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Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:59 am
by Chudman123
Currently people are obtaining insane amounts of honor which basically makes it impossible for anyone who does not account share since it's likely that these 1,000,000 + honor/week people need to put in 80+hours/week to rank for months in a row (which seems unhealthy and unlikely that one person does it).

Many people all over forums and Discord have said cap honor, why not cap it at 300k/week?

Seems like anyone could rank if dedicated and wouldn't require acct share or giving up everything else in your life.

Please twow devs this is a very simple and logical fix and hurts no one, people playing more than 300k/week still can get rep rewards.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:04 am
by Chudman123
Also make rep rewards tokens be able to be used to buff outdated items such as savage gladiator chain, and many proc weapons such as silentfang and deathbringer (many items have a 1 ppm when dream's herald is 7ppm, comon let's balance proc rate items more for fun). Oh no someone with silent fang can actually use it vrs mages in PvE who cares that seems fun. Don't nerf dream's herald buff the other proc rates like you did for Sulfuron Hammer

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:57 am
by Artashir
I like this 300k for casual player like me sound good

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:02 am
by Ataika
I second that

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:36 am
by Zvyrhol
The only con of this would be seeing more casuals with high rank. Back in the days seeing someone with rank 14 was very rare. If we lower the cap, the respect for that rank decreases because it will be easier to obtain. I don't think that 300k honor cap is bad idea I'm just thinking if 300k is the perfect number. What about 500k?

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:07 am
by Ataika
Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:36 am
The only con of this would be seeing more casuals with high rank. Back in the days seeing someone with rank 14 was very rare. If we lower the cap, the respect for that rank decreases because it will be easier to obtain. I don't think that 300k honor cap is bad idea I'm just thinking if 300k is the perfect number. What about 500k?
I did 12 rank with 200k honor per week 1,5 years ago
Atm this is imposible

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:09 am
by Twinking
I have supported similar posts many times.
This is a really healthy solution to vanilla outdated raang system.
Maybe someday the developers will make a final decision on this issue.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:35 am
by Grizb37
300k is too low. When I ranked to 14 on this server in February cap was 400k and we all had 3 days off at the end of thr ranking week.

Everyone and their mother will be Rank 14 with 300k cap. Suggest 500k like blizzard set on official classic.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:49 am
by Fanatix
Rather start with 500 k and tune it downwards if necessary. Other way round will be riots in streets.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:00 pm
by Chudman123
500k sounds way better than no cap at all.

I said 300k to be casual but I understand that it might be too easy.

Just having a cap would help both EU servers a lot.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:25 pm
by Scelus12
Out of curiosity, if the cap was lowered to say 300k and several players at rank 13 had the cap, wouldn’t that prevent a rank 14? It’s my understanding that you can’t have multiple 14s in a week and ties would bump everyone down?

The system is quite esoteric and opaque and ripe for a rework. If the devs ever came up with an elegant solution it may just be the thing that breathes new life into Telabim.

The questions are: what exactly do we want to reward in pvp, and over what period of time do we expect the rank 14 to achieve it?

I wish there was some way to reward skill as well as time, but I’m not sure there’s a fair and elegant way to do so, while normalizing for class balance and avoiding cheese.

Would love to hear ideas.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:31 pm
by Ataika
Scelus12 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:25 pm
Out of curiosity, if the cap was lowered to say 300k and several players at rank 13 had the cap, wouldn’t that prevent a rank 14? It’s my understanding that you can’t have multiple 14s in a week and ties would bump everyone down?

The system is quite esoteric and opaque and ripe for a rework. If the devs ever came up with an elegant solution it may just be the thing that breathes new life into Telabim.

The questions are: what exactly do we want to reward in pvp, and over what period of time do we expect the rank 14 to achieve it?

I wish there was some way to reward skill as well as time, but I’m not sure there’s a fair and elegant way to do so, while normalizing for class balance and avoiding cheese.

Would love to hear ideas.
Current system does not reward for pvp it rewards nerding and acc sharing.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:58 pm
by Grizb37
Scelus12 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:25 pm
Out of curiosity, if the cap was lowered to say 300k and several players at rank 13 had the cap, wouldn’t that prevent a rank 14? It’s my understanding that you can’t have multiple 14s in a week and ties would bump everyone down?

The system is quite esoteric and opaque and ripe for a rework. If the devs ever came up with an elegant solution it may just be the thing that breathes new life into Telabim.

The questions are: what exactly do we want to reward in pvp, and over what period of time do we expect the rank 14 to achieve it?

I wish there was some way to reward skill as well as time, but I’m not sure there’s a fair and elegant way to do so, while normalizing for class balance and avoiding cheese.

Would love to hear ideas.
All about pool size. There was 4 rank 14s in a week when I hit it back at start of the year.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:09 pm
by Erhog
I've googled a bit, currently price for farming honor on a turtle around 1.5-5$/h. Probably those farmers would loose too much of their profit if r14 will be possible to done by average player who are invested their time into ranking(still high tbh but managable). While with current caps it's possible only for those who are full-time farming and probably some part is people who are farming r14 for a sale - you could easily detect characters without a guild and raid items but only in pvp items.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:18 pm
by Xudo
Scelus12 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:25 pm
The questions are: what exactly do we want to reward in pvp, and over what period of time do we expect the rank 14 to achieve it?

I wish there was some way to reward skill as well as time, but I’m not sure there’s a fair and elegant way to do so, while normalizing for class balance and avoiding cheese.

Would love to hear ideas.
These are the real questions, which worth discussion.
First of all, getting to "end" of PvP career should take long time. 1 year for single character is good guess. May be 2 years if you get rewards all the time.
Then some social aspect should encourage people to get in groups and play together.
If you got your rank 14 and help your buddy to get rank 14 too, then you play more time than alone.
It is MMO afterall. Devs also stated somewhere that group play should be more rewarding than solo. This is why premades will not be banned ever. This is why ranking mafia is good thing.

Is it right to reward skill? Probably yes. But if you reward skill, then some matchmaking system should be in place. Any matchmaking systems in modern games designed to provide 50% winrate. If you are skilful, then more skilful players you find.
But I think that skill should not be rewarded with gear. There were some threads about it "you don't get more queens on the table if you play chess better than others".
Tying gear to skill will actually scare away a lot of players. Because people in-masse are not very good and they know it. If they know that they would not be rewarded, then they would not play at all. You can see it on lvl 19 battlegrounds. Levellers just ignore them because they can't win against twinks. (it is not really about skill, but losing to more skilful player is the same as losing to more geared one)
Skill should be rewarded with more sweaty matchups, with better opponents, with high position in rating somewhere in public place. Being recognized is a reward. Even "elite" portrait for being top 20 could work.
Gold can be good reward too. If you bad in PvP, you get progress in gear, if you good in PvP you get gold to spend on stuff.

Keep in mind, that players don't need to win battlegrounds now to progress in ranks. They would get that 300k honor doing "defense" of their bases in AV.

I think that better PvP system should:
1) require cooperation of 40-60 people
2) require varied PvP activities (you should not just farm AV all the time as best option to rank)
3) skillful players should be rewarded with public recognition, high elo/mmr, harder matchups, gold.
4) less skilled players should be rewarded just with progress in gear.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:46 pm
by Marafado
im not sure if its a good ideia to change how business work, we have a strong china population in pve server.

Gold and r14 toons are tasty :)

obs: tbh i think makes more sense torta sell the r14 than the china farmers.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 12:10 am
by Tendies
Get the Chinese out first obviously.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:44 am
by Pando
Yes to 500k cap!

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:54 am
by Lvip
Chudman123 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:59 am
Currently people are obtaining insane amounts of honor which basically makes it impossible for anyone who does not account share since it's likely that these 1,000,000 + honor/week people need to put in 80+hours/week to rank for months in a row (which seems unhealthy and unlikely that one person does it).

Many people all over forums and Discord have said cap honor, why not cap it at 300k/week?

Seems like anyone could rank if dedicated and wouldn't require acct share or giving up everything else in your life.

Please twow devs this is a very simple and logical fix and hurts no one, people playing more than 300k/week still can get rep rewards.
This is a great idea for casual gamers, and it's simple, but it would take a lot of value out of the rank set, and maybe it would be better to introduce two rating systems for arena and team battlefields?

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:32 am
by Williamson75
Considering there isn't a shit ton of gearing for people who prefer pvp ranking i dont really see a problem with having a smaller cap. I like the idea of 300k but not really skin off my back regardless

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:09 am
by Atreidon
With warmode giving bonus honor, i think a cap to honor is needed, otherwise it's flat out impossible for non warmode players to ever reach rank 14. Since they would need to farm 20% more than the top warmode player.

Considering you can not freely turn off and on warmode, there might be people who want the bonus honor but can't turn it on anymore. Making a cap is both humane and would solve this problem

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:02 pm
by Marafado
nahh, nothing to do with on-off warmode ;p

The deal is rank the toons till r13, put them is stand by, and lvl to r14 when you receive the payment :)

hehe only business ;p

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:16 pm
by Chudman123
I think allowing more players to get top ranks is better than account share being the only possible way to get past rank 10.

Rep rewards is another path id you don't want to fix honor system.

If you put a honor cap per week it would help banana server and anyone who wanted to play pvp on PvE server.

It definitely wouldn't ruin PvE since naxx trash gear is still easier, faster, and better than rank 13 gear.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:25 pm
by Rhissa
Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:36 am
The only con of this would be seeing more casuals with high rank. Back in the days seeing someone with rank 14 was very rare. If we lower the cap, the respect for that rank decreases because it will be easier to obtain. I don't think that 300k honor cap is bad idea I'm just thinking if 300k is the perfect number. What about 500k?
the times where anyone would respect a rank 14 are long gone

95% of the rank 14 people on the server did it AFK or PvEing in AV

Remember Bombatta?

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:04 pm
by Charanko
Caping honor at around 500-600k sounds good, they should try it for a month and adjust from there

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:24 pm
by Chudman123
Rhissa wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:25 pm
Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:36 am
The only con of this would be seeing more casuals with high rank. Back in the days seeing someone with rank 14 was very rare. If we lower the cap, the respect for that rank decreases because it will be easier to obtain. I don't think that 300k honor cap is bad idea I'm just thinking if 300k is the perfect number. What about 500k?
the times where anyone would respect a rank 14 are long gone

95% of the rank 14 people on the server did it AFK or PvEing in AV

Remember Bombatta?

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:22 pm
by Dwordis
I'm for adding a cap, most of the people ranking on the PvP server are account sharing and playing 20 hours a day at least. Not fair for someone who plays the game like a normal human being

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:33 am
by Bandyc
Dwordis wrote:
Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:22 pm
I'm for adding a cap, most of the people ranking on the PvP server are account sharing and playing 20 hours a day at least. Not fair for someone who plays the game like a normal human being
wdym not fair? You think youre entitled to the best pvp gear?
Ever since honor first came out has it been a grind, not everyone is meant to be able to rank high, its a mmo farm long term achievement.
turtle wow players are the most anti-vanilla people Ive ever seen in 10 years of vanilla pservers. its fucking ridiculous, how can a community collectively be so clueless and dumb? I want to watch this shit burn please for the love of god turtle can you just die out and be forgotten, because the majority here are so fucking dumb its beyond any help.

Re: Cap honor at 300k per week

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:06 pm
by Chudman123
Account sharing is what's dumb

Cap counters account sharing

Sorry you had a bad day but calling everyone dumb and wanting to watch it burn seems like you need to do something else with your time.