New dungeons could use old ideas

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New dungeons could use old ideas

Post by Wilsonsds » Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:33 pm

Hello all,

Foremost, I would like to thank all developer team in doing all new content, for the dedication to make this game even greater. Moreover, for this reason I will start a discussion about things that I noticed in the custom content.

The first thing I would like to talk is that no custom new humanoids upon mind control offer their abilities, just normal basic attack. This may be done to avoid the exploit of some mind controlled enemies do not have cooldown. Then, if that were the case, would not be better just fixing this exploit?

With that out of the way, the real criticism that I have is the lack of iconic footprint in the dungeons. Then I believe that by reading this some of you may not agree, because all new dungeons have their ambience well done within the zone and the lore. However, this lack of iconic footprint is not about the artistic dedication done, it is about the some lack of dungeon mechanics.

If you notice, almost all dungeons in WOW has some needed interaction, like the door that you have to blast on deadmines, that if you use the gunpowder the guards will rush it, but if a rogue pick the lock open, you can attack those guards one by one. Nevertheless, in the some new content dungeons there is not even one interaction needed, mostly is just like a normal map with spread mobs to kill.

Sure, if you still not agree with me, think about the most iconic and well-done dungeon in all wow history. I bet some, if not most of you may say BRD, which it is the most player interactive dungeon ever.

For that, I have an appeal; please consider adding more player interaction with the dungeons, and even that, some concepts of 5 ROOM DUNGEONS, from tabletop role-playing games.

Here some few ideas,

For Gilneas City:
Make a mechanic of keys to unlock the shops and houses, each boss may drop a random key from those places, those places could have mini bosses, chests, quest items, and even more, to open the city gates and progress further into the dungeon.
Like everyone has already noticed, Gilneas has many gates, and all are already open. But if they were closed, and to open them you had to loot a random key in the boss of that to open a random house/shop, where there is a mini puzzle to open the gate, don’t have to, and should not have to be a mini boss, and has to be something simple, like a hidden chest behind a bookcase, that moves after pressing a book. Sure that each of this house/shop, must have at least three hints to how to solve it.

Of course, this would make the dungeon longer, and to avoid that I would ask to remove some of the trash.

For Stormwind Vault City:
It is already good how it is, because it has that gate closing moment where is a trap with rats. But if could be added another small twink would be great. My suggestions are, a way to avoid this trap with a random lever in some cell, and for each 2 weeks the crystal changes its elemental proprieties, one week is ice, another is fire and so on, and for that period it drops something different, that could be resistance gear.

For now, I do not have ideas for all new dungeons, but something I know for sure, that if everyone think about it many better ideas from greater players/devs may come.
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Re: New dungeons could use old ideas

Post by Aubreykun » Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:32 am

This seems like a good general idea. There are some (but admittedly not many) heavily scripted events in the new content, such as the Antnormi hunt in Seradane.
I imagine they take a lot of work to create and tweak to ensure they work properly, but I'd rather have fewer, more-interesting pieces of content.

An additional wrinkle is that some of the content doesn't feel appropriately-threatening at-level. Many are simple DPS rush fights without distinct phases or dangerous mechanics to the bosses. Even going as early as Deadmines you have phases and mechanics - Sneed comes out of his shredder, Mr Smite changes weapons, and VanCleef summons adds. Lethtendris in DME has her volleys that need to be interrupted. And so on. The dreadlords that have to be hunted in the tainted scar for the Fel Energy Irregularities quest are a good reference point for tuning, as they sit at the "too hard for a dungeon" end of things.

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Re: New dungeons could use old ideas

Post by Krokzogg » Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:36 am

I completely agree. I agree with OP wishes.

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Re: New dungeons could use old ideas

Post by Wilsonsds » Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:38 pm

Aubreykun wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:32 am
This seems like a good general idea. There are some (but admittedly not many) heavily scripted events in the new content, such as the Antnormi hunt in Seradane.
I imagine they take a lot of work to create and tweak to ensure they work properly, but I'd rather have fewer, more-interesting pieces of content.

An additional wrinkle is that some of the content doesn't feel appropriately-threatening at-level. Many are simple DPS rush fights without distinct phases or dangerous mechanics to the bosses. Even going as early as Deadmines you have phases and mechanics - Sneed comes out of his shredder, Mr Smite changes weapons, and VanCleef summons adds. Lethtendris in DME has her volleys that need to be interrupted. And so on. The dreadlords that have to be hunted in the tainted scar for the Fel Energy Irregularities quest are a good reference point for tuning, as they sit at the "too hard for a dungeon" end of things.
Well, i was not aiming at the boss mechanics, but the interaction with the dungeon itself. Sure that sometimes these two fundamental traits mix into the boss fight. But i agree that tank & spank shouldnt be the norm and dungeons should be harder. I was advocating for all elites hitting 15% to 30% harder in all dungeons for ages.
Schala (Priest - Holy)
Lusiena (Warrior - Prot)
Lyane (Rogue - Combat)
Fellem (Hunter - Marks)
Lustrazalux (Mage - Frost)
Gondwana (Warlock - Demo)
Esmeralden (Druid - Resto)
Aldebaran (Shaman - Ele)
Almandinite (Pally - Prot)

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