Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

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Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by ForumOLV » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:51 pm

I would like to start the post by saying that I, and I am sure many other druid players, appreciate the love we got from the devs for making our class feel smoother and addressing QoL issues that druid as a class suffers from.

That brings me to the ideea that I have regarding Wolfsheart enchant. With it's introduction it allows Powershift gameplay enjoyers to actually progress their helm slot which is an amazing change. At the same time, I believe this can be made even better.

I would like to open a discussion about moving the enchant to idols. Why? The enchant itself is druid specific and it still uses a power progression slot (head enchant). Another druid specific item is the idol, as they are class locked to us. I would find it more suitable for the enchant to be moved on the idol as they are both druid specific and it would allow us to benefit from head enchantment as the rest of the classes. While my ideea is by itself druid specific, this idea can be taken further with classes that do not use ranged weapons in their slots (shamans, druids, paladins) and give them something similar to smoothen gameplay quirks these classes posses as well.

I would love to hear the community thoughts regarding this change.

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Ugoboom » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:58 pm

Putting it on an idol is interesting, as most people don't know that relics can be swapped in combat.

If there is a fight where powershifitnt will only be used for half the fight, then it might be ideal to wear a dps enchanted helm and alt idol until its time to pshift. Or on fights where you will be pshifting the entire time, just keep the helmet on and ignore the idol. One new way cat players can minmax. Sure why not?
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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Shambakriger » Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:17 am

Moving the effect to an idol is a great idea and would make it easier to implement alternatives to powershifting by just adding other good idols, though this would effectively make it a nerf if/when they add an idol that gives more value than one of our available head enchants (which they should)
The idea of switching idols between or even mid fight is also very nice and druidpilled
I doubt they’ll keep it as a head enchant as well though, since one of the reasons they removed wolfshead was to stop people from stacking the two buffs.

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Grizb37 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:50 am

Realistically the best option would be having it as a spell that's learned when you complete the quest, only 60 druids can get it, so not OP at lower levels by just making furor 60 / 15.

Then I think we need to unlock the class restrictions on the ZG Head/Leg Enchants

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by ForumOLV » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:24 am

I think I didn't make myself clear with the post itself. From the responses I assume people understood that I propose the making of an idol for powershifting. That's not what I meant. I meant to be able to ENCHANT Wolfsheart from the 60 quest on our idols. That meaning once we get an idol, if we wish, we can go and give 3 x Bright Shards for a Gift of Ferocity that we then place the enchant on our idol of choice, or grind for all our idols if we so wish. That's why I also brought the the other relic users into the post, for example an enchant for shamans regarding totem twisting to be placed on their totem relic slot, a enchant for paladins regarding seal dancing on their libram relic slot etc.

But I am not opposed to the idea of having a separate "Furor Idol" since we can change idols in combat. Of course that will mean for it to not be able to stack with the enchant, otherwise it would be silly.

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Drubarrymooer » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:35 am

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand it kind of makes sense. On the other, the practicality of it means we'll have to constantly be swapping idols. The expanded effort would make the rotation more difficult for what? 8 agility? I don't think that's worth it IMHO. And since we're not really shifting a ton in bear form, it's not like we'd be enchanting tank helms with Wolf's Heart over dodge or haste.

*Edit* I just saw your addendum. Yeah that would be much better if idols could be enchanted with it.

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Hyrag » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:07 pm

+1 for a enchant on idol(just like "scopes")

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Re: Wolfsheart Enchant on Idol

Post by Shambakriger » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:55 pm

I mean if it’s an enchant on idols it might as well be baseline. There’s no alternative enchants so you’d have no reason to not put it on all of your idols.

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