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Re: Draenei

Post by Galendor » Sat May 21, 2022 8:21 am

Aquino wrote:
Sat May 21, 2022 1:14 am
Galendor wrote:
Fri May 20, 2022 6:57 pm
The Fel Horde itself isn't something TBC created from scratch. Fel orcs and their organizations were a thing in TFT. Remember Illidan's war against Magtheridon? Yep, that's where players confronted fel orcs in Outland. So I believe that the Fel Horde exists even here, in Turtle wow.
Yes, but its never implied that the entirety of the Horde of Draenor became Fel Orcs. I think the most rational hipotesys is that some did and some didn't. But by the time we get there, there is no single green orc on the planet. In my opinion we could have both the Horde of Draenor and the Fel Horde presented in WC3.
Well, if fel orcs are stronger and more agressive, it's only natural for them to kill all green orcs who dare to resist Martheridon.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Papachino » Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:46 am

ya'll say aliens arent fantasy. then wtf are orcs? humans and troggs are aliens if you really wanna get technical.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Bellybutton » Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:13 am

Kanto123 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 11:40 pm
How do you think Outland should be implemented? I think they should take the zones from TBC, and alter any mobs/quests that are incompatible with vanilla/warcraft 3 lore; then, adjust the questing ranges to be within the 20-60 range.
hellfire peninsula: 20-30
zangarmarsh: 30-40
terokkar forest 40-45
nagrand: 45-50
blades edge mountains: 50-55
shadowmoon valley 55-60
netherstorm: 55-60
I recall hearing that Turtle was going to make its own Outland by scratch so it would be radically different from TBC's Outland while still being faithful to Vanilla/WC3 lore.
I'm extremely against the idea of making Outland (and Northrend, as well) low level zones. The vanilla/WC3 lore's already established that these areas are some of the most dangerous in the setting and home to the biggest villains in the lore. Hellfire Peninsula being a level 20-30 zone would be comparing it to Wetlands, Duskwood, Hillsbrad Foothills, or Ashenvale, which is absolutely ridiculous because that would mean your novice, level 20 adventure who's only killed a few wolves, bandits, bears and boars is somehow ready enough to take on the Fel Horde, Blood Elves and Legion.

If Outland MUST be leveling zones, then the lowest level zone in Outland should be level 40 at minimum. Most of Outland should be end-game, or at least late game content just given its status in the lore. If you must level in Outland, Hellfire Peninsula would be a 45+ zone with an emphasis on ELITE mobs and group content, rather than being a walk in the park like its Azerothian equivalents (Tanaris, Feralas or The Hinterlands) are. You get some late 50s contents in the other Outland zones but for the most part they should be endgame content.
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Re: Draenei

Post by Markuis » Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:04 pm

Aszura wrote:
Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:12 pm
this is a draenei


are you sure you want this?
Hell yes! insidious_turtle

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Re: Draenei

Post by Paledot » Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:42 am

Just a note on adding the new races because I think it was not mentioned:

If Alliance gets fulborgs then Alliance got shamans. And there is probably no way for Horde getting the paladin, so it would encourage more faction disbalance (and bunch of other stuff I guess)

Also my personal inner hordie wants to scream: I dont want playable paladins or ugly ogres on my side!

Variations of existing races would be great, though.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Hir3 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:30 pm

I would be fine with Draenei being added at some point, but, hear me out, to the Horde.

I would see it as using the TBC Draenei model, but giving them more naturalistic skin tones, and changing the blue eyes to that hollow yellow glow. Eliminate some of the high society and Eredar customizations. Maybe add some broken elements.

In this vein they are but one of the many Outland races that migrated to Azeroth, without the spaceship lore at all. Yes we only see the Broken, but merely updating the model to something more appropriate for players does not alter lore.

I always had this opinion that Blizz weirdly flipped what factions the Elves and Draenei would be on. My idea was using Metzen's old inspiration with the Night Elves, since that is gone:


The story would basically be that Draenei were once a quite primitive but somewhat organized race on Draenor. A couple of large settlements and centers existed, but they were mostly tribal. They lived in the mountains and by the water, ultimately having little interaction with Orc society. Before the Legion invasion, a devastating famine spread through their civilization, as the oceans were not plentiful and the rains did not come. What existed when the Legion arrived was mere shambles. When Draenor was ripped apart, this nearly destroyed what even had remained. They now exist as a few tribes depending on Azeroth's races to aid them. Here they have found a natural home in the Horde, among their former Orcish neighbors.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Markuis » Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:20 am

Hir3 wrote:
Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:30 pm
They now exist as a few tribes depending on Azeroth's races to aid them. Here they have found a natural home in the Horde, among their former Orcish neighbors.
Why would they join the Horde? They did ally with the Blood Elves (which have some ties with HE on Alliance) and did fight orcs, so they may want to be away from any other orc.

It's true that their situation is so dire that they will ally with anyone they can ally with.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Adunai » Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:57 pm

My take - neither Ogres nor Draenei have female models, so there is no hope... But if I were to dream, I would do the following:
1) Horde = Draenei (afaik, the Draenei had literally taught the Orcs shamanism, Thrall must feel incredibly indebted to their race, reestablishing their mutual trust would have been his priority (and then the Nobundo retcon happened));
2) Alliance = Eredar (there is honestly no choice, and an evil race in the Alliance would spice things up; and it would drive home the point that the two races are mortal enemies; also the Eredar have legs, unlike the Naga).
Zack32 wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:03 am
Really, OG Draenei are far more superior from a lore pov than the Waifu-bait Space Goats.
Nice to see someone finally bringing in WC3 lore! It's quite saddening how many people think of the BC when they hear "Draenei".
Jolikmc wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 1:20 am
but once they were able to settle their score with the orcs, Akama and his clan seemingly disappeared. (They were optional in "Curse of the Blood Elves" anyway…)
The Draenei were instrumental in bringing down Magtheridon's defences by their skill at subterfuge.
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Re: Draenei

Post by Gladeshadow » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:54 am

Fun to see others who remember the draenei prior to the BC retcon.

If anything, I had hoped that, lorewise, draenei might be part of some "evil" faction of survivors along with the Forsaken and Blood Elves. The rest of the horde make sense. Night elves wouldn't have been part of the Alliance and instead been perhaps a neutral faction to gain reputation with - there is really nothing in the lore to show that they would have joined the Alliance. They're a haughty race and allying with a faction that ought to (and does in Turtle WoW) have high elves isn't believable.

I know that's not where we're at, but it's nice to dream. And turn dreams into reality, like Turtle WoW is doing.

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Re: Draenei

Post by Augustfenix85 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:05 pm

What about Garona Halforcen… orc Draenai crossbred…
Her name is a little on the nose, but who says orcs are good at naming things.
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Re: Draenei

Post by Raukodor » Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:18 am

First time tbc came and saw the "current draeneis" i was shocked

In my mind draeneis were those weird ugly humanoids. Not those space goats and his ultra sexy females

Money is money i think. Same with giving the belfs for horde. Blizzard just wanna numbers dont care if they have to change the lore.
Khanzo. Blademaster and Explorer

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