Fix your GMs

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Re: Fix your GMs

Post by Cherrypie » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:51 pm

"that the conversation with Cherry all along was a veiled threat so I get this:"

... It was an opportunity to let you back onto the server to play and enjoy the game so long as you promised to stop abusing the spot you have been punished for multiple times while we let our testing team decide what to do about it.

Being told you can't do something is not a threat. You have abused the kindness and empathy of GMs and Staff this entire time while trying to make us out to be the bad guys.

All we want you to do is stop abusing exploits and you refuse to. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. I have done everything in my power to be nice and get you back into the game but you literally told me no.
turtle_in_love NA GM Supervisor. Crazy Cat Lady.

Posts: 222

Re: Fix your GMs

Post by Tendies » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:58 pm

Cherrypie wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:51 pm
"that the conversation with Cherry all along was a veiled threat so I get this:"

... It was an opportunity to let you back onto the server to play and enjoy the game so long as you promised to stop abusing the spot you have been punished for multiple times while we let our testing team decide what to do about it.

Being told you can't do something is not a threat. You have abused the kindness and empathy of GMs and Staff this entire time while trying to make us out to be the bad guys.

All we want you to do is stop abusing exploits and you refuse to. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. I have done everything in my power to be nice and get you back into the game but you literally told me no.
You literally started the convo with that you were going to lift my ban, because it was immediately lifted the previous two times because the bans were wrong and incorrect.

"punished for multiple times" what punishment? The bans were lifted immediately every time. How do you not understand this?

How do you not understand that you can't make someone promise to not do something when everyone else can still do it?
How do you not understand that you can't put conditions or attach strings to a ban that was ADMITTED to be WRONG?

"You have abused the kindness and empathy of GMs"
You are abusing your power. I am not gonna self-censor to say that. You even started posting on the forums just because of me?

"All we want you to do is stop abusing exploits and you refuse to."
It's not an exploit. In that case jumping on top of tunnel, wagon or fence or anything that involves spacebar is an exploit. You don't know a thing about PvP do you?
Last edited by Tendies on Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fix your GMs

Post by Vanth » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:00 pm

This topic has been resolved / will be locked and we will not use the forum as a public court.

You may appeal your suspension in 6 months.

Vanth - EU GM Supervisor

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Re: Fix your GMs

Post by Darktifa » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:01 pm

Tendies wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:50 pm
Take some screenshots before it gets removed. It's the usual response to anything true.
Don't forget that Twow is a Free private server
and we are not entitled to anything

Mistakes can happen
and at least the staff members,
try to correct the wrongdoings
let everyone voice their opinion (right or wrong)
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.
