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Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:36 am
by Redmoon
So I ran two BWLs one this week and the week prior. The first had the Dragonstalkers bracers belt and gauntlets drop in one run and the most recent had the nether wind bracers belt and shoulders drop seems very statistically unlikely to happen by chance

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:25 am
by Drubarrymooer
Nope. Just good ole RNGeesus. I ran MC 63 weeks before I saw an eye drop. In the other MC my guild runs weekly, 5 or 6 ees dropped in that time. We also have something like 6 players waiting for Garr bindings. One has been running MC for almost 10 months now with only a Baron binding.

It just comes and goes.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:54 am
by Burunduk
I think loot depends on player who enters raid first.
For instance, our ret paladin gave us DFT very often, but when druid tank enterted we got Nefarian Tear and Chromaggus pants.
Shaman heal gave us bindings and legendary items from MC.
Shadow priest gave us dagger from Cthun.

RNG doesn't work like that.
You just need to find who is lucky in your raid.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:50 am
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:54 am
I think loot depends on player who enters raid first.
For instance, our ret paladin gave us DFT very often, but when druid tank enterted we got Nefarian Tear and Chromaggus pants.
Shaman heal gave us bindings and legendary items from MC.
Shadow priest gave us dagger from Cthun.

RNG doesn't work like that.
You just need to find who is lucky in your raid.
I mean, RNG works randomly. It could be 2 months in a row and still be RNG. Observing an event over a seemingly long period of time doesn't make it not random. I've heard players say it's player id based for years, but there's no conclusive evidence of this. My MIL got angry that buying 9 lottery tickets that said "1 in 4 is a winner", none were wins. It's the entire run of tickets which is probably in the thousands. And that's if it's based on a system like that to begin with. Like I said, I don't think that's ever been officially confirmed. If I'm wrong, lmk. I don't mean any of that in a harsh tone either. Apologies if it comes across like that at all.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:10 am
by Burunduk
I will never believe that 4 daggers from C'thun is just RNG.
This is a pattern.
We changed that priest for another players and never seen dagger again.

We did split raids for DFT and Tear, and it worked, even new players got trinkets.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:05 am
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:10 am
I will never believe that 4 daggers from C'thun is just RNG.
This is a pattern.
We changed that priest for another players and never seen dagger again.

We did split raids for DFT and Tear, and it worked, even new players got trinkets.
So it can be repeated with reliable accuracy? There's no data across decades of wow, with players numbering in the 10s of millions, if not more to back this up other than hearsay. That isn't typically considered reliable. If it was so easy to replicate good loot, then why isn't everyone gaming the system? There's nights where mostly warlock gear dropped and no warlocks in the raid. Sometimes melee gear drops when the raid is caster heavy. It's just random. We see patterns in the clouds in the sky, but it's just random. There needs to be data behind claims and the best data around is "there was a blue post one time but it's gone now". Other than that it's just fan sites and forums repeating the claim but no source.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:38 am
by Burunduk
Some players use this system on different 1.12.1 private servers, but many people don't believe it and don't do anything.
Weapons from C'thun are very rare and the same weapon can drop often only on paper, but not in game.
You don't need to be professor of mathematics to understand that it works, when new mage in blue gear gets Tear.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:13 am
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:38 am
Some players use this system on different 1.12.1 private servers, but many people don't believe it and don't do anything.
Weapons from C'thun are very rare and the same weapon can drop often only on paper, but not in game.
You don't need to be professor of mathematics to understand that it works, when new mage in blue gear gets Tear.
It doesn't take a professor....which is why I don't get what you're not understanding. Just because you get stuff 10, 20, or even 50 times in a row does not mean it's not random. As well as it's worked for you, it isn't working well for others. It's all just random chance. Back in the og days paladin loot dropped for horde and vice versa for alliance.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:16 am
by Ataika
This guy is trolling.
We have exactly the same raid composition and the very first guy who enters instances is me, meanwhile loot is mostly different. Believers in raid drop scheme do remind me flat eathers. Prolly should make a local term for them.

Loot Believers.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:05 pm
by Burunduk
It's not trolling.
Some players really proc good items.
You can call "loot believers" stupid or supersisiuos, but when you get DFT for cat you will change your mind.
People believe in flat Earth because there are many proves, it sounds stupid only for those who doesn't want to accept that he lives in a world of lies.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:23 pm
by Ataika
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:05 pm
It's not trolling.
Some players really proc good items.
You can call "loot believers" stupid or supersisiuos, but when you get DFT for cat you will change your mind.
People believe in flat Earth because there are many proves, it sounds stupid only for those who doesn't want to accept that he lives in a world of lies.
Its not like you can not download the classic client server and check yourself the code how loot is generated.
All information is open, there is no room for your superstition ugabuga theories.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:55 pm
by Burunduk
This is not a theory, but a working system.
I've never seen so many good items in my life before, it helped our guild to become much stronger before Naxx.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:58 pm
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:05 pm
It's not trolling.
Some players really proc good items.
You can call "loot believers" stupid or supersisiuos, but when you get DFT for cat you will change your mind.
People believe in flat Earth because there are many proves, it sounds stupid only for those who doesn't want to accept that he lives in a world of lies.
I've been full BIS for a long time for both bear and cat, including DFT. We tried "seeding" with the same player and comp and we couldn't replicate it. No one ever has. Getting it 20x in a row doesn't make it not random. Just coincidence. That's not how math works.

It's not a theory nor a hypothesis. It's speculation. No one has ever found a way to manipulate loot.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:22 pm
by Burunduk
It's hard to find the right person for it, you can do it with wrong player anf get different loot all the time.
We were lucky and found 2 proper players early.
Our split DFT and Tear raids gave us many trinkets, but hunters T2 pieces did't drop.
Loot table becomes limited and you may never see some items.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:53 pm
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:22 pm
It's hard to find the right person for it, you can do it with wrong player anf get different loot all the time.
We were lucky and found 2 proper players early.
Our split DFT and Tear raids gave us many trinkets, but hunters T2 pieces did't drop.
Loot table becomes limited and you may never see some items.
So in other words, random. If you can't replicate it with 100% consistency, it's random coincidence. If it rains 30 days in a row, it doesn't mean it will rain on day 31. Correlation does not imply causation.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:05 pm
by Burunduk
Tell our hunter about random.
He left guild and got the rest pieces of T2 very fast.
4 daggers from C'thun is not random, many trinkets from Maexxna is not random.
When priest enters raid we know that healers items will never drop, and we will see melee loot again.
There was a riot, so raid leader was forced to rotate priest with ret paladin.
Paladin gave us stuff from Thaddius all the time.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:56 pm
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:05 pm
Tell our hunter about random.
He left guild and got the rest pieces of T2 very fast.
4 daggers from C'thun is not random, many trinkets from Maexxna is not random.
When priest enters raid we know that healers items will never drop, and we will see melee loot again.
There was a riot, so raid leader was forced to rotate priest with ret paladin.
Paladin gave us stuff from Thaddius all the time.
Yes, it is. It's statistical probabilities. We can see patterns all the livelong day but anecdotal data is trumped by empirical data. You're telling us your experience. If you've cracked the formula, how come no one else has been able to replicate it in the history of wow and tens of millions of users with hundreds of millions of playing hours?

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:27 pm
by Burunduk
No one knows the formula, but someone did it even in original Classic.
How do players notice this? How do they find strange and unusual things?
People are just curious, they like to search for secrets and discover something new.

Some conspiracy theories turned out to be true.

We tried it and it worked, we even had google doc for players and loot.
I will never believe in RNG after what i've seen.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:07 pm
by Balake

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:05 am
by Drubarrymooer
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:27 pm
No one knows the formula, but someone did it even in original Classic.
How do players notice this? How do they find strange and unusual things?
People are just curious, they like to search for secrets and discover something new.

We tried it and it worked, we even had google doc for players and loot.
I will never believe in RNG after what i've seen.
So someone did it in classic and it didn't spread like wildfire like everything else in classic to every corner of the wow-verse? Were they keeping it a secret? Math isn't a conspiracy...neither is failure nor ability to understand it. I was a very bad algebra student and not great at math in general now. How are you not getting this? Refer to Balake's list above this post.

If you're keeping track of the data in a google doc, why not hand it over to Zaas or other math nerds around here and see what they can make of it? Why not give it to the WoW community as a whole? We've all been wondering this for literal decades now and someone from TWoW figured it out?! Do you know how famous you'd be?
Burunduk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:27 pm
Some conspiracy theories turned out to be true.
Its rare for conspiracies to be true....I'm not sure why you brought that up though.

Regardless, I'm done with this conversation. You keep saying you don't "believe in RNG". The problem with belief is it drives people to accept things as true, even when they necessarily aren't, and even ignore facts when being faced with them. Enjoy your game time and congrats on your loot. Share your secret formula with the rest of us so we can shower you with praise and adulation.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:37 am
by Burunduk
It wasn't wildfire but burning torch.
It's a secret only for those who didn't play Classic.

There is no need to give data because loot depends on player.
Another guilds should find their own "good loot bringers".

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:57 am
by Xudo
It is not about classes or player names. It is about killing order.

If you want to get better loot in MC, then you should kill bosses in following order:
1 Sulfuron
2 Garr
3 Golemagg
4 Lucifiron
5 Shazzrah
6 Magmadar
7 Geddon
8 Gehennas
9 Majordomo
10 Ragnaros

Best killing order in other dungeons is secret, but you get the idea.
I'm already tell you too much.

Re: Does turtle wow have some sort of class id preference system for raids?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:02 am
by Ataika
I did 18 strat live runs without necklace drop, every time before cannonmaster i /pray
Today i did not pray and the neck dropped.
Go figure