Strange things happen to healers.

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Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Burunduk » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:15 pm

While playing TWoW, i noticed this.

Restoration shamans heal in enhancement spec because Bloodlust is stronger than the whole resto tree.
Shadow priests are too overpowered, sometimes they heal more than healers, even priests healers choose shadow on some bosses because dps+heal+mana reg is better than pure heal.
Paladins use bot to heal. (worst gameplay ever)
Druids just chill in new tree form and spam Rejuvenation.

When will we see... hmmm... normal healers?

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Akos1896 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:21 pm

For shamans gamen needs strong enough talents to kinda force you to go 31 points into resto tree if you wanna heal.
The others, I don't know.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Queenoona » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:23 pm

Resto Shamans go into Enhancement for Bloodlust because the things you would otherwise get out of Resto are inconsequential. Combine that with cross-faction meaning most raids have paladin healers to do tank healing, meaning Shamans can focus on Raid Healing and support. Also many groups run too many healers meaning that having shamans go into Bloodlust is better and wont hurt the raids healing output. I would like to see the resto tree be worth going all the way into and the Enhancement tree made to work for Enhancement, not healers.

Shadow Priests are strong but they really only make a huge difference on a few fights. All of which are in Naxxramas, Prior to that, any priest that is getting outhealed by a shadow priest in other fights is just bad. Priest has the most versatile and adaptive healing kit as well as the best healing talents of all healers.

Paladins use a bot to heal because theres no reason not to. Many times I look at the logs and its just Flash Heals even in situations where Holy Lights make sense to use predicatively Paladin being so mana efficient with Flash of Light just means they can spam to their hearts content and let their program choose the best heal target and rank. I agree that this should be altered in some way.

Druids are fine, the biggest issue they have is Buff Limit and HoTs not stacking so you can really only support one Tree Druid healer in a raid. Which sucks if two people want to play it but otherwise i think they are fine they can either leave tree form to do tank healing or spec differently for it which I do see them do occasionally.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Balake » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:45 pm

Burunduk wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:15 pm
While playing TWoW, i noticed this.

Restoration shamans heal in enhancement spec because Bloodlust is stronger than the whole resto tree.
Shadow priests are too overpowered, sometimes they heal more than healers, even priests healers choose shadow on some bosses because dps+heal+mana reg is better than pure heal.
Paladins use bot to heal. (worst gameplay ever)
Druids just chill in new tree form and spam Rejuvenation.

When will we see... hmmm... normal healers?
"shadow priests heal more than healers"
what looking at total healing and not effective healing does to a person
spriests indeed heal more... healing the caster group that is at full hp 90% of the raid.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Foobs » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:59 pm

You guys want to start looking around with healing before you fix DPS and tanking. Warriors not being able to take one hit before they're already down to 5% health at the start of a boss fight. DPS not understanding when to stop attacking how or to stop pulling aggro. And now you're complaining about people who don't keep the rest of you alive simply because of the way they do it. Ffs
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Foobs » Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:05 pm

Foobs wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:59 pm
You guys want to start messing around with healing before you fix DPS and tanking. Warriors not being able to take one hit before they're already down to 5% health at the start of a boss fight or leveling to 60. DPS not understanding when to stop attacking to stop pulling aggro. But instead you are gonna complain about the people who keep the rest of you alive because of how they do it. I think you have bigger problems. Healers need all the help they can get to work a class hardly anyone wants to use. FFS
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Burunduk » Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:31 pm

Shadow priests heal more than normal healers on Thaddius, Sapphiron and Loatheb.
Sometimes they are in the middle of healer's list on some other bosses.

I am talking about Naxx because it's hard last raid where players try to abuse everything to make their live easier.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Trickyduck87 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:53 pm

If I was serious about healing in a raid environment as a shaman I would be full resto, no questions asked. I play elemental and spec full ele/resto and still heal comfortably but I know I would have less mana issues if I were full resto. Shamans are fine when it comes to ele and resto trees, it's enhance that needs attention.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Burunduk » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:06 am

You heal in ele/resto spec because you don't want to pay gold for respec, other shamans heal in enh/resto because Bloodlust and improved totems allow dps to kill bosses faster.
These are different things.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Evor1955 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:34 am

Thanks for the info here.

Posts: 117

Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Likaleo » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:42 am

Burunduk wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:15 pm

When will we see... hmmm... normal healers?
Define normal?

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Drubarrymooer » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:14 am

Burunduk wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:15 pm
Shadow priests are too overpowered, sometimes they heal more than healers, even priests healers choose shadow on some bosses because dps+heal+mana reg is better than pure heal.
The healing provided by vampiric embrace isn't very good effective healing. The amount might look big but it really isn't.

Your issues with the talent trees are totally valid. However, the other things you mentioned are just the limitations or strengths of each class. What would you have a resto druid do since hots don't stack? Paladin healing is "easy"/repetitious, but that doesn't make pally heals invalid. I'm just not sure how class strengths and restrictions make any healer spec not a "normal healer". Outside a fight or two, no one is using shadow priest as an actual healer.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Burunduk » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:03 pm

There are at least 3 bosses in Naxx where our healers priests go shadow.
3 of 15 are too many for hard last raid.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Drubarrymooer » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:16 pm

They all go shadow? How many healer priests do you have in your raids? Do you run any spriests? And if you're relying on spriest heals, that's the choice of the RL. I've done Naxx w/ 0 spriest, I've done it with 3. It depends on comp and such. Naxx has a lot of UD stuff in it. It only makes sense that priests and spriests factor into the raid more. There are fights like Gothikk where priests don't get to heal or dps as much because they're busy maintaining CC. I can't really think of any other raid off the top of my head where that's even a reliable strategy.

Every healing class has strengths and weaknesses. As I said. Your complaints about the talent trees are spot on. But the healing roles are kind of true to form. Pallys have steady consistent medium heals, priests can give really big heals, group healing, hots, druids have hots and can spot heal the raid when not on tanks, and shaman heal melee.

If you're looking for exciting healer action, do a 5 man like LBRS and just chain pull and don't stop mobs from running. That'll get your heart racing.

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Re: Strange things happen to healers.

Post by Burunduk » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:15 pm

Yes, 3-5 priests spec shadow on some fights.
When i played on official Classic in 2019 healers were ok.
I don't remember bots with quickheal, druids with 1 button, priests and shamans in dps specs.
Classic + means improved version of the game, but i see only strange version.

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