as a base of discussion before we continue.
I find this baffling to read. You honestly think this "constant copium" is as bad!? Sharing good experiences is a standard way of encouraging people to play. You must be really upset with the server to warp this stuff into something negative.

As for being open to critcism, I very much am. I could probably write a book on the short comings of the PvP server and how it can be improved. In fact, we've had plenty of discussions with Akalix and co on the Discord server as to how we can improve things. What's refreshing is that Akalix has been very engaged on this front. You can hear him speak about it on Vrograg's last stream. He said he's very focused on Tel'Abim and you can tell given his previous announcement post (viewtopic.php?t=12138). To be clear, almost everything in this announcement post has stemmed from constructive player feedback on the forums/Discord server. So, we have very much already acknowledged the server's short comings and have discussed how it can be improved.

To conclude, there are players who have done plenty of positive stuff, in and outside of game, to try and help the server survive/grow. I hope more people follow suit.

Posts: 325

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Ishilu » Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:27 pm

So, I started on Tel' Abim this week (playing at EU times, btw). I had played for a while on the original realm and then I mostly sat out the overhype and player influx of the past year, while remaining somewhat active on the forums and playing on TBC private servers which were also overpopulated.

My first impression is a good one.

World chat looks promising. A little bit of barrens-level nonsense, but no dad-server whining and people are looking for groups in various levelranges and even organise world pvp events. I'm really looking forward to these.

I've also seen lvl 60 players setting up tents in crossroads after announcing them in world chat. My guess is that things are similar on alliance side. I even got some free green items there. So there's a community actively welcoming new players and helping them to get into the game. That alone is worth much more than any fastlevel or transfer service that the team could offer if they chose to do so.

It feels a lot like my early time at turtle before the mainstream locusts put such a strain on the server community and if these people are moving on to SoD or Fortnite or Hello Kitty then I can say that I'm not going to miss them on "my server".

Yes, the population is a bit on the low side but finding groups for RFC at least was quite doable and people are motivated to push on. I also keep in mind that right now I'm used to playing on overpopulated realms. On the plus side: I haven't encountered any players yet with whom I wouldn't have been able to team up. No or only very few language barriers and no HC competition makes the gaming experience quite neat, imo.

Considering that the old realm has been up and running for 5 years or so by now, with people coming, going and returning, I can imagine that the same will happen on Tel Abim, so I'm actually quite optimistic at the moment.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Ataika » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:30 am

Ishilu wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:27 pm
World chat looks promising.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Burunduk » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:39 pm

600+ online on sunday evening.
Phase 2 didn't help.

Posts: 222

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Tendies » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:45 pm

702 peak last week up from 697 peak the week before. We going up guys, the content is working!
Last edited by Tendies on Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Grizb37 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:51 pm

Burunduk wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:39 pm
600+ online on sunday evening.
Phase 2 didn't help.
Nothing will help, apart from class changes Unfortuantly.

Posts: 325

Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Ishilu » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:44 pm

Ataika wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:30 am
Ishilu wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:27 pm
World chat looks promising.
Hope I didn't hurt your feelings, mate.

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Re: So how's Tel'Abim?

Post by Ataika » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:18 pm

Ishilu wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:44 pm
Ataika wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:30 am
Ishilu wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:27 pm
World chat looks promising.
Hope I didn't hurt your feelings, mate.
Na, had a laught.

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