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BWL Loot System

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:16 pm
by Xerron
Loot System Update (06/29/2020)

Starting next BWL raid (4th of July) we're going to change the loot system a bit. Not the rules.
Every raider is required to have TWLC2c addon installed.

Get it here and please read the description in the readme section.

Basic short instalation :
- Click <Clone->Download ZIP>
- Extract zip contents to your interface/addons folder and remove the -master from the folder name
- Start the game up and enable the TWLC2c addon if it's not already enabled
- You're set!

In game you have a couple options available:
/twneed - will toggle need frame anchor visibility, allowing you to move the frame
/twwin - will toggle win frame anchor visibility, allowing you to move the frame
if you do not wish to have loot notifications like the ones in the readme file type /twwin 5
/twwinsound - will toggle win sound on or off
/twroll - will toggle roll frame anchor visibility, allowing you to move the frame
/twrollsound - will toggle sound on or off

What this addon does for YOU and for US is that it skips the whole LINK YOUR CURRENT ITEM phase, allowing you to press BIS/MS/OS or pass when loot drops(think of it as an improved group loot roll/pass frame), and allowing us to do all dropped items at the same time, cutting down loot distribution time a bit.

Note: PM Er on discord if you have any questions, problems, suggestions, or bugs(with screenshot please), at any time.

END - Loot System Update (06/29/2020)

Hello again turtles satisfied_turtle

I know the new loot system that we introduced last (31/5) BWL Raid surprised a lot of people but we only discussed it about two hours before the raid because we did not want to have another "rag cloak incident" in bwl too.
The main idea is to reward attendance, performance, preparation, and overall attitude towards progression.

With this in mind, future loot will be handled as such:

When an item drops people will link what they currently use and want replaced.
Eg: T2 lock chest drops, you want it, you link your [Bloodvine Vest] when linking is requested

The Loot Council will decide who will get that item based on a combination of rules. Things that go into the decision are:
  • Player’s time in the raids
  • Player’s role in the raids
  • Improvement over their current gear
  • General attendance and attitude
  • Safe overall raid performance
The Loot Council is made up of raid leaders and class officers. We have access to a specially created addon where we can vote people that want whatever just dropped and linked what they currently have (addon still in development):

List of Loot Council members:
  • Smultron (TABC) - Tanking and warrior loot
  • Er (TABC) - Priest and healing loot
  • Ilmane (independent) - Shaman and healing loot
  • Tyrelys (MCSO) - Rogue and melee loot
  • Momo (TABC) - Mage and caster loot
  • Trepp (ERP) - Mage and caster loot
  • Chlo (Bloodgulch) - Hunter loot
  • Furryslayer (MCSO) - Warlock and caster loot
  • Faralynn (TABC) - Druid and healing loot
  • Laughadin (TABC) - Paladin and healing loot
Complaining about the loot system during raids will, also, have an impact on the loot distribution. If you have
questions, complaints, or ways to improve it please do so before or after the raid.

Slight loot advantages:
  • Precociously enchanted gear, weapons
  • Best possible gear that you could achieve to this point via dungeons, raids, crafted, etc (UBRS->MC->ZG->BWL)
  • Raid attitude
  • Good set bonuses (if you need one more piece for the 3/5/8 set and the set is worth it)
Things we want to avoid:
-Raids that have problems such as shortage in attendance, too high fluctuation in number of people that do not put effort in raiding, loot and free roll system drama we previously used, hard reserve (insane on small pop servers).

-As with any loot system, or almost anything in the game, drama will ensue since people are involved. There are several things that you can do to minimize drama though. The simplest thing to reduce drama from a loot council is to make sure that everyone is on board with it and understands the end goal.

The end goal of a loot council is to distribute loot for the betterment of the raid. Make sure everyone is clear on that. Players need to understand that at some times that will mean one person potentially getting a lot of gear in a row, and at other times none. Any raid member is the subject to abide by the rules.

Loot Council values performance much more than other loot systems. Top performers usually find that they get loot faster.
Loot Council values the size of upgrades much more than other loot systems. Point-based systems tend to put too much emphasis on best-in-slot items and not enough on total impact to the raid.
Loot Council can better distribute loot for the challenges that face the raid. If the raid needs a certain sector to get gear (such as dps or healers), it's easy to reallocate gear to them.

With this in mind, I hope to see you all in next BWL raid ! The server's progression depends on you, killing Nefarian will start the Ahn'Qiraj War Effort.

Bow ties are cool.

Re: BWL Loot System

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:09 am
by Chlothar
Just one small thing. My guild is Age (not Ace) of Crom =)

Re: BWL Loot System

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:29 am
by Xerron
Bump for updates.

Re: BWL Loot System

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:22 pm
by Xerron