Adding opposite faction quests to opposite faction zones

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Re: Adding opposite faction quests to opposite faction zones

Post by Kanto123 » Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:08 pm

Gheor wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:53 am
Sigh, feel free to suggest any quests for it and post it in the proper forum thread.
I think the zones that are currently one faction should be ranked for their cross faction lore potential to determine priority. I'm most interested in increasing the quantity of cross faction zones, rather than having a particular interest in Westfall. If there are other zones that already have a precedence in lore that makes them crossfaction-appropriate without requiring mental gymnastics to justify both sides being in the zone then those could be worked on first and Westfall put lower on the list

I personally don't know enough about the lore to determine what zones are the most obvious choices for Horde and Alliance both occupying them, so that would have to be determined by others that know the story background

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Re: Adding opposite faction quests to opposite faction zones

Post by Allwynd01 » Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:59 pm

As I said in my original post, the quest hubs can be something like Goblins, Gnomes or both, or some neutral faction so as to make their presence, as well as that of the opposite faction not a big deal.

From what I've read in the Warcraft books and comics, there have always been members of the opposite faction in the other's territories, outside of the state that the two factions are in, commoners are still commoners and they still interact with each other.

I think WoW the game, has created a misconception where players are lead to believe that opposite factions are sworn enemies - they don't speak the same language, they attack each other on sight, their territories are like Black and White, no morally Gray, or in other words - Red and Blue and it's unthinkable that opposing faction members can be there.

I read somewhere of a Forsaken character, not in the game, who had no hate for the Alliance and the living in general and when a group of travelers from the Alliance went to Tirisfal Glades and got lost or something, he helped them out.

And from a real world perspective, if you're for example Mongolian or whatever and you travel to Uruguay, there is no problem with that, the air is not going to kill you. Same goes for let's say a Gnome going into Durotar or something - it shouldn't be a problem.

That false stigma that WoW has created and probably hundreds of other MMORPGs copy-pasted, in my opinion should be erased.

With Turtle WoW being a RP/PvE server and how it started with Horde and Alliance being able to talk with each other, group up and whatnot, it can be deducted from the RP perspective that the players are more of an adventurers who travel the land, help out here and there, they are not necessarily pawns of war of their faction. What I mean is, if the server allows opposite faction players to interact with each other, then it obviously signifies that they aren't sworn enemies.

So back on topic, there could be some faction, like "Tinker Union" or something comprised of Goblins and Gnomes who do experiments all around the world and they need adventurers of both factions to help them. It could be pretty much any other faction, could be the Argent Dawn (even though it would be weird for them to be in Westfall or The Barrens, but still, I'm using them figuratively just for an example.

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Re: Adding opposite faction quests to opposite faction zones

Post by Aubreykun » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:24 pm

A boat off the coast of Westfall that's full of goblins would be the easiest, with a small island raised to have a way up on it (similar to some later-game pirate quests). Well-far enough from the coast that Alliance won't accidentally wander up there and get killed while doing the murloc quests.

The defias have activity in dustwallow, and seeing humans fighting among themselves could cause Thrall to worry about a repeat of the Kul Tiran fleet incident from WC3. Goblins could be a perfect fit for handling the investigation because of the advanced engineering the defias use (mentioned in Lands of Conflict if I remember right). Tracing them back to Westfall would be easy, but actually landing and investigating would be tough.
It could start with clearing the coast of murlocs, then go on to investigating the quarry, collecting bits from the harvest golems, looking for a note dropped by some of the dudes in the dagger hills, and maybe talking to the defias profiteer before going into the deadmines itself. This would keep horde mainly centered around the south and west portions of the zone.
Basically making it similar to the Tirisfal Uplands level range, about 15-20.

EDIT: And no flight point of course, so it doesn't become an easy route for invading SW for higher levels!

PS: As a reminder there is a group of "Horde Runners" in Loch Modan as well, which is much more securely-held by Ironforge than Westfall is by Stormwind. And way more difficult for horde to access at low levels due to it being landlocked.

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Re: Adding opposite faction quests to opposite faction zones

Post by Allwynd01 » Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:19 am

Aubreykun wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:24 pm
A boat off the coast of Westfall that's full of goblins would be the easiest, with a small island raised to have a way up on it (similar to some later-game pirate quests). Well-far enough from the coast that Alliance won't accidentally wander up there and get killed while doing the murloc quests.

The defias have activity in dustwallow, and seeing humans fighting among themselves could cause Thrall to worry about a repeat of the Kul Tiran fleet incident from WC3. Goblins could be a perfect fit for handling the investigation because of the advanced engineering the defias use (mentioned in Lands of Conflict if I remember right). Tracing them back to Westfall would be easy, but actually landing and investigating would be tough.
It could start with clearing the coast of murlocs, then go on to investigating the quarry, collecting bits from the harvest golems, looking for a note dropped by some of the dudes in the dagger hills, and maybe talking to the defias profiteer before going into the deadmines itself. This would keep horde mainly centered around the south and west portions of the zone.
Basically making it similar to the Tirisfal Uplands level range, about 15-20.

EDIT: And no flight point of course, so it doesn't become an easy route for invading SW for higher levels!

PS: As a reminder there is a group of "Horde Runners" in Loch Modan as well, which is much more securely-held by Ironforge than Westfall is by Stormwind. And way more difficult for horde to access at low levels due to it being landlocked.
Those are very sound ideas.

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