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Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:35 am
by Isvya
Ninetyone wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:16 pm
hey only 2 bosses for the new raid?? will there be big raids too like with 8 bosses or so?
2 in emerald sanctum (its like onyxia for t2)
6 in karazhan halls

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:46 am
by Noce
" Added a new raid buff to Druids: Emerald Blessing. This ability can be acquired from Emerald Sanctum after a small questline. At the cost of one Bright Dream Shard, this aura grants raid members within 80 yards 10% movement speed, 1% spell hit and 5% mana regeneration in combat. "

as good as it sounds, isn't this too much for one buff to have? ofc i dont know the general idea but imo this is way to op tbh. why not devide this or even expand and give to some other classes some raid buffs so they r welcomed to raids. there are, as im sure u know, alot auras u can look into from wc3 like:

Unholy Aura - Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units.
Vampiric Aura - Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit a unit.
Endurance Aura - Increases the movement speed and attack rate of nearby friendly units.
Command Aura - Gives extra damage to the attacks of nearby friendly units.
War Drums Aura - All friendly units within the auras area of effect have their attack increased.
Trueshot Aura - An aura that gives friendly units around the Priestess bonus damage to their ranged attacks. (in game gives ap to all which is odd)

or some shaman totems (which should be given to shaman with talent changes):
Wrath of Air Totem - The totem provides spell haste to all party and raid members within 30 yards.
Totem of Wrath - The totem increases spell power for all party and raid members, and increases the critical strike chance of all attacks against all enemies within 40 yards.
Cleansing Totem - that attempts to remove 1 disease and 1 poison effect from party members within 30 yards every 3 seconds.
Flametongue Totem - Party and raid members within 30 yards of the totem have their spell damage and healing increased.
Earthgrab Totem - that lasts 30 sec. and periodically immobilizes nearby enemies. (this can be upgrade to shamans via quest or smtn)

+ some other totems from npcs:
Shadow Totem, Charming Totem, Brain Wash Totem, Terror Totem, Ice Totem, Lightning Totem, Elemental Protection Totem..

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:47 am
by Aegaellian
The Totem change for Shamans sounds like exactly the kind of "QoL" change that paladins got that made them busted in PvP, did the devs think about that? Totems were designed as something you pre-place before an encounter to set up area denial, not something you poop out 3 of for free while you're in combat already. The fact that they apparently don't even share cd with each other is pretty suspect.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:53 am
by Redmagejoe
Aegaellian wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:47 am
The Totem change for Shamans sounds like exactly the kind of "QoL" change that paladins got that made them busted in PvP, did the devs think about that? Totems were designed as something you pre-place before an encounter to set up area denial, not something you poop out 3 of for free while you're in combat already. The fact that they apparently don't even share cd with each other is pretty suspect.
You're grossly misinformed about the issue. Totems are part of the Shaman's kit that have parity with a number of Paladin's effects which can be utilized in every trash pull in group content, while those same Shaman effects are infeasible to utilize since it requires 6 seconds to set them up before you can even begin to contribute to damage or healing. What this means is that the support tools in a Shaman's kit are unused until a boss encounter, which is an oversight in game design: Providing support options that aren't used not because they aren't good, but because it's infeasible to make use of them.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:44 pm
by Gantulga
I want to complain about the shortsighted and unwarranted Flourish nerf.

The addition of 40s cooldown effectively makes the skill worthless for the most part. I assume the idea was to halve its uptime but that's not how Flourish/SnD work. You rarely use those skills at maximum CPs and while tanking you have to juggle both, usually popping them with 1-2 combo points. It is simply not viable to pop 5 CP finishers like that as a rogue since you're maintaining two buffs.
Having a 8s duration and 40s CD Flourish is just absurd. If you're adamant on removing rogue tanking from the game then at least make the CD based on the amount of CPs used.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:53 pm
by Shaman111
Balake wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:00 pm
Kairion wrote:
Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:31 pm
Ye great idea, its fine when healers are only obsolete on some boss fights...
Most druid healers don't have faerie fire on their bars, and prefer afking on low heal fights than contributing with their number 1 strongest utility.

Paladins and shamans can swap to an on-hit weapon and swing away, help stack an annihilator or keep up a nightfall.

Priests dish out some ok damage albeit with very bad mana efficiency. They can also respec to holy + shadow weaving spec and keep up the debuff if there are no spriests.
and how many seconds do these antics shave from a boss fight on average?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:12 am
by Huma
no TBC CP syystem for rogues and druids? come one every vanilla server have tbc combopoint.......

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:27 pm
by Balake
Shaman111 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:53 pm
and how many seconds do these antics shave from a boss fight on average?
If you're genuinely curious, faerie fire generally takes boss armor from 1321 to 816. That's a 6% increase in physical damage taken.

That's one instant cast that increases the damage of all your warriors, rogues, and hunters by 6% for 40 seconds. If you have 15 physical dps in your raid, that's like adding a whole other player dps to your 40 man raid by just using one spell every 40 seconds.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:36 pm
by Shaman111
Balake wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:27 pm
Shaman111 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:53 pm
and how many seconds do these antics shave from a boss fight on average?
If you're genuinely curious, faerie fire generally takes boss armor from 1321 to 816. That's a 6% increase in physical damage taken.

That's one instant cast that increases the damage of all your warriors, rogues, and hunters by 6% for 40 seconds. If you have 15 physical dps in your raid, that's like adding a whole other player dps to your 40 man raid by just using one spell every 40 seconds.
so the raid will do 3% more damage to the boss on average? if the raid struggles to kill the boss it wont matter, and if it has boss on farm i doubt itd shave off 5 seconds from the fight. sometimes the juice just aint worth the squeeze man

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:00 pm
by Balake
Shaman111 wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:36 pm
so the raid will do 3% more damage to the boss on average? if the raid struggles to kill the boss it wont matter, and if it has boss on farm i doubt itd shave off 5 seconds from the fight. sometimes the juice just aint worth the squeeze man
Why should I press any buttons, my own individual dps is not the one that makes the difference between a kill or not.
Let me just forget that many progressing groups had wipes at 1%, and me using faerie fire ONCE would have led to a successful kill.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:35 pm
by Isvya
Shaman111 wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:36 pm
Balake wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:27 pm
Shaman111 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:53 pm
so the raid will do 3% more damage to the boss on average? if the raid struggles to kill the boss it wont matter, and if it has boss on farm i doubt itd shave off 5 seconds from the fight. sometimes the juice just aint worth the squeeze man

Why get any gear upgrades? That small stat boost wont make a difference.
Why use max rank spells? Why waste gold on training them? Youll be fine with lower ranks as your own dps wont make a difference. Even better to just go afk midfight and do something irl.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:02 pm
by Shaman111
not keeping up nightfall proc and casting fearie fire on healers is definately same as not getting gear upgrades or buying spell ranks on dps. fucks sake..

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:30 am
by Blackstena97
Any news on when this update is coming?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:47 am
by Karrados
Blackstena97 wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:30 am
Any news on when this update is coming?
Going by their last big update, you are looking at potentially waiting for a week to 12 months with a possible delay or two thrown on top.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:55 am
by Redmagejoe
Karrados wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:47 am
Going by their last big update, you are looking at potentially waiting for a week to 12 months with a possible delay or two thrown on top.
Nobody likes you or your attitude.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:00 am
by Karrados
Yeah I don't really care, I am merely pointing out that no one knows and that delays are not that unusual. Nobody likes a pseudo-moderator either yet here we are.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:03 am
by Jammyxx
If I had to guess, I'd say November at the very earliest.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:34 am
by Kiki99
give us shaman a little bit of love pls, get rid of thunderhead and maybe make us able to dual wield? or add a attack spell like lava lash or stormstrike at lvl 20 :(

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:38 pm
by Manolothegreat
When will we get dwarfs shamans?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:52 am
by Armet
Kiki99 wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:34 am
give us shaman a little bit of love pls, get rid of thunderhead and maybe make us able to dual wield? or add a attack spell like lava lash or stormstrike at lvl 20 :(
Maybe a next melee type ability that is cooldown based like Holy Strike but deals physical damage. You could call it earth strike and add a quest to get it at like level 10.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:22 am
by Kirric
Could we please at least have Vagrant's Endeavor released?
I have been waiting for this for 3+ months, unlike new areas and raids where you can do other things in the meantime, you cannot even get started on your character as you need to be lvl 1 to start the challenge.

Shouldn't be too hard compared to designing a new zone from the ground up.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:51 am
by Tiffas
Dont know who this people, who write "wow! new classes - great!". Maybe its a totaly newcomers or your employees. But I read it several times and did not see a single sane change that many were waiting for. If in end-game PVE content, after MC (yes im raiding BWL,AQ40 and Naxx), u have only some glitches and bugs, then in PVP content (and i know that many peoples are come in vanilla or vanilla+ especially fr that) u have a catastrophical disbalance at many things.
Everyone who is not a fan of palladins know what they doing in PVP and why the class with great hp, armor, heal, class with ''freedom" and buble, class who can stun u fr 6 sec and after stun u again and get full hp fr one click dont have 'heroic strike" which does dmg like pyroblast with 10 sec CD and "holy hemorhage" without energy in vanilla... because its totally anigilate the delicate balance. And all yells - "nerf support heal-tanking class". But ok - maybe one of the developers thought "hmm and what about mages with 2k-3k hp? They can get oneshot with 10 yards range stun and that holy-melle-pyroblast... Well we'll give them a blink which removes the stun once in 15 sec! Great job! =))". U serrious? And what about other classes? - "What classes? Im playing the pally since Shadow lands - im very skilled" that developer said... After that you looked towards another support-class "oh maybe bears in vanilla are to weak... they must have something to survive after few Patchwerk or Loatheb crits... Yeah we did it again! Balance! =))". And what do u think about fury-wariors or rogues? "Im playing the pally since Shadow lands - im very skilled" said that developer again... And after that he thinking - "hmm im playng palladin and have holy-molly-pyroblast, maybe bears wanna have it too? Ok lets give them 350 ap... no,no - feral ap from hunters polearm! Maybe after they get some crossbows... Done!".
Of course everyone knows that now you have a lot of technical work on the server. Needed new realm (in my opinion, everyone needs it even more than an addon) , new 128mb RAM , because palladins cant cast HOJ in melee etc... But I will never believe that a person who at least once come at AV would like to see such class changes + resilence (u named it anti-crit). if this is true, then I, like many longtime players just leave that server, because after u get t1-t2-t3 u wanna see how it feels with other players... And I'm not going to wait another couple of years for you to take the holy-melle-pyroblast from the paladins and give it to rogues or priests or warriors. And maybe a few couple of years when you understand that vanilla players hate PVPitems with resilence.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:24 am
by Bayanni
I'm still hyped for this patch

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:58 am
by Shaman111
happy_turtle oki
Tiffas wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:51 am
Dont know who this people, who write "wow! new classes - great!". Maybe its a totaly newcomers or your employees. But I read it several times and did not see a single sane change that many were waiting for. If in end-game PVE content, after MC (yes im raiding BWL,AQ40 and Naxx), u have only some glitches and bugs, then in PVP content (and i know that many peoples are come in vanilla or vanilla+ especially fr that) u have a catastrophical disbalance at many things.
Everyone who is not a fan of palladins know what they doing in PVP and why the class with great hp, armor, heal, class with ''freedom" and buble, class who can stun u fr 6 sec and after stun u again and get full hp fr one click dont have 'heroic strike" which does dmg like pyroblast with 10 sec CD and "holy hemorhage" without energy in vanilla... because its totally anigilate the delicate balance. And all yells - "nerf support heal-tanking class". But ok - maybe one of the developers thought "hmm and what about mages with 2k-3k hp? They can get oneshot with 10 yards range stun and that holy-melle-pyroblast... Well we'll give them a blink which removes the stun once in 15 sec! Great job! =))". U serrious? And what about other classes? - "What classes? Im playing the pally since Shadow lands - im very skilled" that developer said... After that you looked towards another support-class "oh maybe bears in vanilla are to weak... they must have something to survive after few Patchwerk or Loatheb crits... Yeah we did it again! Balance! =))". And what do u think about fury-wariors or rogues? "Im playing the pally since Shadow lands - im very skilled" said that developer again... And after that he thinking - "hmm im playng palladin and have holy-molly-pyroblast, maybe bears wanna have it too? Ok lets give them 350 ap... no,no - feral ap from hunters polearm! Maybe after they get some crossbows... Done!".
Of course everyone knows that now you have a lot of technical work on the server. Needed new realm (in my opinion, everyone needs it even more than an addon) , new 128mb RAM , because palladins cant cast HOJ in melee etc... But I will never believe that a person who at least once come at AV would like to see such class changes + resilence (u named it anti-crit). if this is true, then I, like many longtime players just leave that server, because after u get t1-t2-t3 u wanna see how it feels with other players... And I'm not going to wait another couple of years for you to take the holy-melle-pyroblast from the paladins and give it to rogues or priests or warriors. And maybe a few couple of years when you understand that vanilla players hate PVPitems with resilence.
I enjoyed this post even though i barely understood it

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 1:55 pm
by Chudman123
I agree with tifffas, anti crit is not the fix for pvp.

More stamina on pvp gear sounds a lot more fun since you could reliably live more.

Also locks and spriests are top pvp specs and are barely hurt by anti crit.

Not like people can't stack buffs in PvE for huge health bars already.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:32 pm
by Plainbear
Manolothegreat wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:38 pm
When will we get dwarfs shamans?
They dont want to give Ally Shamans and Horde Paladins. But if Ally get Dwarf Shamans, then Horde would get probably Tauren Paladins

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:44 am
by Bawanaruto
Can we get some new looking Polearms?.? They all look like toothpicks. And too few.

Also faster guns/ranged weapons. Only rank 14 offers 1.80 speed bow... >.>


Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:03 pm
by Dracarusggotham
The map of Amani'alor will be updated too?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:05 pm
by Srvwang
May I ask if the update of this PITCH has been put on the agenda?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:04 pm
by Fresharugula
Plainbear wrote:
Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:32 pm
Manolothegreat wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:38 pm
When will we get dwarfs shamans?
They dont want to give Ally Shamans and Horde Paladins. But if Ally get Dwarf Shamans, then Horde would get probably Tauren Paladins
Forsaken Paladins would be so much better and more lore friendly.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:40 am
by Krotux
human hunter would put human at 7 class options, which doesn't seem to fit the classic UI

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:26 am
by Oothe
W h e n?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:11 am
by Wreeta
This is great! BTW, rather than implementing new stuff, have you thought about fixing all the other custom areas in which 20% of the mobs (or more) are bugged in evade mode? That could be a very nice improvement.

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:23 am
by Tinax
HI,Race changes has been disabled for a year now but you said would bring it back... Someday
I am eager to provide this service
Will it return in 1.17.0?

Re: Patch 1.17.0 — Beyond the Greymane Wall

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:51 pm
by Tublat
What aboute Race Change!? i dont want to be an elf anymore! :(