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SSF and multibox

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:01 pm
by Deeken112
This is a pretty niche thing but I really enjoy SSF (SelfSoloFound) in games and its mostly because I dont wanna be dependent on other players to play the game (yes I know this is WoW and not PoE) but im sure SSF would be a cool mode.

And if SSF would be added maybe have some system to make your own SSF group/mini community.
Say you are a group of friends or you are multiboxing just by yourself.
You can only trade within the group, just an idea..

Re: SSF and multibox

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:08 pm
by Hctwowfan
How is it SSF if you can trade with people in your group? What you're asking for is already in the game in hc mode. Can only trade with (tbf) your large group of fellow hc. The last thing we need is another separation of the playerbase. Do SSF with your friends if you wanna, nobody's stopping you from self imposed challenges, you just don't get a title to show of after, which nobody would care about anyway.