Why are the server time of Hogger and Emerald Dream set to GMT-5?

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Why are the server time of Hogger and Emerald Dream set to GMT-5?

Post by Radiumking » Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:21 am

This is a pretty wierd server time setting. If they are American servers then there's nothing to complain about. But they are servers located in Russia aimed for serving East Asian players right? GMT-5 is not server local time, not East Asian time (ranging from GMT+7 to GMT+9), and not Turtle EU time. And setting server time to GMT-5 makes dailies and things related to date reset in the afternoon in East Asia, which is inconvenient. So why this time zone?

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Re: Why are the server time of Hogger and Emerald Dream set to GMT-5?

Post by Pepesmite » Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:51 am

Radiumking wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:21 am This is a pretty wierd server time setting. If they are American servers then there's nothing to complain about. But they are servers located in Russia aimed for serving East Asian players right? GMT-5 is not server local time, not East Asian time (ranging from GMT+7 to GMT+9), and not Turtle EU time. And setting server time to GMT-5 makes dailies and things related to date reset in the afternoon in East Asia, which is inconvenient. So why this time zone?
Please send all questions regarding Sea servers here : https://kook.top/jzgWqY We do not support Sea servers. Thank you for your understanding.
