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Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:22 am
by Sarenrae
It's me!

I'll start off by drawing a comparison between what I and others used to be able to do versus what the situation now is.

For the past years, people have been able to enjoy PVE, PVP, open world content, and experimentation of their class at no cost, a quality of life feature that has been used to its fullest extent. We get to play around with talents we'd ordinarily never take, adjust to whatever we're doing, and have no monetary cost involved with exploring multiple aspects of the game. Now, however, there is a level of cost involved that, while not massive, does matter more for the individual over time. Someone who enjoys both dungeoning and BGing, for example, will now be unable to go between them without spending gold repeatedly or be forced to play a very poor build in one of them. This discourages players - especially poorer players - from exploring multiple facets of Turtle.

I get it, it's a minor gold sink and a 'bug fix'. I refuse to believe you only just recently heard of it and are fixing it exclusively on the grounds of it being a bug, so my argument will be against the design philosophy of changing it. Dropping a QOL feature we've all enjoyed and become used to under the justification of economic deflation - which, compared to Classic and Classic Era, we're doing fine - is counterintuitive to player enjoyment and player convenience. This falls back into the habit of previous decisions the server has been criticized on: the initial e'ko changes, the raid scaling adjustments, and others. Something like this fundamentally counts as a big change because of how ingrained it has become in the level 60 community on Turtle, and you've stripped us of convenience and now charge us for it. We've got enough gold sinks and the GM team does a fantastic job culling ill-gotten gold.

There's no reason to remove a massively appreciated convenience to cheapen the cost of a flask by a couple silver. You'll just isolate people who would ordinarily do much more to stick to their niches; raiding, PVP, dungeoning, et cetera. Not everyone farms a gold stockpile and not everyone stays in the same two specs for a week. wary_turtle_head

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:33 am
by Sarenrae
As an addendum, I've probably changed my specialization to something I wouldn't save under the new changes thirty times this past month alone. That's 150 gold.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:57 am
by Ghola
The way I used brainwashing device as a shaman was having my primary specialization saved as enhance/tank, and having a single point in restoration that allowed me to swap between ele and resto. I will say personally this change doesn't effect me as much; ele is just fine for pvp and farming, as well as being my primary raiding spec. What I will lose is the ability to switch to either tank or healer, and the ability to switch to melee pvp spec if I want to goof around and try it out. I see this as a negative change as I'm not really gaining anything from the free respec except having fun and helping others out, and I don't think the positives of changing brainwashing device outweigh that value.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:01 am
by Rowrow213
I would like to say that without being able to save a single talent in Cruelty, I would not have been able to enjoy the multiple facets of Warrior. Be it Arms in pvp, Fury DPS or Fury Prot, the removal of the single point save will make it so I don't touch one of those specs ever again.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:03 am
by Destroforum
I cannot second the call to revert this change any harder. Just this last week alone, when my friend got to level 60, I swapped between tank, dps and heals depending on what the dungeon queue needed to get an instant queue. I feel like I'm being punished for helping out the queues and playing how I've played for nearly an entire year.

This addition was such a breath of fresh air to classic. I could play classic however my class could play. Lasher farm? Tank? Physical or SP dps? Healer? Multiple variations within those builds also? Now it costs me to change how I want to play the game. This is very similar in my mind to when Blizzard wouldn't budge on conduit energy in Shadowlands. Everyone hated it, said they hated it, and Blizzard listened and let people specialize their soulbinds as much as they wanted. Please revert this change so we can once again continue to play classic how and when we like, and not pigeon hole us into a small niche.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:07 am
by Dasitmane
I guess the real question is does this change add anything to the game? I'd say the opposite. I get the point that this wasn't the way it was intended (I guess) but sometimes bugs really are features.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:09 am
by Axledg
From a warrior perspective, if you are raiding and pvping you basically need three specs. One for tanking(fury/prot or pure prot), dps(fury) and pvp (arms). With this change, it can mean for those raiding and pvping as warrior changing spec multiple times a week depending on their raid and pvp times which is super costly.

Definitely a change that should be either reverted OR adjusted to say include an additional spec slot for 50g or something, scaling up to 5 spec slots.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:24 am
by Holyhorrorr
Axledg wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:09 am
From a warrior perspective, if you are raiding and pvping you basically need three specs. One for tanking(fury/prot or pure prot), dps(fury) and pvp (arms). With this change, it can mean for those raiding and pvping as warrior changing spec multiple times a week depending on their raid and pvp times which is super costly.

Definitely a change that should be either reverted OR adjusted to say include an additional spec slot for 50g or something, scaling up to 5 spec slots.
PvP cat dps
PvE cat dps
PvE Tank
PvP Flagcarry spec
PvE healing spec
PvP Healing spec
PvE Boomkin
Moonglow + NS spec (pvp)
Hybrid heal with charge spec (pvp)

crying_turtle crying_turtle crying_turtle

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:52 am
by Ayesha
I’m strongly against this change.
I respec 3-4 times during the raid. I want to enjoy the game, not do more farming.

This change would mean that we will have EVEN less tanks for 60 lvl content.Good luck to us waiting hours for a tank to come.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:54 am
by Distortedshadow
Please fix this back to the way it was. scared_turtle_head

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:01 am
by Toirto
I have to say I do not like the change to the respec machine. I don't think it serves any purpose that matters to reduce it in this way. I just makes me sad. Wow.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:47 am
by Thechromasheep
The saved 1 point talent point page has been in the game for more than a year that makes it a feature, there's know way the devs didn't know about till last week.
The brainwashing device is a Paid shop item as well, it sets a bad precedent that they are willing to nerf items from the cash shop as well.
Healers and casual PvPers are hit the hardest by this U basically need to have a your main healing spec and a dps spec saved to farm teas and gold, even most dps classes need 2 pve specs to effectively raid such as mage needing a fire spec and a frost spec for mc/bwl, no one wants to pay to play PvP for a casual game of wsg or blood ring
Very sad update

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:53 am
by Kord24
Agree with all the takes here. Respec device added fun, depth and variety to the game. It was my favorite feature of the server. Please bring it back

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:08 am
by Paw
I would read through this thread gladly if the title wasn't an instruction. However since it is rude to open a thread that instructs the developing team of this colorful realm I will dismiss my desire to join. Please learn some manners!

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:21 am
by Mmoo
Well said.

Sorry devs, this is one of those worse design decision you've taken. This freedom to explore and be flexible really defines Turtle WoW.

Please revert this!

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:27 am
by Snakeman
nice bait @ Paw? If you weren't going to read it, why click on it and reply?

I myself am in full support of reversion; as someone who has played multiple hybrid classes on this server it's all but NEEDED to have variable spec options. My druid is only level 27 on the PvP server but I mained shaman for a while on the PvE server and I basically had to save one spec with 5 points in elemental and one spec with 5 points in enhancement. There are different ways to spec eleresto, same as there are different ways to spec enhancement, and this has essentially killed any desire I may have had to try out shaman tanking at level 60 on a whim.

I can't imagine druid is any better, and I'm already in a minor crisis over what two specs to "choose" at level 60. Fuck me if I wanted to try out balance/resto in PvP, right? I'm basically stuck with two feral specs already.

Also, crucially, just because prices are inflating and some people have thousands of gold, doesn't mean EVERYONE has thousands of gold lol

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:28 am
by Sarenrae
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:08 am
I would read through this thread gladly if the title wasn't an instruction. However since it is rude to open a thread that instructs the developing team of this colorful realm I will dismiss my desire to join. Please learn some manners!
It's the suggestion subforum and my title was my suggestion: revert the brainwashing device. I'm sorry if you interpreted it incorrectly.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:34 am
by Forbearance
Truly a bad move. Now I'm never going to PvP again pretty much.

Taking away longstanding great features like this one from the players is a terrible idea.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:42 am
by Aubury
Hybrids rise up!
But seriously, I came back to TWoW excited to engage with new content and the game again. This change discourages me from playing because it severely limits what I can do with a character.
Druids by default can have 4 specializations, but the respec device only allows 2. Don't even get me started on all the nitty gritty of sub-specs. Of course I'm saving my main two restoration specs which I benefit from the most. Cat, bear and moonkin go out of the window because I'm not paying for frequent respecs to fit a role which I don't play often, even though it could benefit my party/raid.

I'm sure everyone understands how bad things are with finding tanks for dungeons/raids/whatever else. This exacerbates the problem even more. I am ready to tank, but won't pay 5g every time I need to go bearspec. Or maybe tanks/healers should consider collecting tank/healer tax for their services...

Please, revert this change. It encourages grinding and spending more time on meaningless things. If this was truly a bug intended to be fixed, it wouldn't have taken such a long time to be "fixed". Having access to multiple specs is a vital QoL change.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:20 am
by Paw
Sarenrae wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:28 am
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:08 am
I would read through this thread gladly if the title wasn't an instruction. However since it is rude to open a thread that instructs the developing team of this colorful realm I will dismiss my desire to join. Please learn some manners!
It's the suggestion subforum and my title was my suggestion: revert the brainwashing device. I'm sorry if you interpreted it incorrectly.
Using capitals on every word in the title suggest that you want to fight this issue instead of discussing the reason for the change. I highly doubt you understood the staff's perspective fully. The thread should have been opened in the general tab and open a discussion regarding the issue or request explanation.

You are questioning a hard wrought decision of the staff. Do you really believe that this item shall work in that manner? I am surprised that it was exploitable. The original vanilla game doesn't even allow the option and you are well aware of that. You might not realise but this is not a change. It is a fix.

We are people who others like to refer to as minmaxer. This playstyle is not supported by the masses. It doesn't mean you cannot build a unique character. It only means that you need to adjust the playstyle to the situational changes.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:21 am
by Gwetchen
As a druid I often respec to fill the spot that my group is missing.
I feel discouraged to do so now since switching may cost me gold. I worry that this will make it harder to fill groups, spending 5g to tank or dps for just one dungeon isn't great when you aren't exactly swimming in gold.
And then there's the whole pvp aspect of this, I don't really want to enter just one BG if it costs me 5g to switch to pvp spec, feels like a waste of money if I don't do at least a couple BGs in that spec. This makes me feel like I get locked into one type of play and discouraged to experiment or switch things up. When this game has so many different playstyles to try and explore.

Having access to multiple specs has been a huge QoL change and I think turtle wow would be worse off if it doesn't return.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:25 am
by Sarenrae
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:20 am
Sarenrae wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:28 am
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:08 am
I would read through this thread gladly if the title wasn't an instruction. However since it is rude to open a thread that instructs the developing team of this colorful realm I will dismiss my desire to join. Please learn some manners!
It's the suggestion subforum and my title was my suggestion: revert the brainwashing device. I'm sorry if you interpreted it incorrectly.
Using capitals on every word in the title suggest that you want to fight this issue instead of discussing the reason for the change. I highly doubt you understood the staff's perspective fully. The thread should have been opened in the general tab and open a discussion regarding the issue or request explanation.

You are questioning a hard wrought decision of the staff. Do you really believe that this item shall work in that manner? I am surprised that it was exploitable. The original vanilla game doesn't even allow the option and you are well aware of that. You might not realise but this is not a change. It is a fix.

We are people who others like to refer to as minmaxer. This playstyle is not supported by the masses. It doesn't mean you cannot build a unique character. It only means that you need to adjust the playstyle to the situational changes.
Well, I would like to fight the issue by discussing the change civilly, unlike some of the people harassing the developers on the Discord. I've presented my case: the initial way it worked before the bug-fix was, while unintentional, better for the game as a whole. I opened it here as a suggestion in the suggestion subforum, and I apologize if me using capitals in every word for the title gave you an incorrect view of the situation.

That being said, yes, I am questioning this decision, and I do believe it should work as it formerly did, as do the others here signing onto this thread. Not all fixes are good decisions, and this puts a toll booth on the device that we've gotten used to not having. PVE-oriented people will spec for PVP less, among other reasons I've listed. I do not want to adjust my playstyle - and frankly, I don't need to, I'm well off on gold and this impacts poorer players more, I want the developers to revert this change.

I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:32 am
by Uatu
Allow us to have more specs!
Warrior tanks for example have 3 specs they use. Patchwerk spec, fury prot and DPS spec. That's not taking into account for improved demoralising shout, howl for gluth etc. This change is just dumb.
All these gold sinks is not fun, it's just more time spent gold farming different shit which you also nerf at the end of the day, prices on consumes are going up as you add more and more gold sinks.. it's not world of farmcraft

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:37 am
by Lexiebean
They should at least add some more slots in for more specs.

At least 5. Preferably 10.

Charge a scaling fee for each slot unlocked, like bank spaces, if a gold sink is needed.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:38 am
by Blackduck
Priest here.

I bounce between specs constantly and I'm not exagerrating usually multiple times whenever I'm logged in. In Naxx I bounce between Smite, Shadow and Healing when we finally get to 4hm because my guild is down healers. In AQ I usually go smite the full raid until we get to twins and then I might respec shadow so I can tank the shadow twin if we don't have the warlocks. Sometimes I'll go shadow for cthun but not my usual shadow spec because I want to pick up silence and drop the threat reduction talents. If it wasn't for the brainwashing device I'd probably spend 20-30g bounching between respecs every raid, maybe more.

Outside of PVE I like to PVP and guess what pvp specs require different talent builds than PVE specs. Usually I go Smite for Battlegrounds but when I'm waiting for the AV queue to pop I'm usually doing some world pvp with another spec so I can mind control guys off cliffs. I'd probably spend 50g or more a day bouncing between respecs if I wasn't able to use the talent point trick.

I'll be honest I can't afford this and I don't have the time to farm for gold all day so I can continue to play like this. I really enjoyed being able to bounce betwee specs so I could fully enjoy everything the priest class offered but it sounds like that is going to be off the table for me now. Please revert the brainwashing device to the way it used to be. Thank you.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:45 am
by Paw
I am gonna write here since ure getting the ping.

So the issue is that a realm must progress. Changes are inevitable. The question is if you can put your trust into the staff and their decisions. I myself find a lot of things hard to accept here as well but they tend to prove me wrong more often than I dare to admit.

Realm is not perfect about keeping the atmosphere strictly to vanilla but that is the aim. Now, infinite talent changes don't align well with this philosophy. As far as I understood the issue correctly that is what we are talking about. This sounds to me like a monumental clusterfuck.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:52 am
by Sarenrae
Paw wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:45 am
I am gonna write here since ure getting the ping.

So the issue is that a realm must progress. Changes are inevitable. The question is if you can put your trust into the staff and their decisions. I myself find a lot of things hard to accept here as well but they tend to prove me wrong more often than I dare to admit.

Realm is not perfect about keeping the atmosphere strictly to vanilla but that is the aim. Now, infinite talent changes don't align well with this philosophy. As far as I understood the issue correctly that is what we are talking about. This sounds to me like a monumental clusterfuck.
In a talk of philosophy, I can safely state that Turtle has made multiple decisions they've then had to revert or adjust on the grounds of a better player experience. First, the e'kos were initially adjusted to only drop for one person, and after blowback they heavily modified the drop rate to compensate. Secondly, the raid scaling change was made with vanilla atmosphere in mind, but was still a terrible decision from a community perspective and reverted. This falls in line: it's a decision made with 'pro-vanilla' in mind, which isn't inherently bad, but not all that is 'pro-vanilla' is what needs to be on the server, even a 'pro-vanilla' server such as Turtle. When I find something hard to accept, I can and will attempt to find out why a decision was made, on what grounds, and vouch for its adjustment if I deem it necessary. I find this change unnecessary and sabotaging, and as such will continue to advocate against it.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:58 am
by Duckie
Not entirely sure why this is being fixed now, but if I were to guess it's because you want swapping specs mid raid to have a cost associated. Which is fair enough I guess, even if it's obviously going to be unpopular with those who spent gold on the device.
Would a compromise be to make respecs at trainers free? That way people can still experiment, and don't feel as punished swapping between specs to farm, pvp, do dungeons etc. While still having a cost associated with doing it mid raid.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:02 am
by Blackduck
Sarenrae wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:52 am
In a talk of philosophy, I can safely state that Turtle has made multiple decisions they've then had to revert or adjust on the grounds of a better player experience. First, the e'kos were initially adjusted to only drop for one person, and after blowback they heavily modified the drop rate to compensate. Secondly, the raid scaling change was made with vanilla atmosphere in mind, but was still a terrible decision from a community perspective and reverted.
There was also the time they tried to make the Truefaith Vestments require 300 tailoring to wear (not just make) that they quickly reverted after people criticized the change.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:06 am
by Blackduck
I'd probably wouldn't care if I could actually make gold doing things I actually enjoy doing in game. Like pvp but that's always a negative if you even use grenades since the most you get for winning a bg is like 15s or something from the turn ins. Killing mobs over and over in the open world, picking flowers, doing dme or repeatable quests isn't my idea of a good time. The only reason I do it currently is to afford consumes for Naxx and I hate it.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:10 am
by Lexiebean
Can levelers even use the Brainwashing Device to save a spec now?

As soon as they level, wouldn't the saved spec clear because there is now unspent talent points.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:35 am
by Paw
The realm wishes to please the younger generation of the player base as well thus it makes changes that favour their desires. However this game is supposed to be played by mature audience. The ideals of a vanilla realm shall not change towards conveniency.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:38 am
by Elesion
I don't like the change and I would like to further the discussion about it through arguments, rather than accusations or complaints. So let's address some of the points:

1) It's not a bug fix
This was a widely known and very popular mechanic that has been in the game for many many months. Painting it as a fix is disingenuous. It's a change to an established (though perhaps originally unintended) mechanic at this point. And viewing it through the lens of a change it's entirely sensible to debate pros and cons.

2) It's in the Vanilla spirit! Specs are meant to *mean* something!
I actually agree with that. If you go through my post history I've said very often that I feel Brainwashing is one of the biggest departures from Vanilla on TWoW. It just completely changes the meta-game around spending talent points. The thing is - this is still largely the case. The true Vanilla spirit was that any amount of regular respecs would quickly saddle you with prohibitively large costs (50g per respec). TWoW still has dual-spec and a cost cap at 5g. So all this change does is inconvenience you and force you to pay a tax. Spending a talent point is still not anywhere close to the important set-in-stone decision it was on Vanilla. This is not reverting to a more Vanilla-like experience, it just forces you to farm for keeping flexibility and quality of life.

3) Classes are affected to varying degrees.
It's quite evident that this is poorly targeted. The mage who wants a frost, fire, pvp, and aoe farming spec will be able to easily afford that luxury. The shaman who wants to heal and tank for their raid will have to pay to get into a dps/farming spec or to do some pvp. Generally the "pure" dps classes that are already the best at farming gold have the least need to save more than 2 specs while the hybrid classes that are generally underpowered in Vanilla need it most and have the hardest time farming the cost for it. Same with Main Tanks who have to prioritize raid specs over farming specs, getting saddled with additional costs over their already substantial bill.

4) Features can change at any point on private servers.
It is true that one shouldn't rely too much on things staying the same. But this is something people have grown dependent on and have built their characters around. High-ticket epics have gone to hybrid characters with the expectation they will help the raid progress. If you have geared for healing and tanking to fill whatever role is most needed for the raid, you're in a bind now. Do you save a solo farming spec or a pvp spec? Or do you gimp/tax your solo experience for the benefit of the group that has kitted you out? This is a bad decision to force onto players.

5) It disproportionately affects smaller and casual raid groups.
If you're in a hardcore raiding guild with Naxx on farm where you blow upwards of 100g on consumables a raid, adding 20-40g will not break the bank and raid leaders will simply force players to do it, so effectively the "fix" changes nothing except push players to farm more (for which they have the gear anyway).
But if you're in a small raid, progress might depend on class flexibility. Like making the healadin tank on encounters with lots of adds and making the feral druid heal instead. And if you're in a raid group with no mandatory consumables, leaders will have a hard time asking for 5g respecs. It's just like the raid-scaling change a few weeks ago - it shoots smaller and progressing groups in the foot while the big guilds shrug it off.

6) It discourages experimentation.
It was a fun aspect being able to test out builds for certain encounters or compare builds or outfits. The change not only affects gameplay, it also makes getting information more costly.

I would like to ask the developers to reconsider the change. For now I'm not even sure what the big concern was that triggered the change, so it's hard to suggest solutions. Reverting them is just one way to go forward - I'm also open to adding more slots, adjusting the respec cost, adding costs or quests to upgrade your Goblin Brainwashing Device, etc. It doesn't have to be either the old or the new version, but I would still like to see some changes to lessen the impact on hybrid classes and smaller raid groups.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:59 am
by Karrados
This most certainly was not a bug fix. They have know about this for ages and didn't do anything about it. I am also willing to bet that many people went out of their way to buy this just because of how it worked up until now.

This change is basically flipping off the people that bought it and telling them to get bent.

Either that or it took them ages (since the item launched, really) to fix a bug. Either way it does not look too good on them.

Re: Revert The Brainwashing Device

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:00 pm
by Speedz1337
I hate this change... everyone makes really good points here. This device no longer has any purpose to me anymore. Just refund this stupid device from my bags.